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Polish military, getting a Polish passport?

27 Jan 2007 /  #1
how did polish people get passports, and is ther a record of that?Is there an indexes by surname for the polish military?Also did railroad workers have employee list?And last do cementries have listing of all people buried ,and how can i get access to them?Is there any direcortiers or list of citizens in Warswa,Martki,Posen,Jablonna,and Chotomow?are there any kind of records for polish people in poland and where can i find them?Did catholic churs keep records of birth ,marriage, death,baptismal for all churchs on a index?
19 Feb 2007 /  #2
Surely there is a record of that. I think they use Pesel number + surname + date of birth to create such records. Not sure about reailoard workers.

Regardinc cementaries - I think each parish has its own records so it's best to use local contacts to find a particular person.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Law / Polish military, getting a Polish passport?Archived