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Posts by Ja Przybylem  

Joined: 11 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 May 2009
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Ja Przybylem   
11 Feb 2009
Love / Polish women are known for their beauty, but men are so ugly (most of).. [250]

This thread is retarded. How many people here are actually Poles?

Polish women are known for their beauty to non-Poles. They are much, much more than that to polaks (but every polak married to a polka will admit that polki are the hottest).

As for the guys, there are good looking ones and non good looking ones. Women don't fall for guys' looks. Girls do, women don't.
Ja Przybylem   
11 Feb 2009
Love / Polish women are known for their beauty, but men are so ugly (most of).. [250]

i really like the way you said it lol

It's true. I was at my cousin's wedding in Poland end of last summer. She is a blonde bombshell. He is a good guy. Not a stud, but not ugly. He is a good guy. No, he's not rich either.

I can't tell you how many laska's were at the wedding, but not every girl is a model. A stud here or there, but mostly average looking, good guys. Guys (americans) at work always ask me to set them up with a polka, but they're clueless males that look at too much porn.

It's about personality to an extent, but it's really about compatability. Our culture and traditions are so deeply rooted into us from childhood that it's hard to really deviate from it as an adult. We tend to seek that in a partner for life, and pass it on to the next generation. Some deviate from this (which is fine), but for most there is too much culture and tradition to reject.

It's far too complicated to get into, but the bottom line is that women don't fall for a man's looks. Men - smart ones - don't fall for a woman's beauty in terms of looks either. Flings are one thing, but serious relationships are another.
Ja Przybylem   
11 Feb 2009
Love / Polish women are known for their beauty, but men are so ugly (most of).. [250]

thought this part was hilarious

It's so true. When I first started at this job, and was making some small talk, one of the guys made a comment on polki being 'the most beautiful girls' after he found out I was polish.

This guy (in mid 20s) was pretty high up in the office, and his comment was heard by many. I can't tell you how many women that I work with would check to see who I am walking with at times - to see if I am really dating a model - after they overheard that comment. Idiots. I had fun with it once. Before going to lunch with my brother and a few polkas I brought them up and showed them around, introduced them to some people, etc.

Oh, and I have a younger sister as well, so I can relate John. I would kill any guy who would ever take advantage of her.
Ja Przybylem   
12 Feb 2009
Love / Polish women are known for their beauty, but men are so ugly (most of).. [250]

You are an exception.

Make that 2 of us. As a Pole in the States, I've mostly dated non-Poles. I've been asked out by most girls as well. Spans race, religion, etc. Never dated a black girl though...

Most Polish men have big foreheads, receding hairlines, long noses and big ears and they think they know everything

The same can be said about many of Polish women, minus the recession. Believe it or not, guys of all nationalities lose their hair...

If you don't dig polish men, then don't date them. My issue is with non-Pole hornballs who stare at pics of polish women online or see a polka somewhere and get all hot & horny about it. You can win her over with money or muscles if she's stupid. It doesn't work on the good ones. Time and time again many (not all by any means) end up with a Polish guy for many reasons other than looks and money.
Ja Przybylem   
12 Feb 2009
Love / Polish wedding customs/traditions? Aussie marrying Polish. [21]

I had the opposite experience... though probably cuz the one in PL (previously posted pics) was at a farmstead where everyone had plenty of room and since all the neighbors were at the wedding, no end time/ time to be quiet by.

I'm of the same mind. Polish weddings in the States do NOT compare to polish weddings in Poland.

I've easily been to 30+ polish weddings in Chicagoland. Meet at the bride's home, groom eventually comes over, we go to church, back to house for snacks and pic's at house and park, then off to the banquet hall. You eat, drink and dance, but most banquet halls pull the plug by midnight. 2:00 AM was the latest that most polish weddings last in the States. You'll get a few sto lat's, and other traditional polish moments, but not like in Poland...

In Poland, on the day of the wedding, each guest, in order of importance (parents, stara drozba, family, friends, etc.) is introduced by the band while waiting at a gate at the bride's home. The band plays music while the guests make their entrance, greet with the bride & groom and offer them a gift. Eventually, we go to church, and after mass, more gifts are exchanged and everyone congratulates the newlyweds. Driving back home for pics and snacks involves roadblocks with masked bandits who won't let you proceed until you give them some zloty. This usually happens multiple times. At the banquet, food is served nonstop, kegs flow, and vodka bottles always get replenished on tables. Dancing is a must, and happens all night. If you can't dance, then you're a nobody. Dancing on the first night lasts until dawn with most guests still in attendance. I would usually make it to bed between 6 & 7 AM. On the poprawka the next day, it's much of the same, but less formal. Eating, drinking, and dancing nonstop. If you ever go to a goralskie wedding, then they typically have 2-3 poprawki, so 3-4 days of a wedding. There are a lot of traditional moments as well, beyond a sto lat and dance rituals. Some of my family are gorals and the older ones always break out their hymns while everyone listens.

The biggest difference is that weddings last a couple of days in Poland, and go into the morning each night. In the States, I have yet to go to a polish wedding that made it to the morning with just one night of celebration.
Ja Przybylem   
12 Feb 2009
Food / What is your favourite Polish meal?! [64]

Kotlet z ziemniaczkami i kluskami z sosem grzybowym.

I second this one. Toss in some kopytki with mizeria on the side, as well as a zywiec, and I am good to go.
Ja Przybylem   
13 Feb 2009
Food / What is your favourite Polish meal?! [64]

Have you tried the Żywiec in Żywiec?

No, never had. I made it to the Okocim brewery when I visited family for Boze Narodzenie a couple years back, but I prefer Zywiec.
Ja Przybylem   
23 Feb 2009
Food / What is your favourite Polish meal?! [64]

Sorry, missed your question.

I'm not as big of a fan of Tyskie. Tato always has some litry in the garage, but in terms of preference:

Zywiec > Okocim > Tyskie

Now, Tyskie or some bimber? Wujek w polsce wlal mi szklanke tego i, o, moja glowa...
Ja Przybylem   
23 Feb 2009
USA, Canada / Why aren't Polish people immigrating to Canada instead of the UK? [148]

Because – honestly – what’s the point?
1. Winters are hard
2. Taxes are way too high; one of the highest in the world
3. “Free” health care system sucks
4. Government is controlling almost every aspect of your life (instead of what it should be controlling) and always knows better than you what you need to be happy
5. Your foreign university credentials won’t be recognized and you will end up working as a nanny or cab driver
6. Political correctness is a king
7. Lack of national identity (hating Americans and feeling superior in comparison is all they have)

This is pretty good. I know some Poles in the Toronto area, but no, Poles won't be going to Canada. There is 0 incentive. The incentive isn't available to come to the U.S. either (anymore at least).

England & Germany are the two countries where Poles have been, and will be going, for quite some time. No paperwork (visas) necessary. Plenty of contacts in those countries. The currency translation works in your favor, and the wage rate is good. You stick with your kind - Poles don't like to assimilate.

Poles are some of the most practical people in society - that's the perspective that they are looking at when they leave Poland for another country. And for most, it's a temporary leave.
Ja Przybylem   
24 Feb 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

...Poles are racist more so than most other nations is based on facts that i have discovered from my experiences.

This is true. By & large, we are a very ethnocentric culture. It's less blatant among younger Poles who are educated and/or who have traveled, but it still exists there as well, albeit it's subtle, for pragmatic political reasons. Basically, we tend to stick with our own kind, which isn't anything unusual IMO. You see the same thing with X hispanic ethnicity, Y asian ethnicity, etc.

Non-Poles seem so concerned about this topic according to this thread.....
Ja Przybylem   
24 Feb 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Exactly. It doesn't, and if I were to go up to any family or friend of mine, and ask them about this stuff, then they would probably laugh, but no Pole would ever care about this stuff.
Ja Przybylem   
8 Apr 2009
Life / Tradition of blessing food in church at Easter in Poland [15]

It's a big tradition, but not strictly limited to Poles. There are many Italians that observe this tradition, as well as other nationalities.

Among Poles, designing Easter eggs is a big deal. At some places, contests are held for the best Easter eggs in terms of colors, style, etc. But you decorate your eggs, then decorate your basket, add in bread, sausage, butter, etc., and go to church for a blessing. You're thankful for the food you have, and ask for it to be blessed, as well as asking for feasting (aka, not going hungry) over the coming year.

This is very big tradition in Polish culture come Easter. Christmas Eve has it's own set of traditions to be observed. The death of a family member/close friend has it's own set of traditions to observe, etc. It's our culture.
Ja Przybylem   
9 Apr 2009
Life / Traditional Polish Music - Where can I find some? [25]

Traditional polish music is performed by a band. But, when you hire these guys, all you'll get is traditional polish music all night. Traditional depends on the area. Gorale have different music than country folk than do city folk.

You can find the CDs online. What sort of music are you looking for?

P.S. I can't recall waltzing, or doing the polka, at a polish wedding. It ends up being the hustle (disco) with variations on it all night, or traditional folk dances with the crowd circling a couple in the center.
Ja Przybylem   
15 Apr 2009
Love / Are you in a Polish-nonPolish relationship? [150]

I'm 100% polish and 'dated' non-Poles my entire life.

1. In high school, college, half of my 20s, etc., I wanted a non-Pole as any Pole just reminded me of family. I dated irish, jewish, korean, japanese, american mutts, etc. I never dated a polish girl, but a polish girl born in America who doesn't speak polish and have the culture is not polish in my opinion. Regardless, never went for them but I did hook up with two of them.

2. Once I matured and figured out what I wanted, I wanted a polish girl for the long haul, i.e., marriage. This mean she speaks polish, thinks polish, has the culture, etc. This makes the most sense from a practical perspective as I embody the culture, the language, the traditions, and my parents would probably not attend my wedding if she was not polish. Ok, they would, but they wouldn't be happy deep down inside. I want someone like me. The whole opposites attract, eh, good luck. Attraction and compatibilty/longevity are very different beasts. I'm polish, not another ethnicity, not an american, etc. I have 0 interest in a sorority girl in the States, regardless of how hot she is, or other nationalities. When I was horny boy, different story.

3. Everything still falls down on the person and who they are, their character, etc. I know many polish girls which are anything but relationship material in my mind, as well as many non poles, so heritage doesn't always play a role.

4. Looks fade.
Ja Przybylem   
5 May 2009
USA, Canada / Polish stuff vs. American stuff [107]

American - processed, nasty crap. Now they don't use pesticides on some foods and can call organic and charge you and arm and a leg for it, yet it's still not organic. Most don't know how to cook either. Eating out is common.

Polish - fresh. Not all of it is delicious in my opinion, but it's made from scratch. True organic. Many know how to cook. Eating out is rare.

American - watered down crap. I won't touch American beer. Drinking at a bar is common.
Polish - contains alcohol and taste. Drinking at family/friends home is common.

American - part of the family. Some pets get treated better than kids do.
Polish - not a part of the family. The dog/pet serves a practical purpose.

Work Ethic
American - don't really see it among most. Many come across as entitled. Savings rate is horrible.
Polish - generally tend to work their tail off (but not all). Save a ton of money.

American - most never leave the country.
Polish - most travel quite a bit outside of the country for pleasure.

I can go on and on...
Ja Przybylem   
6 May 2009
USA, Canada / Polish stuff vs. American stuff [107]

No need to in America we have it all

I disagree. 'The world is a book, and those who don't travel read only a page.' The way in which a particular culture of people live their lives is not experienced until one travels outside of one's country.

Going to Chinatown is not the same as visiting China and experiencing the culture. I've had sushi at Japanese restaurants in the U.S., but the experience and taste is not the same as when I was in Osaka and Tokyo. Vegas is not Ibiza. Ancient history (castles, monuments, etc.) is nowhere to be found except in a museum or an Indian reservation. The architecture is bland overall in most cities.

How do you think it became the worlds biggest economy and a superpower?

Read your history.

American food - maybe processed but it doesn't make us live any shorter than you guys and it's a matter of taste to begin with
Polish food - some of it taste good but it's based on fat

And what do chemically processed foods lead to? A healthier lifestyle? A slimmer waistline? What are the leading causes of death in the U.S.? How does what you ingest contribute to that? And the new fad of 'organic' that so many businesses are capitalizing on? Read the rules on what the USDA determines as receiving an organic seal.

I agree that it's a matter of taste. Again, I did not say that all polish food is delicious. I think some of it is nasty, however, it is fresh. There are no additives. When I eat potatoes they are dug up, peeled, and prepared. I don't grab a box of powder and add water. The food is naturally grown. My meat wasn't injected with hormones to aid supply. My fruit and vegetables aren't laced with God knows how many chemicals. Read on what those do to the human body before you state that you won't live a shorter life. Heck, cigarette packs don't state that smoking these suckers will cause cancer.

Some polish food is fatty, I can't argue with you there.

America beat you on everything else but beer and vodka which this is a matter of taste too. I don't know about Chicago but where I live Polish products don't sell good at all

Alright patriot, name them. Name the items that America beat Poland on? How many American supplies are really in such high demand around the world? Have you examined the trade deficit? What does that imply?

I agree that it's a matter of taste. I don't drink polish alcohol exclusively - I just find American alcohol products to be bad overall.

Americans love animals but in the families with children they don't treat them better than kids
Poles - majority of you treat animals like crap so what's good about that

Knock yourself out with animals then. Businesses make a fortune in this realm in America. The rest of the world doesn't share the sentiment.

Americans - work even two jobs if needed
Poles- lazy a**es unles working abroad for a good cash and even then only some of you really do the right job

My experience has been otherwise.

Americans - lol, I've been to 42 countries, how many have you visited

Poles- travel to work at least 95% of you anyway

I've been to 17 - you have me beat. Regardless, you are an anomaly from the population sample. The majority of Americans have never left the soil. I have 2 American friends that have traveled the world, but they did it in the Armed Forces, which is not the same as traveling for pleasure. Out of the thousands of Americans that I have met, the vast majority (90%+) have not left the borders.

Do you know what an ad hominem is?
Ja Przybylem   
9 May 2009
USA, Canada / Polish stuff vs. American stuff [107]

Ja Przybylem:
time means:
How do you think it became the worlds biggest economy and a superpower?
Read your history.

I asked YOU the question.

It was you who questioned the American work ethic.

Yes, I do question the American work ethic as a whole.

The development of the atomic weapon catapulted the U.S. into a superpower, but prior to that, no, it was not a superpower by any means, but it was expanding as a nation primarily by immigrants who left their nations for better opportunities. The atomic weapon was developed in America, but it was done by German scientists, a Hungarian and an Italian physicist. Foreigners, like these scientists, who were eventually given citizenship, are the primary drivers of innovation and growth in America. Foreign scientists working on the Manhattan Project led to the end of the war. Putting the warhead onto an American bomber and having an American pilot fly it was the easy part. Bottom line after the war though - military might will rule the world at this point.

Post-WWII? Technology and financial innovation fueled economic growth, and these inventions, like the atomic weapon, weren't solely developed by Americans but America was able to harvest it and capitalize on it. An example is a simple credit card which wasn't around decades ago. It's not money, but as soon as I turn 18, I got bombarded with offers so I can charge away and pump up the GDP. My personal net worth is in the red, but I keep making purchases that fuel the economy. Toss in the multiplier effect and you have exponential economic growth from a simple credit card. Can't afford it? Heck, then lease it! Zero interest loans are cool too. These are all extremely simple forms of innovation that fueled growth in the U.S. - imagine what the complex ones were capable of doing. What if...Americans actually saved money? What if...U.S. society was more regulated like other nations, where access to credit and innovative products weren't easy for everyone to get their hands on them? What if...everyone in the U.S. wasn't allowed to leverage everything in their lives? Where would this economic growth be? They can't find the bottom of this economic mess we are in simply because it's a product of financial innovation that 99% of people don't understand, but hey, it's the Republicans fault right?

people don't have time to cook anymore and are increasingly resorting to processed food

I cook regularly, and I know many others that do as well. I know many who also grow a lot of their own vegetables and fruits, including my family.

unless you want to go down to the baker every morning for fresh, preservative free bread - but really, who has time for this?

You'd be surprised, but your average American, no way. They want convenience. They don't like going out of their way.

Bread is bought at the bakery, meat is bought from the butcher, etc. I don't go to Dominicks/Jewel/Piggly/Albertson, etc. to buy everything. I look for quality over convenience, and do expend extra time for it because it's worth it.

We also export semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, video games and software, speakers, aerospace.

Have you walked the development lab at Phizer? At Google? On Wall Street? Gates can't find enough technically skilled Americans so he asks the gov't to grant a greater number of visas so he can employ competent people from abroad. Sure, many of the world's companies have their Articles of Incorporation in the U.S., but who are the brains driving all the neat stuff you buy? It's ignorant to make a claim that 'oh, American firm - Ya! We produced that stuff' when the majority of the brains behind it are foreign born.

Also, the trade deficit has been in the red since the 1960s, so imports dominate.

you take up 25 pesent of world natral resorses and your fat and lazy

Many other nations have a good infrastructure and alternative energy sources in place, but now Obama proposes it and the crowds think he is a genius. High speed train system? Wow, many countries already have that. Get away from a dependency on fuel? Way behind the rest of the world.

My point is this. America is a great country, and I am an American citizen myself, but America was founded by explorers who did not want to go back home for certain reasons. People forget that when new immigrants can be spotted on the street nowadays. So the initial settlers discovered the land, royally screwed over the natural inhabitants (Indians), and began developing the nation with droves of new immigrants coming every year. WWII sent us to the forefront in the world, because if you mess with us know we'll create a mushroom cloud over your head.

So now there are many Americans who are X generations removed from their heritage that (1) don't like immigrants, (2) don't want immigrants and (3) think there nation is the best. Those are the ones that I have an issue with and who I question.
Ja Przybylem   
15 May 2009
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

Does anyone have good ways to counter these kinds of jokes?

Smile, and say, 'I'm sorry that you feel that way.' Then excuse yourself, as you have things to do.

NEVER let it get to you - the world will eat you alive.

I still deal with it at times. A couple of weeks ago a guy at work came up to me, leaned in, and whispered '...polish girls....they're all sluts.'

Being 100% polish, a speaker, reader and writer of it, still retaining that as my ethnic identity in culture and all in the U.S., with half of my family still in Poland, how can I not think that this guy is a retard? Of course he pissed me off, but F him. I smiled and said what I wrote above and then went back to work.

It's not just about being polish. If you let things get to you, then life will be tough. You need to develop some thick skin, witty comebacks, etc., to deal with life. You can't explode in these situations.

Ja Przybylem   
15 May 2009
Love / Dating a Polish guy..acceptance in family? [45]

Here are my 2 cents...

It's pretty darn tough to gain acceptance. This is about culture - it's not even specific to being polish. I know many koreans whose entire family wants them to end up with a korean, mexican with mexican, indian with indian, etc., etc.

I'm a polish male who has dated outside of my ethnicity and it's been mostly hell. For one, my parents had a tough time accepting non-Poles, especially when me and my brothers dated non whites in the past. My dad made the comment to my brother about his asian girl 'what is a chink going to do for you? You want to fly to China every couple of years to see her family?' My mom still ribs on me for having American friends - Americans are not slavs and they do not think like us. Crap, I was helping a friend find a car for his asian lady and the seller (polish guy I know) went off on me about his car being sold to an asian. Like it or not, that's the way it is.

Second, there is a culture clash that can be tough at times. For example, I've dated other ethnicities and this is hard because you're bringing two completely different cultures, with many traditional aspects, together. I've dated a couple of koreans, one who I was serious with. Her parents did not like me, she would hide me from her parents, lie to me about it, etc. In the end, I blew up and decided that this is not worth it. Relationships are tough as it is and I don't need this extra BS of multiracial issues.

The 'ona' comment is disrespectful, but trust me, I'd consider that one of the nicer things the family can refer to you as. I have heard far, far worse.

In the end you'll do what makes you happy, regardless of what others say. You have to decide if it's worth it, but to me, it sounds like quite a lot of friction early on.

Oh, and it's just not Poles who are racist. I have plenty of Italian, Greek, etc., friends who are as racist as they come. Again, it's not just about being polish - birds of a feather flock together for a reason. This isn't about maturity or waking up to a multicultural world, it's reality.
Ja Przybylem   
16 May 2009
Love / Dating a Polish guy..acceptance in family? [45]

it is your life that is affected as well.

True, when you marry someone you don't just marry them - you marry their family.

Yes, you do pick who you want to be with and marry, but there is a lot more to it than that, and it can be quite profound. I know someone who lost an entire inheritance (many properties) and was banished by his family, more or less, for marrying outside of his culture, as his family found it very unacceptable. The less extreme forms deal with constant reminders of how your family is unhappy with you decision, and this can even be within the same culture. I know a polish couple where the guys mother despises his wife (not sure why). The mother has done everything possible to make their lives miserable, and given their circumstances in life, she has succeeded. The guys mother is very influential and the guy has 0 opportunity in life now - the guys brother is a very lucky man as he has everything because his mom LOVES his polish wife.

Nothing different in careers or the game of life. When people like you, then you get everything your way.
Ja Przybylem   
20 May 2009
USA, Canada / Polish bakeries in Chicago [51]

If you're willing to drive, there is:

Vienna up north and Jackowo has plenty of good ones as well.
Ja Przybylem   
22 May 2009
USA, Canada / Work ethics in Poland vs US [66]

They imagined money with little work

Two reasons. They get their information from 2 sources:

1 - Television. You see Hollywood, the major world news has a focus on the U.S., etc.
2 - Friends and relatives who left Poland but return to visit. They ALWAYS brag about how rich they are. My cousin works for pennies, but last summer in Poland he was talking about how he makes six figures to everyone. Pull out a few hundreds (probably all he had) and they believe you. After all, is s/he a liar?

You never say that you are struggling to those back home. The wolves will eat you alive and reaffirm their thoughts about how big of a failure you really were. They knew you'd never make it.

And why do they have to convert everything into the metric system?

No, the U.S. has the system backwards. Metric is far more accurate and precise.
Ja Przybylem   
22 May 2009
USA, Canada / Work ethics in Poland vs US [66]

For who? lbs, oz and inches and miles oh lets not forget gallons which have worked for centuries as a way of trading and travelling.

-Official system of measurement for all nations except the U.S., Liberia & Myanmar.
-Unit/decimal use makes things far simpler.
-Every scientist on this planet uses it for research, development, etc. It is THE standard.
-Imperial is easier for people to visualize in the U.S. - non-U.S. folks don't share the sentiment.
-Imperial was great for trade, however, trade was local back then. Trade has evolved from a local scale to an international scale. Read previous comment.
Ja Przybylem   
22 May 2009
USA, Canada / Work ethics in Poland vs US [66]

imperial system is not used in the usa, btw. :D

It's a derivative from the English standard, just like the imperial system, with many overlaps.
But, you are right :)-
Ja Przybylem   
22 May 2009
USA, Canada / Work ethics in Poland vs US [66]

Why people move there then?

One word: opportunity

My mothers family left for the U.S. after her dad did not have enough zloty to purchase a pack of matches for his smokes. No joke.

My dads family has money, but he came for the opportunity in the States as well. It was his chance to make something of himself, and that, he did.
Ja Przybylem   
25 May 2009
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

whoever hates poles can go **** themselves and what are you doing on a Polish forum

My exact thoughts after skimming a few of the pages on this thread.
So many non-Poles on this site. Why?
Ja Przybylem   
25 May 2009
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Actually, the majority of non-Poles on this site have no problems with Polish people in general.

I see. Thanks for the clarification.

Why not ?

I find it interesting, that's why. Especially given the majority of topic threads that I've read.

The vast majority of 'non' Polish people on this forum rather like Polish people and Poland
