my ex but he was smart enough to end this on the internet
thats not clever, that is gutless and cowardly, how dare somebody end a relationship that way. It shows total disrespect to the partner, if he had any feelings for you at all then he should at least have the balls to confront you in person if he is going to tell you your breaking up.
Polish guys are usually sweet and gentlemen though!
90% of blokes are jump_bunny, it may just seem like a higher percentage aren't, well in fact its made to look like that because all the violent men who hit women are shown on the news or in newspapers. The ones who are normal, treat women well even if they are arguing, never feature because its not news.
I feel very strongly about this. It should never, ever be tolerated. Your simply not a real man if you ever do this!
but the first woman to hit me is SO dumped immediately
I don't think anybody would have a problem with that, in fact that is the best action to take, show her while your not going to ever lay a hand on her but at the same time your not willing to accept it either.