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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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6 Sep 2009
Genealogy / tobur [11]

TABOR – from tabor (military camp, wagon train) or toponymic from Tabory

JANIEWICKI – toponymic nick from Janiewice (Johnsonville)

WESHEFFISY – such an orthographic monstrosity that even an uneducated guess is impossible!!!

MASTEJ – from root mast~maść (grease, oil, lubricant) or topnymic nikc from Masty or Mastki
6 Sep 2009

Some say that overpowering, never-take-no-for-an-answer, arm-bending ‘polska gościnność’ has waned somewhat over the past two decades. Do you agree? How would you compare today's Polish hospitality to that of other countries: British Isles, Germany, France, Italy or Scandinavia? Is this a general Slavic trait?
6 Sep 2009

Some Polsih newspaper and online reports I have read in recent eyars (don't ask me to cite the exact sources) suggested drug dealers were poised outside of many Polish schools ready to sell their wares for pupils' pocket money. Maybe it's just journalistic hype?
6 Sep 2009

Are drugs expected at most of the parties Polish teens and 20s attend? Roughly (on the basis of casual observation) how many use only booze, only drugs, both or none? (The latter case might occur with a driver.)

Does the host typically say: beer is in the fridge, the bar is over there, and the maryjane, hash and crack are on that little table near the window. Or do people mostly bring their own?

Does this vary from region to region (eg more in Gdańsk, less in Legnica), or in big cities as opposed to rural areas?
4 Sep 2009
Genealogy / 3 Daughters of Bronek Rózanski - Poland [9]

DECROIX - No-one named Decroix in today's Poland. Either they all died off heirless, emigrated or changed their name to Krzyżanowski or Krzyżowski (which contains the 'cross' root in Polish) or whatever. The name in French means literally "of cross". The English equivalent might be Crossman or Crossley.

RÓŻAŃSKI – toponymic nick form Różan, Różany or Różanna. Roguih Eng. place-name equiv.: Roseville, Rosemont.

ZELEM/ŻELEM – Sounds Jewish??? Several doz. in today’s Poland using both spellings.
3 Sep 2009
Genealogy / Im looking for info on this surname Burkieciak [6]

The SPELLING is Polish. I went to school wtih a Ukrainian chap named Sawczuk who spelt his name the Polsih way, because that's how his parents spelt it in a DP camp in Germany and didn't change it in the USA. The normal transcription of Ukrainian into English would have been Savchuk.
3 Sep 2009
Genealogy / Im looking for info on this surname Burkieciak [6]

The spelling is definteily Polish. Derived perhaps from the word burka which could mean: a woollen shawl or a brawl, or from burkat (a copper vessel). Possible toponymic sources: Burkat, Burkaty, Burki...
3 Sep 2009
Genealogy / Surname ZELETKO [6]

This is a name of east Slavonic origin, as indicatied both by the -ko ending and the
żel-/жел- root which had to do with desire or wish. There was once a first name Żelisław, of which Żeletko could have been a pet form. Only 13 people in Poland sign themsevles Żeletko at present.
2 Sep 2009
News / The most spectacular errors in Polish politics. [264]

All Versailles decision were not ethnographcially correct. After WW2 Stalin gave Zaolzie to Czechoslovakia undoutbedly to make it a source of Polish-Czech conflict. The old divida et impera tactic.
2 Sep 2009
News / The most spectacular errors in Polish politics. [264]

Kosovo is not a matter of Slav v non-Slav or Christian v Moslem. Keeping it as a part of Serbia would make it a festering wound that sooner or later would erupt. As a tiny independent state it is not a very viable entity. That is why absorption by Albania seems the only logical alternative.

In the context of Hitler's Drang nach Osten, Polish occupation of two Czech distrcits may look like complicity in that country's dismantling, but the Poles were only righting a Versailles wrong. That predominantly ethnic Polish area (Zaolzie) was mistakenly granted to Czechsolovakia. Even it present, there is a large Polish presence in the Ostrava area. Poland was only taking back what rightly belogned to her and was largely populated by ethnic Poles. Kosovo is not largely populated by ethnic Serbians.
2 Sep 2009
News / The most spectacular errors in Polish politics. [264]

Balkanisation is a curse to be avoided at all costs. Mini-states, ethnic enclaves and such like are the stuff of future conflicts. Having Serbian and Croatian enclaves in Bosnia is nonsensical: These should merge with Serbia and Croatia, leacing the Bosnians to fend for themselves. The same holds true for Moldova which should rejoin Romania and finally put an end to the Ribbentrop-Molotov fiasco. And since Kosovio is now mainly Albanian, it should not be an independent state nor part of Serbia but join Albania to form a contiguous national space. Regardless of what happened 500 or 1,000 years ago. That is why not attmepting to reactivate the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth nor give the 13 American coloneis back to the British are prudent solutions that have worked in practice.
2 Sep 2009
Genealogy / Ciak family - meaning and what part of Poland it is more popular in [4]

That was one of the poorest sections of Poland. Peasants mostly ate hearty soups and something (groats, potatoes, noodles, dumplings, root veggies, etc.) drizzled with pan drippings or oil. Chicken soup, meat, pierogi, gołąbki et al were mainly reserved for Sunday dinner or holidays.
1 Sep 2009

No, I never made my own kiełbasa, but my late Polish grandmother in Hamtramck used to do. It was the hand-cut kind and was it ever good! I also had an uncle that did. But there are Pol-Ams all over the States at present who make their own sausage, usually around Christmas and Easter.

BTW my Hamtramck babcia used to bake pear pies. There was this huge pear tree in her back garden that had gone wild and produced brick-hard pears. But they were great in pies. Apple & pear (50-50 or so) ones are also good. A dash of nutmeg instead of cinnamon is recommended.
31 Aug 2009

Ohio Democrat Marcy Kaptur said she was ashamed of her country, the USA, since Obama's place was in Poland at the WW2 anniversary celebration. Do the Pol-Ams on PF agree or disagree?

Marcy Kaptur , Democrat of Ohio , one of the most influential women in the American House of Representatives , in an interview with " Polish " criticized the Obama administration and stressed that in Gdansk should be president of the United States.

- I am ashamed for my government - said Hood . She added that " does not understand what happened, because due to the importance of Polish history and relationships that link Poland with the United States , should arrive to Gdansk President Obama himself ."

31 Aug 2009

In accordance with the good cop/bad cop tactic, of which Putin's KGB made extensive use, Putin's letter to Poles was much more subdued than some of the rants we have been hearing for weeks. A ranking representative of Tusk's Civic Platform (party) dubbed it an expression of Russian goodwill. (?*!) I have my doubts. What do you think?

Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs Andrzej Halicki (PO ) described the article Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday's "Gazeta Wyborcza " as " resulting from a declaration of good will ." - I read this letter as an official position of the Russian authorities - PO politician remarked during a press conference in the Parliament .

Halicki estimated that the list is a lot of " very valuable and very important elements " of a different message than some statements and publications on the Polish emerging in Russia recently.

Deputy expressed his hope that Poland and Russia will be able to make difficult historical topics that are debatable . "With good will - and I read it with this letter - I am an optimist when it comes to the future" - he stressed.

31 Aug 2009

Aug 31, 09, 11:51 - Thread attached on merging:

In the run-up to Putin's planned visit to Poland on 1st September, Moscow is stepping up its propaganda barrage against Poland, hurling about the most far-fetched of allegations. Not only did Poland help start the war by refusing Hitler's moderate demands to annex Gdadńsk and build an extraterritorial road and rail line link across Polish territory. It turns out Poland also conspired with Hitler to attack the Soviet Union and that Józef Beck was a German agent adn Stanisław Mikołajczyk -- a British spy. Poland also condemned Soviet POWs after the 1920 war to death by starvation and created the protoype of fututre concentration camps.

What do you make of all this?
30 Aug 2009

Just wondering if anyone on PF makes their own Polish sausage. If so, would you care to share your recipes and techniques?
29 Aug 2009
Language / Polish vs. Romanian [21]

It's intersting that tată is the Romanian word for father. Did it come from the Polish endearing form?
29 Aug 2009
Life / Who is your favourite polish writer? [15]

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz, esp. Kariera Nikodema Dyzmy! I know, it's low-brow fare and all, but this was the first novel I ever read cover to cover in Polish, so I have a certain sentiment for it. I also enjoyed the film starring Wilhelmi.
29 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Is Tulowitzki a Polish name? [12]

TU£OWICKI - arose as a toponymic nick from the locality of Tułowice (more than one such place in Poland). Four people in today's Poland sign themselves Tołowicki.

POLAND - One can only speculate as to how this name came about. It depends on the nationality of the bearer. If Polish, it could have been an adaptaiton form such surnames as Polak, Poalczek or Polski. If English, it migth have derived from the word 'pole'. For instance, the owner of a bean or hops plantation might have been nicknamed "pole land". And considering widespread illiteracy in centureis past, it could have emerged as a misspelling of Paul land, as the farm of Mr & Mrs Paul might have been called. (Anticipating the wit of PF's self-styled eggmongers [jajcarze] -- no, Mrs Paul did not work on the side as a pole dancer!)
29 Aug 2009
Life / Hollywood career - Polish style...? [17]

I heard Doda not long ago came to America to take the country by storm and throw the USA on its knees, but so far little of this has been heard. Anyone know what happened? Is she back in Poland?
28 Aug 2009
Life / Polish Birthday Party [10]

The singing of STO LAT is de rigueur at nameday and birthday parties alike.
28 Aug 2009
Life / Polish Wedding Song (to dance with a mom) [11]

At Pol-Am weddings in Michigan the Tatusiu Waltz by Big Daddy Lackowski is usually played and sung. It starts with the words: Nie płacz dzisiaj tatusiu... Incidentally. the first dance is for the bride and her dad. The groom gets the second dance.

There is a whole album of Pol-Am weddings songs. Visit:
27 Aug 2009
News / What needs to happen in the world so that Poland and Russia form alliance? [297]

For starters....all tsarist and Bolshevik territorial acquistions beyond ethnic Russian territory must be renounced by Moscow, and those regions must be allowed to return to theri mother-countries or go it alone as indpendent states. That includes the non-Russian republics and regions within the Russian Federation, the Trans-Dniestrian break-away region and the Caucasian states.

Properties confiscated by the Soviets including Polish noble estates must be returned to their rightful owners, and the Królewiec region should be divided between Poland and Lithuania. Poland must also be compensated for the Katyń massacre. Then maybe Polish-Russian relations could improve.