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[Phrase of the Day]: English to Polish

PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
12 Aug 2007 /  #2
good luck with the translating of all this :))))

I remember what this is about now and how helpful it will be... ;))
Eurola  4 | 1898  
12 Aug 2007 /  #3
Która jest godzina, proszę?
OP Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
12 Aug 2007 /  #4
I think Wroclaw or another translator could still do it better (as there are many possible variations/nuances here, especially with the position or omission of the word "please"), but here it is:

Do you have the right time, please. [Normal English] – Przepraszam, czy wiesz, która godzina?

Could you tell me the time, please. [OK English] – Czy mógłbyś mi proszę powiedzieć, która jest teraz godzina [asked a male]?

What time is it, please – Która godzina? [OK English, slightly abrupt]
Eurola  4 | 1898  
12 Aug 2007 /  #5
Perhaps, you're right Admin. My polish is getting rusty... :)
svengoola  - | 69  
12 Aug 2007 /  #6
I can do it better:
Pass the weed at noon please
Pass the grass at 10 pass please
13 Aug 2007 /  #7
My polish is getting rusty... :)

Dont worry hun.
I would just say : "która jest?" ^^
beatusia  - | 11  
14 Aug 2007 /  #8
Actually think eurola is most accurate. przepraszam czy wiesz ktory jest godzina woul d iterally be excuse me do you know what time it is not do you have the right time?

I think to get the menaing of right time you d need to use dokladna godzina or ktore jest godzina dokladnie?
Marek  4 | 867  
15 Aug 2007 /  #9
"Ktora godzina?"jest najlepszy i najlatwiej!

Firestorm  6 | 399  
20 Aug 2007 /  #10
I can do it better:
Pass the weed at noon please
Pass the grass at 10 pass please

I think those are universal Sven Lol
osiol  55 | 3921  
20 Aug 2007 /  #11
Got the time? - The abrupt
The time? - Abrupter
Time? - Abruptest

How brief can this question be?
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
20 Aug 2007 /  #12
Do you have the right time, please. [Normal English] – Przepraszam, czy wiesz, która godzina?
Could you tell me the time, please. [OK English] – Czy mógłbyś mi proszę powiedzieć, która jest teraz godzina [asked a male]?
What time is it, please – Która godzina? [OK English, slightly abrupt]

Czy mógłbyś mi proszę powiedzieć, która jest teraz godzina [asked a male]? - this one sounds really bad in Polish, I'm sorry.

in Polish, we rather use the word "przepraszam" (which means "excuse me", "pardon me") when you disturb a stranger, not the word "proszę" (please)

When you want to be polite, you have to use the word Pan/Pani, not the second person singular (direct translation of "you"), so I'd suggest this:

Przepraszam, może mi Pan/Pani powiedzieć, która jest godzina?
What time is it, please? - probably the most common way to say that is:
Przepraszam, która jest godzina?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
20 Aug 2007 /  #13
This thread is not progressing the way I had hoped. Time for a re-think.

If you have a phrase that you think will benefit others. Please write it.

I don't want a list from a book. I want real phrases that may be able to help in certain situations. Filling in forms, telephone conversations. understanding Polish language websites, meeting people etc.

ex.When filling in a form/document: use block capitals.

Block capitals = Drukowane litery
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
20 Aug 2007 /  #14
What time is it: Ktora jest godzina?

What time shall we meet: O ktorej sie spotkamy?

I'm looking for a new apartment: Szukam nowego mieszkania

I'm moving out: Wyprowadzam sie.

What is the rent: Jaki jest czynsz?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
20 Aug 2007 /  #15
Oi Z - I am assuming you are to blame for my new topic! : Had to do a major edit before my hour ran out! Geez...
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
20 Aug 2007 /  #16
What bus is that: Co to za autobus?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
20 Aug 2007 /  #17
To Z - - -

Aye! get what you mean about the translation thread. No worries (but it couldn't have become any more confusing that some recent threads... :)

A wee bit warning wouldn't have gone astray!!! :)))
FISZ  24 | 2116  
20 Aug 2007 /  #18
Please don't shut/open the door: Prosze nie zamykac/otwierac drzwi.

telephone conversations

What is the number: Jaki jest numer telefonu?

Dial: Tarcza
dial tone:sygnal ciagly
Hang up: Odlozyc sluchawke
receiver: sluchawka
Wrong number: Zly numer
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
21 Aug 2007 /  #19
just added Polish fonts to what FISZ posted

Wrong number: Zły numer

Wrong number: (when someone calls you and you realize he meant some other number, I would reply) "Pomyłka"

Hang up: - you can also use "rozłączyć/rozłączać się", in phrases like "don't hang up" = nie rozłączaj się (prosimy się nie rozłączać)

she hang up on me, that bi**h! - rozłączyła się/odłożyła słuchawkę, wredna suka (or something like this, I'm not good at swearing in English)

we also say "rzucić słuchawkę" (literally "to throw the receiver"), when you hang up more violently
xXlisaXx  8 | 182  
20 Aug 2007 /  #20
improve your English - translate

Please can someone translate this for me

Do you need help to learn the English language or improve it.
Do you need help with filling in forms.
We can help.

Michal  - | 1865  
20 Aug 2007 /  #21
We can help.


My mozemy pomagac

glowa  1 | 291  
20 Aug 2007 /  #22
I hate doing that, but this:

My mozemy pomagac

is just rubbish.

Do you need help to learn the English language or improve it.
Do you need help with filling in forms.
We can help.

Potrzebujesz pomocy w nauce lub doskonaleniu angielskiego?
Potrzebujesz pomocy w wypełnianiu formularzy?
xXlisaXx  8 | 182  
21 Aug 2007 /  #23
thank you Glowa.
Jashiwi  - | 16  
26 Aug 2007 /  #24
How about this: (Since the topic is under translating English to Polish). ^^

"I do not understand."
"Thank you for your time."
"Excuse me, I am lost.. Could you please help me with directions?"
"I am sorry."
"How much is this item?"
no1  - | 4  
26 Aug 2007 /  #25
"I do not understand."

nie rozumiem

"Thank you for your time."

dziekuje za twój czas

"Excuse me, I am lost.. Could you please help me with directions?"

Przepraszam, Zagubilem(zgubiłem) sie,... Czy mozesz pomóc mi z kierunkiem (celem?)? <- im not sure about this one, if any1 can chcek it, I ll be really glad

"I am sorry."


How much is this item?"

Ile kosztuje ten przedmiot ?

sorry, I ve got poblems with my opera :|
Jashiwi  - | 16  
26 Aug 2007 /  #26
Thank you, no1. *hugs* :)

-This is very-good. (Since, I am a beginner with learning Polish). :P
Any bit of help counts. *Thumbs-up*

Okay. :) How about this then:

"What time is it?"
"Do you need any help?"
"Where are you going?
"What is your name?"


"Say it again. I can't hear you clearly."
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
26 Aug 2007 /  #27
Przepraszam, Zagubilem(zgubiłem) sie,... Czy mozesz pomóc mi z kierunkiem (celem?)? <- im not sure about this one, if any1 can chcek it, I ll be really glad

Przepraszam, zgubiłam się (Jashiwi has "Female" in her profile description)
however, instead of zgubiłam się, it's much better to say "zabłądziłam"

Could you please help me with directions? - rather doesn't translate literally, maybe something like this - "Może mi Pan(i) powiedzieć, jak dojść do ...?" ("Could you please tell me how to get to ...?")
no1  - | 4  
26 Aug 2007 /  #28
"What time is it?"

która godzina

"Do you need any help?"

Czy potrzebujesz (jakiejkolwiek) pomocy ?

"Where are you going?

Gdzie idziesz? or Dokąd sie wybierasz?

"What is your name?"

Jak masz na imie ? or Jak sie nazywasz ?

"Say it again. I can't hear you clearly."

Powtórz, nie słysze Cię wyraźnie
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
26 Aug 2007 /  #29
"What time is it?""Do you need any help?""Where are you going?"What is your name?"

1/ "Która jest godzina"
2/ "Czy potrzebujesz pomocy" ("Czy potrzebuje Pan(i) pomocy")
3/ "Dokąd idziesz?" ("Dokąd Pan(i) idzie?")
4/ "Jak masz na imię?" ("Jak ma Pan(i) na imię?") = what is your first name, when you want the last name: "Jak się nazywasz?" ("Jak się Pan(i) nazywa?")
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
26 Aug 2007 /  #30

You might as well merge my 'phrase of the day' thread onto this one. The same phrases are coming up on both threads.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / [Phrase of the Day]: English to PolishArchived