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Posts by ragtime27  

Joined: 20 Feb 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 18 Aug 2009
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12 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Belfast Telegraph won't print my comment. [133]

Were you not offering a job to another Irish guy on these forums just the other day?
So you spend 6 weeks there and most of your profit is spent where exactly?
What benefit do you have for the country, that another unemployed Spanish person couldnt do?

Rev,Taylor is 100% right,you can't have it both ways,I'll purchase you business(50%off) so Taylor won't have anything against you ;)
13 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

The issue of native labeled as not hard working is a myth,it happens everywhere,even in Poland you get jobs are not done by the native but by other nations(specifically no EU).

Eventually the EU market became more homogenised when it come to EU members,not so much for no-EU employees.

As an employee I'd love a pay rise,but as an employer doesn't work in my favour,so it's down to the government to regulate the workforce market.

The responsibility lies with the governments to raise minimum wages or offer jobs to EU members rather than recruiting from beyond EU,the reason I'm saying EU not Brits,since EU members can work anywhere in EU,therefore you can't deny them jobs.
13 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

Mass immigration cannot survive during a recession

Yes,it will slow down and start again in boom time.

How do you expect Polish mass with no jobs to return to Poland if you compare the welfare system between the two countries.
13 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

it is the job of the Polish government to look after them.

You can't do that,they contributed to UK taxes not to Poland.they can claim in Poland but doesn't make a sense if you going to get less compare to Uk.
13 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

dont lecture me

We have done more than enough for you

50,000 of you are here on welfare at 204 euro a week

What are you talking about,I'm not even polish,we're debating an issue not lecturing you.

If you earn less than 35,000 euro you dont pay income tax. This myth that you are entitled to welfare as you paid taxes is nonsense. The welfare state was set up as a safety net for citizens who fell on rough times, not as a fishing net for foreigners.

I don't know about Ireland,in Uk you start paying tax as soon you hit about 5-6k.

but caps still needed to be imposed.

Sorry I didn't get it (on what) welfare or immigration?
13 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

204 Euro a week is pretty high

In UK? if so I'm always for cutting public spending,even more adamant on welfare,I never claim welfare except child benefits.

I think non-governments body should revise the welfare(cut it or raise it),when it comes to immigration from outside EU I'm for it,since we can't stop EU members to shop around.
13 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Recruitment agencies advertise for Polish only workers [162]

The EU is a pain in me hole

Well,United EU is great for purchase power against USA,military collaboration great,sharing technology great,workforce and job protection not so good,look at it the same way the two side of Germany got together,west side was carrying dead wood for sometimes,eventually both will play their roles.
23 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Irish Primary schools to teach Polish [223]

Why should children learn Polish and not Japanese then?

Can you remind me how many Japanes living in Ireland compare to Poles.

Mass exodus doesn't justify priority of the new language

What then justify the above,unless Ireland close their borders and they can't do that according to EU.

Why then Polish has to be taught in Ireland when Irish are not interested in planning to settle in Poland?

At the moment Polish are immigrating to Ireland,

What do you think about Irish swamping(bit harsh) Uk and USA,in your case Spain(lots of translation provided to Irish geriatric in Spain).
25 Jul 2009
Feedback / Why do people post on polish forums [27]

Sadly,few members here can't speak their mind in real world,so they come here to bash and insult each other.

Take an example this thread:

I believe is the longest thread on the forum,even longer than the random thread.

The mod enjoying it,given that the 3rd rule is :
"3. If possible, posters should avoid discussing religious or very personal subjects. Admin and moderators have the right to delete or edit posts that relate to religious or personal lives of forum members."
28 Jul 2009
UK, Ireland / Scotland encouraging immigration. [90]

work permit sounds good,will it be for new comers or members already there?

work permits tend to be used as temporary solution eventually Eu rules will force country to scrap it after a while,it happened in UK with Spanish and the Portuguese.

then what afterward,the problem for Ireland or UK have to work around EU rules unless they opt out from EU(it's a long shot)
30 Jul 2009

It happened before with other minorities,racist bunch always try to find another excuse to insult or abuse others and blame their misfortune on poles.

polish community is large in UK, some people assume everyone from eastern Europe is polish,they tend to forget other nations(Russians,Ukrainian...etc).

Eventually it will fade out.
30 Jul 2009
News / Poland to ban Che Guevara image [55]

Che was a bit of a dick

It depends who you're talking to.
3 Aug 2009
Real Estate / House Planning Permission in Poland !!! [27]

I would assume you need to be registered with the council.
I believe,he meant if he's allowed to practice the same function as in Ireland or does he need an approval or permission,correct me if I'm wrong.
4 Aug 2009
Law / Banks making a fotune ..What about the Złoty [11]

6.94PL to the BP Sterling That's a good rate,

I think you've got a wrong rate here,unless this rate is to buy pound/sell Zloty which is very expensive.
4 Aug 2009
Law / Banks making a fotune ..What about the Złoty [11]

my advice don't exchange money in the UK

It depends the amount you exchange anything above 10k you can get the interbank rate +(0.2 to 0.5) no commission charges,no transfer fee,no receiving fee.they get to transfer your money to any account free of charge.

Kept my money in my pocket for the time being..hope they may adjust the rate when they have finished counting the bonuses.... :0)

I guees I haven't read your post properly,what was I talking about :(
4 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Migrant workers face rental block [59]

It is the landlords property, his rules. The BBC should butt out, it is none of their business.

you seem to have very short memory, remember!!"no Black,no Dog,no Irish"

It's disgrace,poles or otherwise.

It is Landlord property,but the agent must be strict with the racial rules.

breaking the law !!!
How many Poles can live in a 2 bedroom house ?
20 poles ?

then you haven't seen the Australians,new Zealanders....the list is long.
no excuse.
6 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Migrant workers face rental block [59]

that why they pick in the poles

case like that is helping poles not picking on them.

I wasn't aware of this case and how prejudice the estate agent were,the public knows now,poles can challenge it since it's proven .
6 Aug 2009
Life / How is cancer treatment in Poland??? [17]

Type of treatments is not straight forward as well,if he's frail he may not able to stand the radiotherapy or chemotherapy or how advanced the Cancer is(Metastasis stage)

Financially,I don't know in Poland how health system works,but in UK we have cases where the treatment to prolong patient's life exist but the authority can't afford to provide it for free.

By the sound of it,it's more palliative(provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms) care is been provided for him.
10 Aug 2009
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Poland is for Poland, not for the British or Irish or Jew.

I guess is not working,I've just exchange a contract for a land purchase(Umowa Przedwstępna) and the future looks rosy :)

As long Poland stays in EU no one can stop the influx .

Put up or.....
10 Aug 2009
Life / Why the Poles don't like AC (air conditioners)? [16]

can anyone tell my Boss to trasfer me to Branch in the New Caledonia !!!!!

You might regret it,it is a place where the French used to exile people.

you going to get stuck there for generation ;)
10 Aug 2009
News / Rydzyk gets away with racism yet again [198]

Compared to what Mugabe says about whites, and what Ahmadinejad says about Jews, it's pretty tame.

How about comparing it with Clinton or Blair.

It's sad,if it's a bad thing you try to bring down to Mugabe's level.