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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1164 / In This Archive: 984
From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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3 Apr 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]

lmao and so do the Welsh,The Kiwis and the list goes on and on and on........
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / hospitals in the uk [34]

lol,my local employment agencie just had friggin one of saddam hussains sons(or one of his generels sons,either way they were all bloomin related in that regime) turn up for a job !!!!needless to say he has been arrested :)
3 Apr 2008
Life / Polish movies - what they are like? [34]

wow,this thread got dragged up outa nowhere..
heres my 2 pence worth,Change Pole and Polish to British in the opening post and no one would notice...seems the same the world over,souless pseudo american "culture" dominating the market.
2 Apr 2008
Life / Those Stella Artois Ads (filmed in Poland) [28]

It was actually the location that first made me think the skating one was Poland.You know how you half watch adverts?It was only the 2nd or so time I saw it that I spotted Zbigniew Zamachowski in it,not really expecting such a great actor to pop up on brit TV :)

Thats it,Pass it on,its just a sort of "look" about the people that made me wonder if it also was filmed in Poland ( I know that sounds odd,but there must be somthing in it as the guy who directed Master and Commander specifically hired Polish extras for that,as he says,untouched by western life look....that may come across as condisending but,I sorta got what he meant )
2 Apr 2008
News / Earth Hour - possible in Poland? [62]

isthatu wrote:
whats wrong with warm water? works fine,and hardly enviromentaly destructive.....

On a verrrry cold, cold day, hot water can actually crack a windshield.

OK,granted,a verrrryyy cold day around here is minus 5,not minus gawd knows what you guys get in Poland/North America ,but,thats why I said,warm,not hot :)
2 Apr 2008
Life / Those Stella Artois Ads (filmed in Poland) [28]

patience man, patience, your turn will come;)

its "my" bloomin thread :) all I wanted to know was are the new stella ads filmed in Poland as well as the cool ice skating sky pilots one :)
2 Apr 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]

the something should be pleural .. so would that be Alot of things or many things?
or many stupid things..

yeah,but then I wouldnt get the chance to use Frank and Nancy lyrics would I ? ;)

gets something else done to his ass by bubba in jail!

was wondering where he was lately :)
2 Apr 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]

Rocky,you dont do yourself many favours do you buddy? I like your tolerent attitude towards abstract subjects but then you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I'll fight you(hey,a bit of sinatra in my post ;) )
2 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Social control in Polish communities in Ireland, UK and elswhere [40]

HHHmmm, sorta half n half in my experiance.Have worked with Poles living over here and experienced exactly what MG,Saphirre and others have,ie ,no probs if its me and one or 2 Poles,but if im the only non Pole,frozen out. But,on the other hand,Ive been to many a pish up with Poles where I have been the only non Pole and only one or 2 can speak English,but these are Poles who came over to Britain for short visits at historical events etc .
2 Apr 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]


see the degeneracy coming

Yes,quite,funny,most people now can quite see whoyour heros are buddy....frikkin sub nazi....funny thing is I bet you get off on big leather boots and long coats...admit it,like most fascists your a self loathing homosexual arnt you...
2 Apr 2008
Life / Those Stella Artois Ads (filmed in Poland) [28]

Sorry sledz,its a well known fact that Americans couldnt tell a good beer from toffee,come on,whats that rats pish you all drink :) (with the noble exeption of miller high life,yum yum.)
1 Apr 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

No, Isthatu, my grapes are sweet...I just don't find him funny at all.

Hey,thats fine,He has sot of slipped,his early days as Ali G were gut twistingly funny and the stuff he managed to get people to come out with in his early Borat days over here on UK TV were cringe makingly funny too,really deflating egos and showing people for the deeply hidden rascist views that many hold.
1 Apr 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

'Borat' AKA Sasha Cohen goes, he stinks...

Thats just sour grapes dude, just coz he makes you lot(americans) look a bunch of jerks :) newsflash,he does that to everyone ,and I mean everyone of every faith /colour/ nation etc etc
1 Apr 2008
Life / Those Stella Artois Ads (filmed in Poland) [28]

Hi a year or so back here in the UK we had a fantastic advert for Stella Artois lager. the one with the Priests ice skating,staring the great Z B (hey,its late,the fella from three colours white :) ) obviously filmed in Poland. We now have one showing that features a olde worlde bar ,the people in it have a certain "polish look" is this also filmed in Poland?
1 Apr 2008
Life / When to greet strangers in Poland or not.. [30]

Hmmm well first I went to a rugby bar got smashed

Theres your first mistake...drunks the world over have a habit of being tossers......
I have found the Poles in Poland are generaly really freindly to ANY foreignor who makes an effort,though,paranoid/oversensative Americans please dont read n....When flying back from Warsaw I found my bags to be a good 30 kilos over the weight limit,the girl at the check in told me I would have to "pay 10 Dollars per kilo" ,I looked at her lost,explained as I was British I dont carry many Dollars and she just smilled,and said ok ,no charge,have a nice flight...:)
1 Apr 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]

its nauseating either way gay or straight


just much more disgusting when you see two guys doing it......

Im not a fan myself,but,were not in nazi germany so,it cant be one rule for some ....
Incidently Mattie,2 foxy chica's,,whats your view? ;)