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Posts by Krystal  

Joined: 17 Sep 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 20 Aug 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 94 / In This Archive: 44
From: United State
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: travel, dining & movies

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13 Dec 2009
Life / 3 Things I LOVED about Poland [58]

Well, to be honest about what I like about Polish!

1. Polish Food
2. Polish Histories which interestming me very much.
3. Polish Dance - Tatra Mountain
4. Their singing which I admired it very much
5. Beautiful Polish People in their Dance Costumes which I love to watch them dance.
6. Their Krunick drink - I think I spell it wrong. Somethine like Spirit made with coffee and honey too. My mom make it if she get spirits from Poland.

7. Pope John Paul - He is so Beautiful and I see him Golden Person
8. Polish slippers which I get from my cousin living in Poland.

Well, it is more then 3.
11 Dec 2009
Love / Are Polish women too controlling? [106]

To ShortHairThug

How do you know that my cousin didn't pay these cleaning ladies? She never tell me her problems if she paid them or not. Well she had Police visiting her and telling her that sone of cleaning people did somethings at someone else house. So Police had to send Polish People back home for disobeying laws. That is what she told me. I think it is shame.

She was born in Poland and came here 1968 and been living in America ever since. She also study to be lawyer but gave up. She open cleaning business which she hires all Polish people who come here for jobs in short times. Some of them stayed here and some went back home.
10 Dec 2009
Love / Are Polish women too controlling? [106]

Yes, why do these Polish women using their job positions to get someone's husbands? My friends was asking me. I never knew it. My parents never hired nannies. They take care of us. But only rich people who hired Polish women and they have more problems with Polish women. I do not know about Spanish. I heard Russian, Czech, Ukaine, Slovnia and Lithuanian are same too.

My cousins who have cleaning company. She told me about these ladies and my cousin had to fired them. She was upset about it. They even stolen money too.

I think everybody should control their urge to steal.
10 Dec 2009
Love / Are Polish women too controlling? [106]

I have friends and relatives who hired Polish women to clean their house and take care of their children too. They are nannies and some are cleaning women. Well, these Polish women know they are married with children. Why do Polish women have controlled of someone's husband like having sex with her husbands. So Wives had to fired them, yes nannies and cleaning ladies. Polish women are hired and get paid to watch children. They are watching husband more than children. Some husband or wife work different shifts and Polish women think they can do whatever they want.

Some were send back to Poland for misbehaving.
10 Dec 2009
Life / What should I name my female child? [44]

To polandowns:

I think you spell the name wrong Flow, it should be Florence (Flo), it is very pretty name.

I know some Polish couple named their daughter Florence as full name and nickname Flo.

I like this name Kara, Antoinette, Ida, Ann Marie, Marie Antoinette and Annette.
7 Dec 2009
Life / Do Poles Lack in Social Skills and Etiquette? [74]

I think your BF is watching his money. I think he do not want to spend too much money. Some men are very tight with their pay check.

I know some men or women do not like to go out to fancy places. Some do go lot of places like going to movies, theatre, dancing in night clubs and fancy restaurants.

That is between you two.
7 Dec 2009
USA, Canada / Chicago: Parents coming from Poland next week. Where should I take them? [5]

There is lot of place in Chicago Surburban too. Go to Woodfield Mall, Old Orchard Mall and Golf Mills Mall which you will find lot of Polish People in Golf Mills. There Is Long Trees Inns not far from Golf Mills.

And also there are lot of Polish People living in Algonquin too. Nice Area to visit. You can go to Spring Hills Mall in Carpenterville, IL. Nice and friendly place too. You can take your parents to Long Grove, IL. Beautiful place to visit.
5 Dec 2009
USA, Canada / Chicago: Parents coming from Poland next week. Where should I take them? [5]

Well, if you are living in Chicago, take them to Chicago Downtown to Macy's, Water Tower, John Hancock or Drake Hotel. They all have nice shopping place and restaurants too. I think your parents prefer to shop more that eating in restaurants. Take them and see what they like and go to any restaurants on Michigan Ave. Nice area too.

My cousins from Poland prefer to go Chicago Downtown shopping. They like Millieumen Park very much.
5 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Poles' Timelines in America.... [3]

Well, tornado2007

I am doing Family Trees and I kept on finding somethings new which I didn't know about. I thought it will help you to find your long lost cousins.

Yes, I am American Born and Polish, French, German, and maybel Slovina.

I am still searching.

I found more information I think you might like it very much.


Polish Americans - Where do Poles live in the USA - Statistics, Poles in NYC - I
We were talking about Early Immigration History and about The main waves of Polish Immigration. The last article in this series described Polish Assassin of President McKinley .

Below we analyze Centers of Polish life in the USA.

Less and less Poles live in the traditional Polish centers. Is it good or bad?

Poles live predominantly in Northeast and in Chicago but there is no place in the USA where they can not be found. Check the information about the distribution and the number of Polish Americans in the USA according to census 2000.


Polish folk immigration to the United States began in 1854. The mass immigration began in 1870 - after the Franco-Prussian war. Polish colonies took definite root in Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, Buffalo, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New York City, and in the vicinity of St. Louis. The panic of 1873 caused a decrease in the immigration. However, in 1881 more people began to arrive; entire families came here at the invitation of their relatives and friends who preceded them.

I hope you find what you're looking for.
5 Nov 2009
USA, Canada / Poles in Chicago History [5]

Well, TheOther

I think they called Poland German or others.

That is why there isn't any Polish. Can't understand it at all.

Thanks for replying. I felt it is good to know.
5 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Poles' Timelines in America.... [3]

I found this. It may help you to search your families' trees.

Poles were among the early industrial workers in America. Poles played an significant role in the American Revolution. Beginning with the 19th Century, the turmoils of Europe and specifically Poland, led to a large migration of Poles to other countries. We would like to record the history of those who came to America. Where they came from in Poland, where they settled in the USA and what they did. If you have information that will help us with this project, please contact us.

Enjoy it.
5 Nov 2009
USA, Canada / Poles in Chicago History [5]

I come across this article. I think you will like it.

The traditional Polish community in Chicago, an organization-rich ethnic settlement that developed in the years after the Civil War, reached maturity and almost complete institutional self-sufficiency before World War I.

"Polish Chicago, sometimes referred to as "Polonia," has been shaped by at least three distinct immigration waves. The first and largest lasted from the 1850s to the early 1920s, and was driven primarily by economic and structural change in Poland. This immigration is often referred to as Za Chłebem (For Bread). Primarily a peasant migration, it drew first from the German Polish partition, and then from the Russian partition and Austrian Polish partition. Although restrictions during World War I and in the 1920s cut off this immigration, by 1930 Polish immigrants and their children had replaced Germans as the largest ethnic group in Chicago."

This is interesting story.
2 Nov 2009
Love / Hard to talk things: Sexual diseases - would Polish women be honest about that? [137]

To MareGaea

Yes, men do not give yeast infection to women. I know wmeon should not have sex while she have yeast infections. It will get worst. She need to see doctors. She need to take rest, eat right and sleep at home in her bed and stay away from men while she is being treating by her doctor. She shouldn't have sex at all.

If you know or smell some odors, don't have with her.

For more informations: medicinenet.com/yeast_vaginitis/article.htm

Or go to your website and look up yeast infections.
2 Nov 2009
Love / Hard to talk things: Sexual diseases - would Polish women be honest about that? [137]

I thought yeast infections do not give men infections. It is women who have sex with different partners do not keep herself clean. This is what I know from my doctor.

But anyway, we all have to look out for STDs. Latest news is that we should be worried about HPV which no one ever talk about it. Some people have it for long time without knowing. Now Doctors are warning women and men about HPV which is worst one. I think you all should look up on your website and read about HPV, I am pretty sure no one want to have it. One you have some kinds of warts and you have to see your doctors. He will treated it and you have virus in your body like Herpes, HIV and so.

Be careful.
31 Oct 2009
Love / What do Polish women think of feminism? [99]

Sometime I am wondering if you all know your wife or husband well, I am saying they could be gay or lesbian. They are keeping it secrets from you. I don't know if you pay attentions to them when your partners go out alone to meet someone. They have unusual behaviors which you didn't noticed. They come home whenever they feel like.

Most of them stay in marriages because they loves their children and maybe their husbands or wives. If you know your partners if gay or lesbian and don't want to divorced you. Will you stay with her or him. Some leave their wife or husband. They will split custody of children on weekend or vacation time.
30 Oct 2009
Love / What do Polish women think of feminism? [99]

To Zimmy:

You are right and thank for your points.

I do agree with you. Lesbians do have sex with men. I don't know why. Maybe lesbians wanted baby.
30 Oct 2009
Love / What do Polish women think of feminism? [99]

Well, most of feminism women are very beautiful and some aren't. Some are easy going females and some aren't. Well, as for lesbians women, that is not what we are talking about being faminism. These lovely ladies learned from mistake and became better women and they are here to help all women. There is no Questions about. Some go to other countries to teach women.

Don't forget these feminism ladies do not hate men! They forgive them.
29 Oct 2009
Love / What do Polish women think of feminism? [99]

Oh Southern:

We America ladies loves sports, baseballs, footballs, soccor and any other sports too.

We do talk about it and we know men go to games and so do we females.

It is fun anyway.

Thank for reminding me about sports.
29 Oct 2009
Love / What do Polish women think of feminism? [99]

To Gunslinger44

No, I have met people who have problems and I learned from their stories.

I am America, we ladies do talked about world, wars, healths, sex, children, husband and jobs.

I wanted to know and be well-informed about things and where do they go for helps.

I don't know about other countries, women do hide their secrets. It is not healthy at all. Some women hate men after all things happened to them and children too.

Same goes for men, women beat up men. Do you go for helps? Did they call Men's Rights?
29 Oct 2009
Love / What do Polish women think of feminism? [99]

American women are very feminism because too many men are very cruel to their wives or girlfriends. Also pimps. We have to protects all women and tell them to leaves mean men.

I don't know about Polish women. I would like to know more about Polish women's story too.

If that is what you asking?
25 Oct 2009
Love / Why are Polish girls constantly ill? [166]

I think women are too busy to visit doctors quickly. I think women should pay attention to her body and go to doctor quickly.

I think women are working too much at work or home or farms. They do have to take care of their children which is very difficults for her to do.

I do have respect for them because they loves their children very much.
23 Oct 2009
Love / How do Polish men treat their women ? [45]

Well, I don't know how to explains this. I had Polish boyfriend for 16 years and he was worst man I ever met. Oh, you're wondering why I still see him. Well, he lived 6 blocks away and we run to each other almost everyday. No matter what time I leave my house. I run to him. He is Polish, hot-temper, mean, fooling around with women and don't get along with people.

I avoid him and told him to get lost. He don't take no for answers.

2. Polish Pen Pal whom I never met him.
He is Polish man in here. He is worst male I ever come across in here. He is mean and very forceful. I don't even answer him. Yet he still bother me. I don't know why I gave him my email and phone number. I learned my lesson in here.

Never try to meet anybody in Chat Room. You never can't rid of wacko man.

Good Luck!
21 Oct 2009
Love / How do Polish men treat their women ? [45]

Yeah, that is why she isn't leaving you. She stay with you. Why you men complaining about women? We are still with you all.
20 Oct 2009
Love / How do Polish men treat their women ? [45]

Well, some Polish men do beat their wives or girlfriends too.
Some Polish wives or girlfriends do beat theor husbands or boyfriends too.

This is how they were raised by their parents whch didn't have proper parents back then.

Now I heard other nationalities men or women are beating the loved one too. It is not only Polish.

To Sokrates:
I wouldn't want to date you. You mean I have to bring your beer in betwen my boobs in public place. I think I should put beer in my rear and so you can smell my s****. I would have kick your ass in Public place.

You should to do in private place like home.