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Joined: 11 Jul 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Sep 2011
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 10
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Interests: Sports, Travelling and people

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11 Jul 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

Ok, i'm just a normal english guy giving my views on polish girls, as asked for by the author of this topic.

from my experience of polish girls which to be honest has been both good and bad, here are my points

firstly lets get the bad ones out of the way, lol:

1. Paranoia, when you know a polish girl its fine but before hand, my goodness there not very out going and think that your going to do or say something bad to befriend them, even letting you into there house is a big thing for some polish girls.

2. Trust, goes hand in hand with point one, at the beginning of the friendship sometimes its like trying to get water from a stone, impossible. maybe its just hte girls i've met but it seems polish girls especially are extra careful, in the UK anyway, i can understand that they are far from home and that this may be part of the issue,

Ok so only two bad points i can really think so please don't bite my head off!! LOL!!!

to the good points

Loving & Caring: in both friendships and relationships very very caring and loving, more so i feel than girls in the UK. I think its just part of the polish culture, but its a good part. :)

Pretty/Hot/Attractive (Whatever you call it), Comparing girls form different parts of the world is difficult however in the whole if your to take the population of the UK and the population of Poland there are probably more pretty/hot/attractive polish girls than girls in the UK on the whole. There are a number of reasons for this but i will not go into it as i don't want to offend anybody with only my third post.

Ambitious, Know i don't know why or have any reasons for this but i just think its a good thing. I love people who want to better themselves or like to work hard to achieve goals or objectives they have and a lot of polish seem very ambitious or have an overall target in life, for example those who come to the UK want to be educated and earn money to take or send home with an overall objective in mind.

thats a brief explanation of what i think, believe me i could go on i have lots of views on polish girls/poland and anything else polish lol, but i won't bore you now!!!
11 Jul 2007
Love / Why english men like polish women ? [126]

For me its not a case of 'well she's polish so i'll approach her and buy her a drink' even though it is possible to tell she's polish e.g. the language and even the way she looks.

For me its simple, polish girls are usually more polite in the main part than British girls, easy to talk with or to, friendly, generous, caring and attractive. very very simple.

on the black guy and polish white girl topic, of course it can work, thre are all types of British people, Black, Asian, White my goodness probably even British Martian, ok so thats a bit over the top, but my point is if you want it to work of course it can work :)
11 Jul 2007
Genealogy / Looking for Rafal... Please help me find this guy [14]

thats totally untrue the British do like the polish on the whole, there are some people who feel that there are two many polish here but generally the British will welcome all polish people here.

czesc milo mi od Anglii :)
11 Jul 2007
Love / OK then Girls, whats good about the Polish lady?? [46]

I'm interested in the Polish point of view, what are your best attributes as a person. It can be either individual or a representation of the females from your country, i'm just curious.

I know, i know curiosity killed the cat, well i'm hoping to avoid a near future death, lol
11 Jul 2007
Love / OK then Girls, whats good about the Polish lady?? [46]

hhhhmmmm its a bit of a bad guess 'lady in red' i had a polish girl before i was just asking hte opinion of you ladies, but hay i got abuse instead, thats cool with me, i can keep my head above choppy waters, i'm big and bad enough to look after myself now, LOL
11 Jul 2007
Love / OK then Girls, whats good about the Polish lady?? [46]

i understand what you mean about being stereotyped its ok it happens to all nationalities, the british, were all football hooligans or drunken layabouts, lol.

But your personal statement I LOvE IT!!!! confidence is great and if your the best then you must be pretty dizzy looking down at the rest of the world from that high place, lol :)
11 Jul 2007
Love / OK then Girls, whats good about the Polish lady?? [46]

A wife, scary i'm not getting married yet, lol, i wanna wait till i'm in my 30's before i consider it!!!!

thnx for letting me into this exclusive club of 'the best' i accept your invitation :)
11 Jul 2007
Love / OK then Girls, whats good about the Polish lady?? [46]

don't get me wrong, its not because i want to have lots and lots of women or that i'm not ready for the commitment or responsibilities that marriage would bring, i just want to be officially un attached in the younger years of my life.
11 Jul 2007
Love / OK then Girls, whats good about the Polish lady?? [46]

yes for me kids in the mid 30's i think, i want to make sure i've done everything i want to do before i have children, i want no distractions so i can concentrate on my children and give them the best care, love and opportunities i can
11 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish men in the United Kingdom [29]

well thank you bronko, i could say a number of nasty offensive things about the polish but i'll keep them to myself, if you don't like england then you don't even have to think about it.

Or maybe your jelous of something i'm not sure, your education on england is obviously at a minimum even if you live here or have lived here in the past.

Take a few lessons in england and the Uk then come back to me when you have used a few of those things called brain cells. obviously the term think before opening your mouth or in this case type has passed you!!!

grow up
11 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish men in the United Kingdom [29]

maybe your right maybe your wrong either way, nobody slams my country without reason, its bad enough having terrorists without idiots like him about. I'm very calm even when i'm writing things like this, if your not calm then you loose it and then your not in control of what your saying.

I like to always be in control of my emotions :)
12 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / British taxpayers pay homeless Polish to go home. [184]

People, although teaschoci is making some pretty big statements about polish people in the UK it does not necessarily make him a racist, nazi or anything else you might call him, its simply his point of view.

I understnad that his point of view is difficult ot understand because he might not be using hte correct words or way to express his feelings on this issue, but to bluntly call him a racist or nazi is wrong.

I have been pondering the issue of migrants coming to Britain, for a long time myself, however i don't feel i can speak on this matter with authority or have the proper backing of facts, figures or economic understanding to put across my arguments.

I will say just because teaschoci has a different opinion from all the rest of you it does not make his or her opinion wrong. However i can also understand that polish who have come to settle in this country do take a lot of stick form some british people, i've been around it myself when my polish friends have been bullied, picked on or even discriminated against because they are polish.

Maybe we should all just accept that everybody has their opinion whether it is right or wrong, good or bad, friendly or hostile all points of view are valid and often have been formed from personal experience or media coverage.

Sorry for the long message but i feel its important to keep the Polish/British relationship good :)
12 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / British taxpayers pay homeless Polish to go home. [184]

well i must admit this is the only post that i have seen him/her make a comment on, i didn't realise he/she had previous form for been outrageous.

Sometimes though it would be better just to ignore them if your annoyed at what they are saying, if you carry on replying then it will just add fuel to the fire.

don't get fired up every time somebody says for example 'polish people ar stupid' its just not worth it, if i had a £1 for every time said to me that the British were 'drunken thugs' then i would be rich.

So don't lower yourself to their poor standard
13 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / British taxpayers pay homeless Polish to go home. [184]

The Polish/German relationship is kinda similar to the French/English one. Before you jump on the band wagon about what the germans did in the war i will say i'm not including all the details of who did what and when or the reasons for it that could take all night!!.

However, apparently the English and the French don't like each other, this is true in some respects but it does not mean every French person and Enlgish person meets is he stereotype Frenchman/woman. This is the same for the Polish/German relationship, yes there is history there and some Polish may have a right to be bitter because of what happend 60's and rightly so. However there has been a new generation of Germans and Poles since then.

In my experience the polish may not have warm kisses ready for the Germans but they do not go out of there way to avoid or dis-like them, as i said before similar to the Enlgish/French relationship.

I could name many more nations who are in exactly the same position. Its just a fact of life. people do not get along with one another all the time, whether the English, Polish, German, French or wherever there will always be disharmony between members of the human race
13 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / British taxpayers pay homeless Polish to go home. [184]

I've already had my temper tantrum, went out this morning it was nice didn't take a coat, or even a jumper and when i started to walk home this evening the heavens opened!!!! i was soaked to the skin, I've never been so wet.

Just goes to show you can never ever predict British weather, if you do so then its at your own peril!!! LOL :)
13 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

I've been called a 'sensible head', 'diplomat' and whatever else you want to throw in in the four days i've been speaking on these forums.

Personally i feel like i don't have an overall view on polish people as everybody is an individual whether your Polish or British. But on the whole i'm very happy to have our cousins from Eastern European over in England. Anything that has a positive affect on this country is good and i feel the polish have that as the bring something different to the table that was not here before.

I do like the working attitude of the Polish its good and positive and i think its something that British could pick up on and put into action ourselves, for me there are too many wasters on the doll or taking money out of the economy because they cannot be bothered to get a job.

However on the other hand i do feel if there are any people in this country who do not like Britain or British people or the way we live and lead our lives then they should leave. You can't come to another country and expect us to bend over backwards to accommodate all of your needs, its just not going to happen.

Overall i love the polish who come to Britain because usually it is to better themselves and their families, that in my eyes is ambitious, i love ambition and ambitious people so its a big thumbs up to the Poles from me :)
13 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / British taxpayers pay homeless Polish to go home. [184]

Polskadoll: Hay even big boys make mistakes, hehe

Puzzler: Yes i agree with all that you have said, and i find it astonishing that the Germans do not see the Polish as Europeans, in fact the Polish Geographically and historically are more European than say the Russians who are really a state of Asia but call themselves European because it suites them.

Anyway personally i'd rather spend a day with a Pole than a German if i had the choice :)
13 Jul 2007
Life / Polish hooliganism in sport [141]

And everybody says the english are bad, well in recent times we haven't ripped any stadiums apart, lol we leave that to the Italians and Poles