Life /
The Polish Flag Is White, with red tape! [32]
I have to say, I like very much living poland and the polish people have been just great for me. I enjoy the lifestyle and the cuture....
But my god the government is so strange in there procedures.
I have been he 3 months, and I have already lost count on how many times I have had to do things twice. My partner can call to someone and ask what documents are required and how much it costs, and when we get there, (and que for 30 minutes) we are told that we are missing something. This happens so many times. So finally are a very very long time most of my documents are complete....
But the last one has made me laugh....
I now need to apply to say I live in poland for the forseeable future.
Now I did this for my partner in england, and all I needed to do was post a letter to the council from the house owner saying that she had permission to live in the house. After that, everything was done, she could go to the doctors, she paid her taxes, simple.
In here, the home owner had to go with me to the government building just for me to get a 3 month temp document of residance.
Now for me to get a perminant document, I had to provide the following in person to the government building
1. My passport
2. My full bank history in poland
3. My business documents
4. A signed letter from my employer
5. My permission from the house owner
6. My business stamp
7. A letter from my accountant to prove I am earning in Poland
And after all that, they said it will take a month, so we asked why.
They said they will be sending a police officer to my home to check I live there and to take a look at me!
So he came to my home in the middle of the day about 2 weeks later we of course i was at home. He said he needs to look at me and then will make a desicion to see if am dangerous! So he left a message for me to attend the local police station to meet with him on a cerain time and date, plus he said if I do not speak polish then i have to provide a translator. (how can you have a immigration officer who doesn't speak anyother language). So I go at said time and date with polish translator to be told be the station he took the day off!
That is the end of my rant, and i feel much better :),
But I think Poland forgot it is in the EU and they can't stop me being here if they wanted anyway, can they?
And how can a government be so strict when I have already been offered a driving license and boating license for the 'right price'. lol
anyone else been subject to this?