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Posts by Wayc00lio  

Joined: 6 Jan 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Jan 2007
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 57 / In This Archive: 51
From: Oxford
Interests: Surfing

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24 Jan 2007
Life / Moving to Krakow, question about life costs [27]

nor do I wish to eat Polish food everyday

LOL, well you can expect to eat a lot of it seeing as you are going to Poland! Try it, you'll love it! I'm sure there is food of many nationalities though!
17 Jan 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

I didn't know about this before - truely an horrific event!

They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
16 Jan 2007
Language / Is there a short version of I am [3]

In English you can say I am or I'm for short. Is there a short form of Ja jestem?

Also, what other short forms for common words are there?
13 Jan 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

OK - we have very similar estates in Oxford like Blackdird Leys - well dodgy. You certainally wouldn't go there unless you had an armed escort, yes it has a large black community but it's not all black, that was my point.

And my final point on this thread.
13 Jan 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

I wouldn't walk through Moss Side either - but that's both black and white people!!!! It's just a ****** area. Same can be said for many ****** areas in the UK, it's not all down to black people.

I disagree totally, that's more a product of 'poverty' than ethnicity.
13 Jan 2007
Love / Matrix says that POLISH GIRLS= NOTHNIG SPECIAL [279]

If your name is James

You must be magic - cos it is James!!! I think I've put that in another thread though!!!!

Cheers Mutley - You learn something new every day!!!! That was my new thing!!!!

We don't have a St James Day in England but they have one in Spain - July 25th!

Cool time for a party I reckon - in the summer!!!! That'll do me!!!!
11 Jan 2007
Life / Know if you have a job before you leave Poland? - question for Polish people working abroad [6]

I'm not Polish but I can tell you what my Polish friends did here in the UK.

All of them came over with a little bit of money to live for about a month or so, got a house or shared with people that were already over here and then went to employment agencies and found work that way. The trouble with that is at this time of year the employment agencies are very slow because it's just after christmas. In about a couple of weeks the agencies will start to get a lot busier and so there will be a far better chance of finding a job quickly.

I hope that helps you a little bit :)
11 Jan 2007
News / 7 kg super baby born in Poland [18]

Her oldest is 26 years old

WOW!!!! A big baby AND an old baby - this woman is a medical phenomenon!!!!!
11 Jan 2007
Travel / What attracts tourist to Poland? [54]

It was to fill the gaps in the workforce

Ahh, cheers for clearing that up Lef - I was never really sure why our government did that! They also did the same scheme in Canada - I suppose for pretty much the same reasons
11 Jan 2007
Travel / What attracts tourist to Poland? [54]

I've got cousins and an Aunt in Cairns (sadly my Uncle died of cancer a few years ago :( ). Unfortunately I've never been out to see them - YET!!!! It's a beautiful place by all accounts - very tropical!

My Uncle went out there on a government scheme in the 1960s - the government offered people from the UK a one way ticket to Oz for 10 pounds, I guess to try and up the population figures.

A visit to Oz is definately on my "to do" list over the next few years, A long visit to Cairns and then a few weeks surfing up the Gold Coast. I'm really looking forward to it!
10 Jan 2007
Love / Matrix says that POLISH GIRLS= NOTHNIG SPECIAL [279]

what's with the double post Fab? Is that the extent of your arguement? EVERY Polish person I've met (a lot!) have wanted to meet and get on with the people in the UK. Not everyone gets on with everyone else - fact of life, maybe your attitude precludes you from getting along with them.

All the Polish I've met are trying their level best to learn English, some speak it better than others and all of them are always saying to me that if they make mistakes with pronounciation/grammar then please correct them so they can learn. That to me shows willingness and I am happy to help them. More than happy. It's actually kinda funny sometimes. They are human too Fab and we should all try and get along. I'm trying to learn Polish too, and they laugh at my mistakes - but not in a mocking sense - it's called a sense of humour!!!!!

Lighten up!!!!!