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Joined: 30 May 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 5 Oct 2024
Threads: Total: 219 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 24592 / In This Archive: 632
From: Poe land
Speaks Polish?: Yes, but I prefer English
Interests: Everything funny

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28 Dec 2009
Life / Polish Christmas Movies [9]

Guys, there are many Polish films about Christmas.

The most memorable to me is Decalogue, part 3, a series by K. Kieśłowski: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decalogue_III
28 Dec 2009
Life / What Happen To The Polish People? Money more important than faith and respect? [8]

I want to know what happened to the polish people.I was always taught to work hard,have respect for others and in our faith.Today Polish people only care about what they have,how big it is and if it better than someone else has.

You are talking about little polish people. There have always been such. Greedy, selfish, uncaring.

Yet, Great Polish People still keep the old values. Generous, hard-working, respectful, faithful.
27 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

I can see those cunning bassas in Burkina Faso are still resisting. Not for long hopefully - Ouagadougou is an ancient Slavic city and
must be taken back at all cost!

What about Gabon? Some time ago the PiS leader got worried that Poland would have to repel the attack by Gabon?

A PO councillor from Małopolskie is going to Gabon. He wants to apologise to the Gabonese for Jarosław Kaczyński's recent comments. He has the support of party colleagues; the PiS authorities are outraged.

Kazimierz Czekaj, a PO councillor on the Małopolskie provincial assembly and head of its budget committee, is a keen traveller. ...

27 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

I consider them intelligent, down-to-earth, rational, practical people, the nation of great inventors (Roentgen, Benz, Daimler, Mercedes) and composers (Wagner, Schubert, Valkyrie) etc. What pushed them into such a folly, twice?

I am sorry, I forgot to add great German writers: Geothe, Faust, Remarque, Grass.

In Remarque`s All Quiet on the Western Front there is a scene when the narrator recalls his school time:
"Does it go: 'We Germans fear God and none else in the whole world,'
or 'We, the Germans, fear God and–––' " I submit.

How true is this sentence today? And yesterday?
27 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

Well...we lost it fighting the whole world....2 times...Poland vanished from the map against Prussia....unbelievable! ;)

Plus Russia and Austria.

But Germans fighting the whole world is really a stunt. Only Germans could dare to try to do this. Faustian strategy! :):):):)
27 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

I am sorry, I should have started my map series with this one:

I still don`t understand how Germans managed to lose so much land. It is unbelievable.
27 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

we would not march with the French this time.

Good. I prefer to march with intelligent Germans than with the French. :):):):):):):)
27 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

Do you know many hunters that fit your description, Pawian?

To be frank, not too many. I know one dentist whose daughter I used to teach English. He is a big burly guy with a harsh voice and a face of Frankenstein`s monster. Yuk!

Men in my family were hunters for many generations

You told me your story, I`ll tell you mine. In 1996 I went on holiday to the lakes with my girlfriend, today my wife. I had borrowed a fishing license and a rod from my sister`s boyfriend. Camping at the lake, I went fishing one early morning. After an hour or two I caught a fish. I pulled it off water. When I saw it springing on the planks of the fishing bridge, I decided to let it go. What is more, I decided to give up fishing completely and never kill a wild animal for my personal pleasure.

People who kill for pleasure are sick.

It's sad that you consider Stefan Batory, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Józef Piłsudski

I don`t care about surnames. Every hunter who enjoys killing is sick in his head to me.

Poland in foreign eyes
27.12.2009 15:30
Pope John Paul II, Lech Walesa and Nicolas Copernicus - these are the three Poles who are mentioned most frequently in history textbooks in various countries. According to a report on Polish communities abroad, compiled by the Polish Foreign Ministry, in most countries the problems of Poland are taken up in the context of the outbreak of World War Two, the Holocaust and the collapse of communism. Generally speaking, Poland is given marginal treatment in both history and geography texbooks. France is singled out in the report as a country where the presentation of Poland is negligent and outdated.

27 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

I am sorry for asking tiresome questions........ :):):):):):):)

OK, Ok, I know. Most Germans don`t hold a grudge, they accepted the reality as it is, they forgot their lost lands, just like Poles forgot their lost territiories in the East.

There is balance in nature, after all. Everybody forgets everything.
27 Dec 2009
History / What if scenario´s for WW2 and Poland [112]

I accidentally bumped into this thread, without real intention to take part, just have a look. I spotted this map and I jumped at an idea.

Unsatisfied with the distribution of influence in Europe and the world, Germans started WW1 in the West and in result lost these territiories in the East:

Poland War

They still kept this.

Poland Reich

Then, frustrated by WW1 outcome, Germans started WW2. This time they were wiser, they began in the East first, but the result was as deplorable as before - they lost even more land.

Germany Poland Land

What was wrong with Germans? I consider them intelligent, down-to-earth, rational, practical people, the nation of great inventors (Roentgen, Benz, Daimler, Mercedes) and composers (Wagner, Schubert, Valkyrie) etc. What pushed them into such a folly, twice?

And it seems that it was Poland which deprived Germans of the most part of this lost land?

Now a serious question.

Do Germans hold a grudge against Poles for losing so much land to Poland? (it doesn`t matter that most of this land belonged to Poland before. Land is land. )
27 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

There are various groups of people in Europe for whom Poland does count.
One of them are hunters.
I don`t support hunting, I think hunters are murderous butchers, sickly fascinated with firearms.
The following post is of informative nature, without intention of popularising anything.

Poland is a good destination for hunting trips. We still have a lot of forests and game in it compared to Western Europe.

See the animals that can be hunted in Poland:

Real rarities, not only in Europe, are European bison hunts:

The largest concentration of bison is found in the Bialowieza National Park in Poland. These animals, known as zubr in Polish, have their welfare monitored by the Polish organisation known as 'Operation Zubr'. Poland Hunting is able to offer a very rare opportunity for the trophy sportsman to take one of these special animals. We have a small allocation of bulls and cows which can be taken as a result of herd management. This is a unique opportunity.

26 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

Wrong example and comparison. Polish isn`t English and English isn`t Polish.

It is very easy to master the English language without getting soaked with English/American/Canadian etc culture. These cultures are open and universal as they have been created by motley crew of immigrants, and as such they are easy to enter or leave without much ado.

It is not the case with the Polish language which is difficult to master and if someone manages to do it, (mind my word perfectly, I am certain you omitted it) he/she can`t avoid being "trapped" by the Polish culture which is unbreakably connected with the language.

Do you mean what I know?

(sick f*ck was bathing in a German resort thinking of destroying a culture)
It is just a single example. Why do you think the language was attacked? Because it unites people into a nation. It has far greater effects than any other factor.

Yes, exactly the same happened in Poland occupied by partition powers, more exactly by Russians and Germans. At some point of history the Polish language was forbidden by occupant authorities, in vain hope that after a few dozen years the Polish nation would vanish from the area.
25 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

Is it like that in Poland? I mean, if a Vietnamese's son speaks Polish well and the whole thing, would he be considered "Polish"?

I can see such yellow or black kids playing with their peers in Polish streets. I saw an Asian teenager playing football with hoods and being visibly befriended with them. To the best of my knowledge, they are considered Polish. After all, they speak perfect Polish and that is the most important factor in recognizing one`s nationality, isn`t it?

I think Polish proverbial hospitality helps them accept Polishness as something natural.
25 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

Of course, you are right. Hardly does the melting pot work for the first generation of immigrants. It is a known fact, observed in US and other countries with mass immigration.

But it certainly works for immigrants` kids. Providing they start their Polish adventure as toddlers, as adults they will speak and think in Polish. :):):):)

As for hindering any integration, I can tell you it is not so obvious. Some people hinder, but other try to make it easier. E.g. in my son`s kindergarten there was a Vietnamese girl and I heard a few stories.
25 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

Poland needs to reach the same level of development as Western Europe. Only then will young Poles stay in Poland to make their living here, instead of going West and too often settling there.

Otherwise, we will have to accept the situation that the space left by young Poles leavers will be filled by immigrants from Asia. I have nothing against, Polish culture is rich enough to accomodate all, but it would be nicer if the country was populated by original Poles, not wanna-be-Polish immigrants.
25 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

Why blame Eu for 15% tax regulation? Blame the Polish government which imposes tax as high as 22% on most products and services.

Without EU membership, when we'd be able to excercise full economical

Do you also mean full freedom of selling Polish goods in Europe markets?
24 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

then we can clearly see that all this talk about how much Poland benefits from being a EU member is nothing more than fairy tales.
Most people in Poland see this,

Yes, they do, and that is why the support for EU in Poland is steadily over 80%. People just love fairy tales. :):):):)

Or, maybe they see more than you? :):):):)

23 Dec 2009
Travel / New Year's Eve in Warsaw. How to spend it? [26]

Check pub called Lolek. It has nice reviews as a student-friendly place with a lot of music.

I spent the week of the 1st of May in Berlin..... was quite good :)

Yes, Berlin`s Love Parade is the biggest event in Europe. :):):):)
22 Dec 2009
History / 100 Zloty from 1988 bill as Xmas gift question [4]

You mean this : banknoty.republika.pl/polska_rzeczpospolita_ludowa/prl74_89/100zl_15stycznia1975.jpg

It was used throughout 70s and 80s.

The value of the present is high if the man collects such stuff.
20 Dec 2009
News / Does Poland count in Europe or is it ignored? [427]

I have to say that Mr. Pytlarczyk's Mathemathics teacher in Primary School has done an appalling job.

Seems so. :):):)

As much as I like our EU friends and as much as I appreciate their help, I think we
can safely say that Poles would be quite fine even without this 25 cents a day

Doesn`t seem so. When I drive on a renovated road, decorated with such a board,

my life standard has certainly improved. :):):):):)