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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 19668 / In This Archive: 8002
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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20 Dec 2009
Language / Need affectionate terms for Ania.. [23]

I also call her Muniu. Muniu is used in Japanese for when you press sth soft like a baby's cheek. It's really nice!
20 Dec 2009
Life / Why do so many people in Poland have issues with Judaism? [69]

Point me to the part where I spoke of stealing land, PP. I said "when the Palestinians had already been living there for quite some time". I didn't mention the right to the land, did I?

Some, like Yehudi, want Israel to take what they 'won' in the 1967 6-day war. Others offered Arafat a tremendous deal which was declined. There are many competing claims, PP, and I want you to draw a parallel to Kosovo. Can you do that?

What mindset? I don't like imperialism or land grabbing, period!
20 Dec 2009
Life / Why do so many people in Poland have issues with Judaism? [69]

You didn't address my question at all. You should run for political office. Is your state short of candidates? ;) ;)

Please try again as the principle is THE SAME. It's about competing claims to land so I'd be very grateful were you to address that point based on how things unfolded. Thanks!!
20 Dec 2009
Life / Why do so many people in Poland have issues with Judaism? [69]

PP, just curious. Serbs in Kosovo invited Albanians in at the beginning. Then, they flocked in their droves and ousted the Serbs from their homes. The Serbs never truly left their perceived spiritual homeland but got forced out. Many Jews did leave or were exiled but were allowed to come back when the Palestinians had already been living there for quite some time. What is your take on Kosovo and how it applies to the ME conflict?
20 Dec 2009
Life / Why do so many people in Poland have issues with Judaism? [69]

Some will always stray, PP, that is natural. Do you want to engender blind obedience based on some 'chosen' status? Yehudi may disagree, and the good man has his right to do that, but the leader of the World Jewish Congress himself said that such a mentality was inculcated into the Israeli Jewish community and they see themselves as the Chosen Ones. Why would they abandon that, do you think? I don't see a great trend of liberalism. I did listen to one radio broadcast with an Israeli professor and I think you are alluding to such a type of person. If so, you'd be mistaking broader understanding with liberalism.

Also, you are implying that God spoke only to Jews. Surely you are not serious that that is the case, right?
20 Dec 2009
Life / Why do so many people in Poland have issues with Judaism? [69]

Please explain as I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you advocating the far-right factions take a tougher stance and further drift from the ICJ's judgement of 2004? Are you aware of how illegal many of Israel's actions are?

Do you really think that perfectly amiable Jews, followers of Judaism, like the fact that Israel is a criminal state? The political set-up there is appalling and they are persistent law breakers. I can easily separate the honest-living Jews from them, can you? Can you see a dichotomy there?
20 Dec 2009
Life / Why do so many people in Poland have issues with Judaism? [69]

Do you think Hamas and their voters will opt for that? ;) ;)

I may reconnect with my possible Norwegian roots :) Oh, my possible Danish roots too :) Gotta love having a viking heritage :)

Liberal craziness?
20 Dec 2009
Language / Need affectionate terms for Ania.. [23]

Gee whizz, folks. Aniołku is the obvious choice. It means angel and my Ania insists on me calling her this :)
20 Dec 2009

I agree with Lir. Hamster just wouldn't pass at all. Food inspection authorities would go nuts if they found out, as would most humanitarian people.
20 Dec 2009
Life / Why do so many people in Poland have issues with Judaism? [69]

Vetala, such talk wears thin. How many times do I have to say it? I'm not seeking to deprive him of anything. I'm just saying that many Zionists have no concept of fairness and this can be seen in the ultra-right factions of the Likud party. It's how they and unscrupulous Brits went about it.

Like it or not, Jews were a major part of the national fabric here, Sok. Many Jews come here for different reasons.
20 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Its strange that there arent many Poles who live in the UK on this Forum [102]

"A better choice of crap", I like that. A bit like Roger Waters on one of the songs in The Wall. "I have 40 channels of sh*t on my tv to choose from".

And&Dec are just jumped-up little farts. They should have had their day by now.

Good point made last, other groups don't integrate much either and I know them. The Indians and Chinese really section themselves off in their own communities. Comparing them to Poles is foolish. Poles are much more sociable.

There is a nice Chinese joke but maybe only the resident Scots will get it. I hope more do. Here it goes:

A Scotsman walks into a Chinese carryout (take away/to go). Upon entering, the Chinese man audibly says to the Scotsman 'watch awa?'. The Scotsman, having already decided, orders a foo yung (omelette) and proceeds to sit down with his back to the wall. He spots some paint on the back of his jacket and remonstrates to the Chinese man (he is angry). 'Fit's is, en?' (what's this then?). The Chinese man retorts simply, 'a tow you to watch awa'.

I wonder who gets this without further help or translation :)
20 Dec 2009
Life / Why do so many people in Poland have issues with Judaism? [69]

I think I now have a point in him feeling defensive but he needn't worry, all is well.

Gotta love those full moons :) Judaism against Zionism. Yehudi cannot just dismiss these people, they know what they are talking about.
20 Dec 2009
Life / Why do so many people in Poland have issues with Judaism? [69]

Well, he did and I can easily cede that. However, you can't say that he knew my intentions at the time of writing and the fact that I sincerely apologised speaks volumes. I like the guys input.

In the classical sense, it is used more for animals (hodować/hodowanie) but is used more and more for people.

Would a fertile haven sound any better? Fertile land it is then :)

Do you ever get the urge to read the Torah after some Bushmills or Jamiesons, Seanny? ;) ;)
20 Dec 2009
Genealogy / I Gotta Ask: Who Else Is a Jewish-Polish Person With an Interesting Testimony? [48]

BB, there was a recent poll that showed that 75% of Germans are really scared that Islam could destroy them from within. Gone is the day when terrorist cells are confined solely to Hamburg. You are looking at a future flare-up, as is Scandinavia, if you remain indifferent.
20 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Its strange that there arent many Poles who live in the UK on this Forum [102]

Yorkshire, aha :)

Perhaps, Justy, but I have to say that Brits have been open to more influences for a long time now. Still, Poles are travelling more and more so that augurs well for the future.

I agree that too many are obsessed with gossiping about celebs. Britain is stagnant when it comes to tv, the same old sh*te every year unfortunately. If I see Wogan or Ant&Dec on tv this Xmas, I will have to fork out for a new tv set for my parents ;) ;)