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Are Polish People Racist?

28 Dec 2006 /  #451
I think the crucial question here is "why are people so racist against Polish people?" "why do people assume that all Poles are racists?"
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
28 Dec 2006 /  #452
Let me tell you all before we go any further with this thread.

when I am pissed at someone, I dont know their race, if they cut me off when
I am driving, I dont say hey you F**k*N Irish bas***d or listen here you
stupid F**KTard Brit.

I dont use Nationality at all, I dont know what they are when I am yelling
Profanity if someone crosses me wrong, all i know is they pissed me off enough
to make me wanna kick their Arse, but because I am driving, or not in a position to
Kick their arse, I yell the Profanity and get all riled up for nothing, but ya know
I dont think anyone knows what nationality someone is until they start yelling back.

as for everyday life, I dont have time to sit and berate someone when I have too
much to do , what kind of person has that kind of time? what kind of person would
sit and make racial comments constantly just for jollies?

I tell ya who, a F**ken Idiot is who. a person who is probably the lowest life form
there is .

Anyway, yes this thread is getting old, Polish People dont make anymore racial
comments then the rest of the world.
Carlos - | 3  
29 Dec 2006 /  #453
Why are Polish people so racist?

Well i think because all the world is so racist, the racist people is everywhere even with people with the same colour of skin, but the point is that nobody take a look to the past, I don’t know how can exist people that have the same retrograde ideas after too many wars and spilled blood , and want more hate?? and suffering?? What a shame, there is no exist insult to describe them.
29 Dec 2006 /  #454
Are you as dumb as you look? Explain to me why africa is so undeveloped?

Africa HAD its epoch of glory. When Africa was a civilized conglomerate of nations like Europe, the Europeans were a bunch of savages roaming the wasteland in tribes murdering one another. All things pass and its now the Europeans who are civilized and the Africans who are in the tribal mindset. It's cyclical. What goes up must come down. You have to see the big picture.

Today's barbarians are tomorrow's civilized gents. The Mayans, the Aztecs also had their moments of glory. India had the Gupta Empire. Now the Black and Brown nations are in disarray while the "White" nations are in their glory. The problem is that the Dominant Powers ( now the whites, before the blacks,browns and yellows) will rewrite history to make it seem that the they where always civilized while others where always mongrel like.

One day the Whites will fall into decline and the Darker Races will rise again. The cycle will continue on and on.

Miami is totally run by latinos. We have no crime and I have money to spend, travel and enjoy my life. So this nonsense about non-whites unable to function is hogwash. I'm 26 live in a brand new neighborhood like most latinos in Miami. We all have houses, cars, boats and live well. So Yanta, Matek get a job, work hard, make money and stop talking crap about half breeds, mongrels, the superiority of the white race, why non-white neoghborhoods are such a disaster.

The whites fled Miami and we built it up to the Metropolis it is today. When the whites were in Miami it was an undeveloped cow pasture with gnats and mosquitoes. Now it's a world famous cosmopolitan city where everyone wants to move to.
29 Dec 2006 /  #455

Go into any law firm or ibank in Miami and you will quickly get an idea of who runs Miami!!!
29 Dec 2006 /  #456
have peace!

No need to debate on this race issue... just everybody live the way you wanna...

Live and let live...
Zgubiony 15 | 1,553  
29 Dec 2006 /  #457
Who cares about Miami anyway? It's a Polish forum.
29 Dec 2006 /  #458
The whites fled Miami and we built it up to the Metropolis it is today. When the whites were in Miami it was an undeveloped cow pasture with gnats and mosquitoes. Now it's a world famous cosmopolitan city where everyone wants to move to.

Miami sucks!! did back then and is worse now!!!
Little Havana is a toliet!!
29 Dec 2006 /  #459
I agree whos is this guy trying to kid about miami?

"what goes up must come down"

In fact the only thing bringing western world down is mass third world immigration. Everbody knows this but its just to politically inncorrect to mention in public.

Cuba is also 31% white , 51% mulatoo . So you claim that mestizos built miami yet a good amount of the cuban poulation is white? Hmm sounds like bigotry to me.

some info on the settlers who actually BUILT miami //,_Florida
and of coarse we all know who ruined it..

The whites fled Miami and we built it up to the Metropolis it is today. When the whites were in Miami it was an undeveloped cow pasture with gnats and mosquitoes. Now it's a world famous cosmopolitan city where everyone wants to move to.

One day the Whites will fall into decline and the Darker Races will rise again. The cycle will continue on and on.

No probibly not because we are smarter then that. Lets not get euro history confused with mestizo. I think you fear white people and are jelous of what we have done. When you visit poland please let me know as I will be there for a year soon. We can meet up and discuss this further in person , however I know you wont have such a big mouth then. As asked before which you fail to awnser why do you hate jews so much? what have they done to you? Tell us all.
29 Dec 2006 /  #460
josecitomadera go find another forum to show youre putird on this is not the place
FISZ 24 | 2,116  
29 Dec 2006 /  #461
Yeah one really cares about this stuff.
29 Dec 2006 /  #462
So Yanta, Matek get a job, work hard, make money and stop talking crap about half breeds, mongrels, the superiority of the white race, why non-white neoghborhoods are such a disaster

I have a great job thank you! maybe you should stop talking bad about white people like you do. Also what does anything you go on about have any relevance to the discussion?who cares about MIAMI ! its a crappy city with a good tv show. I take pride in my race and culture and there is nothing wrong with that.

Africa HAD its epoch of glory. When Africa was a civilized conglomerate of nations like Europe, the Europeans were a bunch of savages roaming the wasteland in tribes murdering one another. All things pass and its now the Europeans who are civilized and the Africans who are in the tribal mindset. It's cyclical. What goes up must come down. You have to see the big picture.

Well thats odd when europeans came to africa they found brutal tribes that pressed slavery onto there own people so blameing whites for slavery in which conditions were prosperous compared to what they got in africa is just stupid. Segregation is a wide practiced trend in africa. In fact tribes are taught not to mix. Africans for the most part are some what barbarek and do alote of weird rituals and things like that. USA blacks are different there is nothing alike aside from skin color. The most developed area EVER of africa is the south I lived their for a shortwhile.The average IQ is also 70 so lets face facts for a minute. A group of people with a IQ of 70 certainly aren't going to produce or have the brains of some one with a IQ of 102-104. Thats just the facts. These people have always acted like this in their home of africa and why shoulden't they? It's there own country. In fact they have never invented even a alphapbet of any kind. They simply don't need it. It's not racist to face facts. What you are saying is absolute nonsense that the media has re-written history to say they were always like this I guess the media hypes all of the AIDS stories from africa? or that they think that rapeing an infant is a cure for HIV? give me a break. We could all go into denial all day long like you but as asked in other forums to compare countries you failed to do so. You simply come here say crap and leave with no such argument to your outrageous comments. You are pro communist anti-white activist with one goal in mind. Now kindly leave im done replying to your attempts at starting war this is a polish forum for polish discussion and I vow to keep my own political views to myself for the sake of differences on here. Its a useless cycle.
Eurola 4 | 1,902  
29 Dec 2006 /  #463
Fence sitters...need not comment....

Sorry Frank, but I like sitting on the fence and watch two cocks fight! :)
30 Dec 2006 /  #464
These people have always acted like this in their home of africa and why shoulden't they? It's there own country. In fact they have never invented even a alphapbet of any kind. They simply don't need it. It's not racist to face facts. What you are saying is absolute nonsense that the media has re-written history

I never said the media rewrote history. The victors rewrite history. I have nothing against whites. Your words, not mine. You're just a racist who's upset the way the world is and can't do nothing about it.

Cuba is also 31% white , 51% mulatoo . So you claim that mestizos built miami yet a good amount of the cuban poulation is white? Hmm sounds like bigotry to me.

Even the white Cubans have some black in them. All hispanics that came over inevitably have mixture. That's ridiculous. I deal with Cubans daily. Not one I met would deny that they have black in them. Cubans have a saying, " El que no tiene del Congo tiene de Carabali." Extremely famous Cuban saying which means that he who does not have from the Congo has from Carabali. They are the first to admit their black African mixture in their blood.

For hispanics looking white is enough. If you look white then you're white. Amongst hispanics/latinos I am white though obviously in the European sense I am not. Of course all hispanics/latinos have varying degrees of black, indian etc. Of course there are latinos who are purely European in descent though.

Sorry this is a Polish forum. So I have nothing more to say to racists. Matek I wouldn't sit down with you anywhere in the world. YOU are a racist of the worst kind. You and your skinhead friends would probably murder ME. The sad thing is you would not be considered white by true Nazi types. They would put you in the same boat as ME- an inferior subhuman LOL.

Yanta raves about the problems that Africa has. Look into your history books and see the past glory that Africa had. Granted Africa does have problems now, serious ones. Europe also had a disastrous time during the Dark Ages and was almost eliminated during the Plague.

I love all people regardless of color. I love jews. I used to work for one and he taught me alot about finances and business.

But this crap that the white Europeans invented the world is hogwash. It's a Eurocentric view of history, its biased, slanted and no reputable university teaches that. You guys are not in the mainstream. You're in the dustbin of history. Normal white people are embarrassed by statements such as the ones you guys make. The majority of humans despise nationalist racist movements. Only those dumb enough to espouse those views fill their ranks.
30 Dec 2006 /  #465
I love jews. I used to work for one and he taught me alot about finances and business.

Did you call him a nazi because jews dont mix? funny how you are scared to say anything about jews.

You are a keyboard warrior and wouldent say anything to anyone in the real world. FYI nationalism is growing fast in europe so clearly not everyone likes your view on the world. Keyboard warriors are hilarious.
30 Dec 2006 /  #466
matek1, YANTA,

You two are hillarious. You both bang on about the great white race, what they've achieved, and how proud you are. I wonder if the greats of the race who helped make all of these advances would be as proud of you two though. I may be wrong and you may be a couple of scientists about to crack cold fusion, but more likely your a couple of idiots contributing nothing to the advancement of the great white race and wasting your time posting crap like this on internet forums. You slate blacks and question what they have done, what have YOU ever done apart from being born to white parents?

The average IQ is also 70 so lets face facts for a minute. A group of people with a IQ of 70 certainly aren't going to produce or have the brains of some one with a IQ of 102-104.

If Africa is so backward I'm slightly surprised they have standardised IQ testing. Care to post a link to the unbiased site where these figures were publised. And anyway, average IQs are not really relevant in the context of your arguments because it's not the average peoples that are making these breakthroughs that made the white race great. Were the cream of the white crop average, or slightly below like yourselves, I'm sure they would still be in mud huts.
30 Dec 2006 /  #467
You are a keyboard warrior and wouldent say anything to anyone in the real world.

I haven't said anything offensive. Besides I would never keep company with racists. I only keep company with those who are civil. The way you and Yanta express yourselves is truly scary. Only a suicidal maniac would actually express themselves to the likes of you in public. You two are like wid ravenous beasts.

White nationalism is full of death, murder and bloodshed. There is nothing superior or elevated about that. You're hate speech is no different than the clerics who pushed the violent clashes between the Islamic Courts Union, the Ethiopian troops and the Somali gov't troops ravaging the lands. You are the opposite side of that SAME COIN.

You are no different than the slaughtering tribes of the Rwandan massacre. You are just like those which you revile. No truly enlightened civilized human could ever partake of your hate, death and destruction. If there are immigration problems, ethnic problems there are civilized ways of dealing with it. White nationalism is pure evil, plain and simple. It's no different than the Black nationalism movements espoused by the Black Hitler of Africa, Dr. Mugabe. All types of ethnic nationalism are a disservice to humanity in general.
Carlos - | 3  
30 Dec 2006 /  #468
Religion is war, religion is hate, religion is rape..... and all the bad things all over the world like racism.....and go on.
30 Dec 2006 /  #469 a non biased link

Yet another about africans NON biased.

Did you call him a nazi because jews dont mix? funny how you are scared to say anything about jews.

Yes I noticed yet again he dosen't respond to the likes of jews not mixing. I guess jews are just big nazi's in his eyes. Yet again josecitomadera you continue to boast your anti-white crap on the forum. In fact you have contributed nothing and can't back up anything you say. Everything is based on your opinions. Not supriseing at all though , hehe.
30 Dec 2006 /  #470
sheesh you are all share the same views! jocsito you are just as extreme as the rest of them actually I am deeply offended you call for the extermination of white people how sickening! goto a latin chat to talk about wipeing out european people how dare you say that and pretend to love our culture and talk about our battles. I say we ban him and maybe some others as well :)
30 Dec 2006 /  #471
I am deeply offended you call for the extermination of white people how sickening!

Show the exact post in those exact words where I said that.
31 Dec 2006 /  #472

If you actually read and understand my posts, it will become clear why I didn't bother reading your links in full. I stated clearly that it is a common opinion that IQ tests ARE CULTURE SPECIFIC AND FAVOUR THE WHITE WESTERN CULTURE. What was the schooling like for these people from the Zaire River Basin? Could that be why they score low? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, I'd bet my last dollar that you don't know though. At no point did I say that Blacks were of were not inferior, I just question the method of the test, along with your understanding of it. You argue a viewpoint you don't fully understand. I also stated that you can find supporting material on the net for almost any view point. Any fool can browse the net for material and post some links. I don't doubt that you managed to find some links to back up your claims. You state the links are not biased. How do you know. Who are the authors? Are they white Americans or a study group containing representation from every nation? Who are you to assert that they are un biased?

But you have to give credit where its due. If asians on average are more intelignet then europeans I can accept that.

I can accept that, I don't see any Asians here telling Europeans they are inferior scum though. Do you think they are within their right to do this then?

If you cannot accept that some people are smarter then others then you have problems.

As I've said before, I never disputed that, just your understainding. You are living proof that some people are smarter than others.
1 Jan 2007 /  #473
This quote is for anyone who is a racist but believes in God

"But suppose God is non white? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the non white races as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?"
1 Jan 2007 /  #474
what a thought... wouldnt it be awful if as a kid you saw father christmas come down the chimney one christmas eve and he was chinese... wouldnt that just f u k you up for life...?

... not that ive got anything against the chinese or anything like...
2 Jan 2007 /  #475
Yanta, you are a BIGOT. **** you, I do not plan on checking this so dont even try to justify your idiotic self with a response.
Bojownik - | 115  
2 Jan 2007 /  #476
Why bother posting anything. It's funny how when people point out logical arguments with links and info. People start losing the argument and words like "nazi" , racist or biggot come flying out. Typical for people who have no argument left because clearly the other person has outsmarted them. The world's a cruel place, people if you can't face reality go back to the closet and pretend these types of things don't exist. But sadly they do.

While we are talking about biggots have you bothered to read some of josecitomadera posts in this thread? Funny how the "white" guy gets shafted for opinions but the hispanic dosent? You are pathetic.
BialaPolska 1 | 116  
2 Jan 2007 /  #477
Bojownik you are right, When people are losing they just throw out every insult they can think of, then they run away like this person did.

Yanta, you are a BIGOT. **** you, I do not plan on checking this

Insulted, then ran off.
3 Jan 2007 /  #478
Jan 3, 07 [09:39] - Attached on merging:
polish people why r they so racist


as a black man in a relationship with a polish girl,after reading some of the contributions on this forum im still suprised that in this day and age there r still some pple who have views like this abt people of colour, after what hapened to the country and peole of poland during ww2 from their fellow white europeans and neighbours,i would like to think that some polish pple r more tolerant but no.Krakow,Gdansk and Warsawa were alll desroyed by fellow whites and i bet those nazi's had the same view abt other races that some poles still have today.i think its more benefiial for the polish to fight the negative perception held abt them by other europeans rather than slag off other races
Babylon 16 | 192  
3 Jan 2007 /  #479
I don't think that Polish peoples are racists. And do you know what opinion every Pole in Uk has about English Peoples? - That they are all racists - almost everyone Pole in UK will tell you this, I was in UK 8 months and was affected racists attitude by Brits. So in my opinion Poles are much less racists than Brits.
Bartolome 2 | 1,085  
3 Jan 2007 /  #480
If Poles were so racist, you wouldn't have a Polish g/f, would you ?

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