Life /
I feel the gay rights movement is constrained Poland [90]
Parading around hmmmm.
Matters what kind of parading around we're talking about.
Someone pronouncing their homosexuality on the streets such as yelling it out or talking about inappropriate acts is clearly in the wrong.
The definition is hard to discern from just saying 'parading around' because some people would say if me and my partner walked down the street holding hands that would be 'parading around' where as I'd see that as something normal and acceptable.
If I can walk in public holding a girl's hand and not get a stare from those around me then clearly I believe I can do that equally with a guy.
I'm not asking for special consideration just an equal life.
Someone beforehand said that there are no laws against gays in Poland.
That can be true but I think the issue is about laws that allow gays to live as everyone else.
You can say we're different, as you can say a person of colour is different.
You can spout out stereotypes of the black gang mobster and the overly flambouyant promiscious gay man but even though they may exist they don't represent black people or gay people as a whole.