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Polish Language Basic Guide

janusz  5 | 53  
25 Oct 2007 /  #1
Unit 1

I hope that somebody would like to work with me on this Basic Guide to Polish Language - your advice and comments would be already great cooperation.

Or maybe somebody would like to join the project on his own, producing something similar.

Or maybe you send me pictures with what you would like to be the dialog - and I put it Polish.
HAL9009  2 | 323  
25 Oct 2007 /  #2
Nicely done Janusz. :D

Perhaps a movie covering verbs of motion in all tenses, perfective and imperfective versions of each - so that the student could see them in action. Or is this too complex for a Basic guide.

A movie on how to tell the time would be useful,
or one that goes through each of the cases so that the student can compare and contrast the cases in action.
25 Oct 2007 /  #3
brilliant work again janusz i enjoy these :)
OP janusz  5 | 53  
31 Oct 2007 /  #4
Polish Basics - Unit 2

learning  16 | 72  
27 Feb 2008 /  #5
I'm not sure if this is legal in this forum but I want to bump this up because it has helped so much. Verbs have got to be the hardest thing to find in Polish learning. Mostly grammar and nouns.

I really appreciate these vids. I have understood some of the more conversational/situational videos and I am sensing humor (it is hard to sense when you have no idea what they are saying).
Michal  - | 1865  
28 Feb 2008 /  #6
With two beautiful girls like those, who needs grammar to express yourself!
leroy  - | 3  
29 Feb 2008 /  #7
thats brilliant!! I sat and watched a couple of times, really good
TribalJMD  - | 1  
10 Jun 2008 /  #8
very helpful


With two beautiful girls like those, who needs grammar to express yourself!

miyazhang  - | 1  
18 Jun 2008 /  #9
This is very helpful; Bardzo lubę, ale masz więcej? do you have more?
janusz is great!!
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
18 Jun 2008 /  #10
This is bloody brilliant!! What a cool idea.

Here are a couple of thoughts:

When I opened it up, I saw that it bwas 3 mins, and I thought - "cool, I could handle one of these a day", but then I realised that there was a lot of grammar.

How about making the conversation - grammar split more like 75-25?

Also, because this is posted on youtube, any captions in the bottom right-hand corner are covered by the youtube logo.

Please, please can we have a chapter on "using the telephone" in Polish?

Let me know if you want any further input on this....
5 Jan 2009 /  #11
aa it goes a bit fast, but then again i don't know much Polish so that's probably just me...
V. good though. I love the bit where she says "I'm so happy!" (her face...haha...)
24 Jan 2009 /  #12
this was really helpful..thanks:)
krazy krawiec  4 | 27  
4 Feb 2009 /  #13
Please!!! I need more!!!!! Thank you!!! Imat this level and its brilliant practice!!!! I look forward to some more soon!!! Thank you!!!
Dziękuję bardzo!!!!!

Ooh but one question!!! In unit 2 with 'Ciekawy" , interesting, when it says Jestem Ciekawy does it mean I am interesting or I am interested??? Not sure myself!!

CZERESNIA  1 | 16  
4 Feb 2009 /  #14
Janusz I think you're brilliant. thanks for you efforts, also for the alphabet thread.
Krisha  2 | 21  
12 Mar 2009 /  #16
Hey this is fantasic!!!

just one request, to make it a little bit slower?

Nice work !!!
4 Apr 2009 /  #17
thank you
dzienkuje bardzo
przytula  - | 4  
10 May 2009 /  #18
just a small request
is there a place where we can download these videos, I would like to burn them and listen to these while driving...
Best regards, Zbyszek Przytula
Vincent  8 | 800  
10 May 2009 /  #19
just a small request
is there a place where we can download these videos

There's free software available for converting utube videos to play on ipods, mobile phones etc, just do a Google search ;)

Archives - 2005-2009 / Language / Polish Language Basic GuideArchived