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Posts by ukinpoland  

Joined: 16 Jan 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jun 2007
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 338 / In This Archive: 314
From: Torun/Bydgoszcz
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: Learning more about Poland/FOOTBALL

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2 Jul 2007
Life / Renewing my English passport in Poland [23]

The nearest to you is Poznan, I would imagine, if you are in Bydgoszcz

Well im in Torun but its the same deal. I must say im suprised at your help and I much appreciate it. Have a nice day. I mean that.

Well im in Torun but its the same deal.

Actually after looking at the trains journey times there is about 30 minutes difference between going to Poznan and Warsaw. As the passport office is very close to Warsaw train station and I know where to go in Warsaw I think I will just go there.

So it would appear michal is correct

Who needs to sign it?
Usually only you need to sign if you are applying to renew your passport.

But, if your appearance has changed so much that it would be difficult to recognise you from the photo in your current or last passport, you will need to get your form countersigned at section 10. You should ask someone who works in a recognised profession or has good standing in the community (tell me more about who can countersign my application form) who has known you for at least two years to do this. They must:

This is from the UK passport office. So Im getting different information here. Maybe I should just play it safe and get it signed.

Well im going to take a gamble and not get it signed. Its going to be a wasted journey if they wont do it but I cant travel to my school today to get it signed. Thanks for your help everyone (yes even you Michal) although I dont understand why sites are giving different information.
1 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Unemployed due to Polish who work in the UK [126]

Michal i'm not learning taiwanees or Korean i'm learning Polish

Hang on. They dont speak Polish as a first language?? When did that happen?
1 Jul 2007
Life / Renewing my English passport in Poland [23]

to be countersigned if there is no major changes to the details held within the original passport these days. I would have thought that there must be an official web page covering all this somewhere.

Im not sure because of all the fake applicants and terrorist problems the rules are changing. Also I was always told on forms the photo had to be signed by someone who is in a respectable postition. Not a builder for example.
1 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Unemployed due to Polish who work in the UK [126]

However, there are lots of English teachers in Poland from all over the World. They will survive without us

I think they will always welcome bright people into their country though. Good luck Lisa hope to see you here soon!
1 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Unemployed due to Polish who work in the UK [126]

My dream job would be to move to Poland and work in a school and helping them there. Only thing holding me back at the moment are my two boys as i wouldn't want to disrupt their lives to much. Maybe one day. :-)

Its good you have a dream and are doing things to realise it. Dont listen to Michal I think he has had some bad experiences in life and it has made him bitter. I really hope you get to move to Poland and I see no reason why you wont.

1 Jul 2007
Language / A Native American or a Native Pole: Who is better into which language? [116]

you take it all so seriously that you ask for advice before you dare defend yourself. Oh, it is acceptable I have just asked a student

Michal I asked about the word 'bo' when I first heard the word. Look at the times of posting old chap, its end of school year so how would I ask a student for confirmation. Let it go and try to move on with your life.

He wouldn't understand,,he has a 5 bedroomed house in guildford

Actually then this guy is a decent fellow.

Its good of him to make sure his wife has enough rooms to escape to.
1 Jul 2007
Language / A Native American or a Native Pole: Who is better into which language? [116]

My maths is not a strong point at the best of times If he is earning over 700 pounds per month maybe I will change my mind and join the Brits in the teaching profession

Again Mickey not everything is about money. More money could be earnt working in a supermarket in UK. Some people just like to experience new things and feel like they are helping people.
1 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Unemployed due to Polish who work in the UK [126]

Bo on jest glupi-do you remember those words? Who wrote them? Who was it about?

You and it was nothing to do with your typing abilities. I thought you already answered this post?
30 Jun 2007
Life / Polish legal drinking and smoking laws [7]

You will have lots of fun. Polish people are very warm and friendly. This is general of course because everywhere there are some grumpy old buggers who like to complain all the time.
30 Jun 2007
Life / Polish legal drinking and smoking laws [7]

They enjoy a drink and usually people's believes here dont hold them back from partying.

They probably attend church on Sunday mornings, so be prepared you might have to go with them :)
30 Jun 2007
Language / A Native American or a Native Pole: Who is better into which language? [116]

A small Polish school gives you 900 pounds per month towards your rent plus wages? You must be drinking some of that funny stuff.

Sorry I meant 900 pound from the rent of my house in UK.

Michal does it take you a long time to think of things to say? Try to follow forum rules and keep everything in as few posts as possible.
29 Jun 2007
Language / A Native American or a Native Pole: Who is better into which language? [116]

At least it is good to know that the Polish students do not have to pay you much for your lessons. How much is it they pay you a month in Poland for your unskilled job? Two packets of peanuts

4,000zl plus 900 pound a month for the rent of my house. I do quite well thanks mickey.
29 Jun 2007
Love / Ok GUYS....THIS is what women want...stop acting lame [238]

I actually feel sorry for the guy. Maybe we should make allowances for him, on the video he looks like he is a nice guy who is living in his own little world. Nate nate nate dog Pow!! Big up respect to you nate.
29 Jun 2007
UK, Ireland / Unemployed due to Polish who work in the UK [126]

Thanks I feel happy in the knowldege that I have managed to stop you from coming to Poland. :)

This calls for a celebration im going for a pint.
29 Jun 2007
UK, Ireland / Unemployed due to Polish who work in the UK [126]

Well as there are so many teachers with CELTA's most school's can afford to be picky. Again it depends on the person and what 'feelings' the school have after their first meeting. I think there are many schools that would allow teachers to teach without any qualifications. I met an 18 year old Polish/English guy who was teaching here and he had no teaching experience or qualifications but he managed to get a job.

Yes, and I make big mistakes now too. I learn all the time just like anybody else. Before I went to Jagiellonski, I knew very little Polish

So why do you try to keep putting me down for not being able to speak Polish well?? If you were at the same point as I am now surely you understand that it takes time and work to learn a language??
29 Jun 2007
Language / A Native American or a Native Pole: Who is better into which language? [116]

I tell you what, I will come and give you some free Polish Language lessons the next time I come over to Poland

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Please dont come to Poland. Also bo is an acceptable word to use instead of poniewaz. I know it may not be very 'ellegant' as one student described it but you will even see Bo on many road warnings here and also in songs, films and cereals etc.
29 Jun 2007
Language / A Native American or a Native Pole: Who is better into which language? [116]

Well added to the rent from my house in England I do very well:) Also michal i belive the whole of Poland would celebrate if they knew you and knew that you wont ever be coming to live here. It seems like you are just interested in money. Just like all those TEFL teachers you mnetioned.
29 Jun 2007
Language / A Native American or a Native Pole: Who is better into which language? [116]

So what is it then that allows you to teach English or anything else for that matter in Poland but excludes everybody else?

Excuse me but I dont remember excluding everyone else from being able to teach English. Just you michal, just you.