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Joined: 17 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jul 2012
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25 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

Some support the notion that Stalin actually never appeared in public after 1941 and just had a person who looked like him appearing.
25 Dec 2009
Love / Appreciated presents for polish girls [35]

Anything flashy and electric.But men do not care much about presents.For example a new underwear with black nylon stockings would be very exciting present provided you wear it.
25 Dec 2009
Love / Appreciated presents for polish girls [35]

It is not difficult to find out what a man wants.Of course it is not teddy bears or post cards as some women believe.
25 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

Hitler was The Leader, he had to be seen regardless the risks,

Noone can be compared to Stalin who had the balls to give a speech in central square in Moscow with german troops just 20 km away,while Hitler hid like a rat in a bunker when the Soviets approached Berlin.
25 Dec 2009
Love / Appreciated presents for polish girls [35]

You see here women diveristy.One suggests cosmetics and buries the underwear,the other proposes underwear and is against cosmetics.And this by only three women giving opinions.You can imagine how confused the average simple man may feel.
25 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [428]

I wouldn't care if the crisis did not have direct consequences for me.(polkas asking for pomuc,but then what would happen if there was no crisis?).
25 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

that it was exceedingly unlikely that he did, seeing as he'd been dead for two years before the bomb went off.

There was another coup de' etat organized in 1938 just before the war and postponed at the last moment.

traveling around in an open car but he had nuts.

Hitler also stayed in open car in Prague parade.These guys had information.(was he in open car in Warsaw?
25 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [428]

The same quantity of foreign goods, you mean, because iniside Poland
the inflation and prices increase are not that high.

Of course I am talking about foreign goods.when zloty falls,so falls your ability to buy them.And do you have proof that prices of domestic goods remained the same after zloty relatively fell?

And did fall of zloty boost your exports?
What I really see is Poles having nowhere to go due to the crisis with whatever that leads.
25 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [428]

EU subsidies act as an accelarator,they should not count as part of the GDP.Torq you confuse the micro- with the macro-.EU cares about the macro while you put emphasis on the micro-.Of course zloty has lost it's value and of course you are poorer now since you cannot afford the same quantity of goods.You had to lose value to garantee EU stability.

But if you were not inside EU zloty would lose much more maybe the same with grivna(100 percent).Russians managed to keep the ruble by selling their resources from oil and gas sales but you have no resources.

Like Belarus which lost relatively less compared to Ukraine because it is subsidized by Russia while you lost even less because you get subsidized by the EU.
25 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [428]

Let's imagine what will happen if EU stops subsidizing Poland stops.Let's say zloty will lose 20 percent of its value?Or 40 percent?So each Pole will be 20 percent poorer or maybe 40 percent poorer and think Russia again?Or sth else?

This is how it works.
24 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [428]

EU is good because you get flooded with quality germanic products and not some turkish crap.The Germanics lend you money to buy their products.The point is what do you give the Germanics?At the end we will be left only with asss.
24 Dec 2009
Love / Appreciated presents for polish girls [35]

Can you imagine having to remember all kochanies,milenkas and lubovnicas desires for presents apart from birth dates?I would be mutated.
24 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [428]

I imagine the poor soviets trying to calculate the help to Poland and find out where these funds from oil disappeared.But at that times both parts stole the other.First time in Poland's history their partners do not steal.(till now).
24 Dec 2009
Love / Appreciated presents for polish girls [35]

Gift card instead of pieniądze.Not too much of a burden.I like the idea of the gift card.Women's desires are a headache.
24 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [428]

Torq you don't get it.The amount of money you receive is NOT calculated by person and day.You are not like beggars asking EU for money for the population.
24 Dec 2009
Love / Appreciated presents for polish girls [35]

As holy days come and kochanies need prezents,what is the best to buy them?
4.or Underwear?

What do polish girls appreciate the most?
23 Dec 2009

Yes,polish married women need some refresh from time to time.
23 Dec 2009

I've met a few Polish women who were married, and they wanted to come home with me,

Polish women?Strange.

they wanted to come home with me, and I kept asking them about that ring they were wearing.

Typical Dutch.
23 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

Yes,rather enigmatic.Some however had the secret hope that he would succeed Hitler and bring the war to an end.Did he participate in the attempt against Hitler?We will never know.