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Posts by Gregrog  

Joined: 2 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 97 / In This Archive: 6
From: Poland/Kraków/Leżajsk
Speaks Polish?: yes

Displayed posts: 6
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13 Jun 2009
History / Poland before WWII or Poland now what would you choose? [390]

but you guys never had smart economist or politician and this a known fact too.

Especially in XVI century:)

They were destroyed during the WWII and this is the only reason why they even needed help. Poland was destroyed too but even before WWII wasn't very developed to begin with.

Destruction of west countries wasn't even comparable to destruction of Poland. If there wasn't war, Poland wouldn't need help too:P(help, which we didn't receive).
10 Jun 2009
History / Russia: Poland responsible for WW II [300]

When you start to judge Poland in Zaolzie case, please notice that in this time Hitler was just another politician. The same as Chamberlain, Petain and many others. Before September 39' there wasn't any gas chambers, mass murders etc. You look at this case as we were cooperating with a murder. Hitler become a murder a little later.

Next, please notice that, we were regaining our lands, stolen land. Prime minister of Czechoslovakia at the end was asking for polish help - help after 20 years of very bad contacts between Poland and Czechoslovakia and even war for short period of time.
8 May 2009
Language / Learning polish and i am not very good. [22]

Co u pan słychać? Mam na imię Trevor i czy może mi pan pomóc Polski?

"Co u pana słychać? Mam na imię Trevor. Czy może mi pan pomóc w nauce języka polskiego?"
1 Apr 2009
Life / Polish rock band - O.N.A [14]

Here you can find english version of ONA - Kiedy powiem sobie dość
20 Feb 2009
News / Tanks stolen from military training ground in Poland [28]

Imagine that there are some 122 mm guns firing to tank from WWII. After few shots there wouldn't be nothing except big hole;) Soldiers are using shells with paint or only with laser targeting.