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Joined: 15 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 17
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From: Gdynia
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Sports, Socialising

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15 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / UK Car Insurance [13]

Try Swift Car Insurance

Internet Company I used on my Uk Car and was about half of what i was getting quoted as a new driver. No claims is a great way to get your price down. Always worth getting a Uk Licence as it only takes around 2 weeks to do.
16 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / UK Car Insurance [13]

You don't have to resit, as far as it worked with my friend.

He just sent it off to the DVLA in UK and they sent him one back

Think there may have been a fee involved. Not sure how much though
18 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

What is Mr Brit (lower class) labour worker supposed to do when he is being undercut by cheap immigrant labour?

I used to work in recruitment in England and I had well over 200 poles working for me in various factories and warehouses.

First of all the feedback from the managers and owners about the staff 90% of the time was great. Had working and never complained.

The fact of the matter is companies in England employ whoever is going to work for the least, thats jsut basic maths.

But if you think that if no poles lived in england that the company would just employ english for more money then you are wrong. They will do what so many already have, they will sell there land in england (for a fortune) and setup in eastern - central europe where they have the labour on tap, land is cheaper and even if they ship there product back to england they are still making more money.

So english people are welcome to work in these factories in England but most who would have too prefer to sit on the couch and claim benifits. But without the polish working for this wage the factories and there management positions and all that comes with it would up and leave. And there would be now lower class work left for anyone
21 Apr 2008
Life / My girlfriend wants to go back to Poland as she thinks lifes better there [36]

I have just moved to Poland because of my girlfriends job opportunities. Before I came to live I visit a few times and thought the prices were unreal, of course I was just looking at clothes etc.. But when you get down to how much you spend a week the cost of living here is great. I have a job with an english firm out here and the money is good. A good move I think so far
24 Apr 2008
Life / English Magazines in Poland [3]

Does anyone now a good source of english magazines in poland.

They have them in some of the shops but for like 3 times the price if im lucky. Is it cheaper to have them sent from uk? Anybody do this already??
25 Apr 2008
Life / Where to buy a dog in Poland? [7]

Where can I buy a dog in Poland?

Do you have kennels? Is it all breeders?

I live in 3 City so if anyone has good experience with anyone please let me know

(im looking for a yorkie)
30 Apr 2008
Life / Receiving UK TV in Krakow [20]

Is there a limit to how many people can loggin to one box at a time?
30 Apr 2008
Life / A question on PS2 Games Bought In Poland [5]

This is a strange one, not sure if anyone can help me out.

I nearly bought a ps2 game today 'euro 08' but then thought if I can change the language to english? When bought in poland is all game in polish?

Has anyone bought this

Can anyone help with this??
21 May 2008
Life / Car Advertisements in Poland? [3]

Can anyone help with this?

Was approached yesterday and asked if I would consider having an advert on my car in exchange for cash as I have an English car and it draw more attention that most others. It not an amount of money you would turn your nose up at, but this makes me think its a scam. Anyone else done this and if so did it work out ok? And if it did do you know anymore companies who do this as another income is always welcome
26 May 2008
Travel / Polish visa - Nightmare! [40]

I have recently moved here and opened my own company. I did not have to provide any documentation before I left the UK. The process in Poland can get a little tricky at times but if your b/f is polish you should be fine. If you have any questions I can let you know where I tripped up.

Whatever you do, do not pay them any money as this is not needed
4 Jun 2008
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

Is this just me?

All the polish women I have met since I have moved here are very strong minded and also very quick to voice their opinions. I'm not saying this out of anger but of shock really (actually it is quite funny). I have already recieved so much advice on life, health, work, clothing, business!! It's crazy. And they never move one inch from their view, even if its something you know more about.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal everywhere?

And most importantly, do polish guys think this is easy to live with or hard? ha ha?
6 Jun 2008
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

Good luck to you.

Iam a polish woman and what you have written sounds strengly familiar. My (english) husband used to say it a lot, I don`t think he even bothers now, just gets on with the flow. Trust me it`s easier. WE ARE ALWAYS right

Ha ha, I am already doing it, you see its easier to go along with when its your g/f or wife, thats fine, you get all the benifits. But what do you do if its your mother - in - law or your grandmother - in - law?? And with the whole respect your eldars thing there is in here i can't even tell them no! ha ha
6 Jun 2008
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

ha ha, ok, now im scared!

Had a job before i moved, setup with an english internet company how have a base out here. Like poland a lot, loving the weather and having a little extra in the pocket each month. You working out here?
27 Jun 2008
Food / Polish Milk, Just not the same [54]

Hi all,

Just a quick one to see if anyone can point me towards a milk in poland similar to good old semi skimmed? All i find it the UHT stuff that lasts ages, but just don't like it and neither does my stomach. Any help would be great
7 Jul 2008
Love / Why do Polish Women Think They Know Better? [134]

Yesterday, 09:03 #28

My ex was exactly the same,and she had some weird things she said to......like colgate toothpaste is not good for you,i said i been using it for 35 years and i still have all my teeth,she replied,yes but thats your teeth.lol

there are so many i can't begin to tell you.

Ha ha, I had that one too, plus don't brush your teeth with cold water? What is that all about? And when it comes to food! O my god, if you say you don't like a type of food they like, its like a dog with a bone. I don't like cucumbers, and everytime I have been there in the last 2 years they ask me if I want them? No means No. Can you buy guns in poland? :)
16 Jul 2008
Life / The Polish Flag Is White, with red tape! [32]

I have to say, I like very much living poland and the polish people have been just great for me. I enjoy the lifestyle and the cuture....

But my god the government is so strange in there procedures.

I have been he 3 months, and I have already lost count on how many times I have had to do things twice. My partner can call to someone and ask what documents are required and how much it costs, and when we get there, (and que for 30 minutes) we are told that we are missing something. This happens so many times. So finally are a very very long time most of my documents are complete....

But the last one has made me laugh....

I now need to apply to say I live in poland for the forseeable future.

Now I did this for my partner in england, and all I needed to do was post a letter to the council from the house owner saying that she had permission to live in the house. After that, everything was done, she could go to the doctors, she paid her taxes, simple.

In here, the home owner had to go with me to the government building just for me to get a 3 month temp document of residance.

Now for me to get a perminant document, I had to provide the following in person to the government building

1. My passport
2. My full bank history in poland
3. My business documents
4. A signed letter from my employer
5. My permission from the house owner
6. My business stamp
7. A letter from my accountant to prove I am earning in Poland

And after all that, they said it will take a month, so we asked why.

They said they will be sending a police officer to my home to check I live there and to take a look at me!

So he came to my home in the middle of the day about 2 weeks later we of course i was at home. He said he needs to look at me and then will make a desicion to see if am dangerous! So he left a message for me to attend the local police station to meet with him on a cerain time and date, plus he said if I do not speak polish then i have to provide a translator. (how can you have a immigration officer who doesn't speak anyother language). So I go at said time and date with polish translator to be told be the station he took the day off!

That is the end of my rant, and i feel much better :),

But I think Poland forgot it is in the EU and they can't stop me being here if they wanted anyway, can they?

And how can a government be so strict when I have already been offered a driving license and boating license for the 'right price'. lol

anyone else been subject to this?
16 Jul 2008
Life / The Polish Flag Is White, with red tape! [32]

You see wildrover, I could do what you do, but I could never get any loan, or car, not even a mobile phone. This is the problem
21 Jul 2008
USA, Canada / Are holidays to Florida popular in Poland? [21]

Are holidays to Florida popular in Poland.

I know that in England the trip is very popular and I am planning a trip there. I am wondering if to book it in poland or to book in england and budget airline to england first. Any thoughts, anyone had such a holiday from poland and how much did they pay?

21 Jul 2008
Life / The Polish Flag Is White, with red tape! [32]

Just a laughable update on procedings.

Went to the Police Station for the 2nd time to find my fat policeman waiting to inspect me.

He sat me down in the office, and from then on didn't ask me one question. I had taken my partner for translation purposes as he did not understand english.

He continued to tell her that he believe's this system is stupid and makes no sense (of course I coudn't agree more) and that he has no problem with me residing in poland. But continued to say that there will be a further two random house visits before he gives me the ok!!!!

What the ????

I mean, what do poland want? They will be going through my trash next, and all so I am allowed to pay my taxes? Which I am doing without them showing too much concern.

I plan to build a house in 6 months, and the way documentation is needed, it scares the hell out of me! And once its built, I will have to tell the authorities I have moved, that will be fun i am sure. :)

And where is the sun?

Ha ha
21 Jul 2008
Life / The Polish Flag Is White, with red tape! [32]


I wish it was wrong, I don't understand it at all. I can't be the only person who has goine through this to get perminant residance. I know poeple on here do the 3 month thing but has anyone tried for perminant?
23 Jul 2008
Life / The Polish Flag Is White, with red tape! [32]


Thanks for this info.

This is what I am talking about. Last time i was in the office, they said you can have 3 months or perm. To be honest as I will be getting a loan to build a house for about 30 years I will need perm anyway, but i was never told about 5 year card.
4 Aug 2008
UK, Ireland / Tell me whats the best way to integrate in england [26]

Try Manchester,

I am from there and it is very industrial, and i used to work in recruitment and if you turn up and time for work you will always get a job

Go to the following places if you go there, they are recruitment agencies.


When you move there find a place with good transport links. If you need any help just let me know.

In manchester there are a few polish communities now, but just be streetwise. If your walking late at night don't speak so loud in polish on your phone, there are too many idiots looking for easy targets.
4 Aug 2008
UK, Ireland / Tell me whats the best way to integrate in england [26]

Well surely that depends where in manchester you live and walk, and i would not say that is just in manchester. I would like to match manchester to the likes of Liverpool and London. Where would you suggest a pole to go to in england?

I did not say it was about nationality, I said it was about easy targets. Tell me any city in the country right now that doesn't have a really bad street crime rate at the moment.

Needless to say, I lived in Manchester for 24 years and managed to say out of trouble because I thought about what I was doing and where i was going

With regards to you saying I am wrong about agencies. I am still in contact with friends at my agency who are asking me to send good people because they don't have enough. Even giving perm industrial jobs out. They are not the market leaders so I can't imagine they are the only company in this situation.