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What type and brand of cars do Polish people like? [51]
Everything thac cheap [primary concern], fuel efficient [secondary concern due to gas prices high. Thac why you wont find too many SUV's and all those big cars that burn s... load of gasoline with r v popular in USA], third would be the size since most people with cars serv as drivers for whole families when it comes to vacation and bigger events. Last but not least, the safety and how long will the car be able to withstand Polish roads...
and imo most popular would be Peugot, Fiat, Daewoo, VW, Ford, basicly all that meets at least two of the above criterias. Ppl with thick wallets usually ride Mercedes [guess its like synonym of Polish luxury still], BMW goes usually for the peeps called "dresiarze" or at least that what most ppl think bout them, most of them r stolen from Germany too, but thac a different story ;] .
Im personally saveing for a Camaro z-28 from ~1980, that beast gonna be really fun to drive throu Poland :] .