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Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 1767 / In This Archive: 983
From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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9 Oct 2007
News / Why so many bad candidates for Poland Prime Minister? [261]

The most interesting fact is that's he is also reported to be connected with PO

He may have too much money and don't know what to do with it, so he's betting on the looser party to get rid of his money... ;p

By the way, who said all that ? the medias ?...
9 Oct 2007
Life / POLISH SNOBS [16]

I THINK NOT, WE ARE INTELLIGENT, HOT, AND.........................SEXY

You seem to like the word "sexy" when talking about Polish people... ;)
9 Oct 2007
Language / I know Russian language - will it help me learn Polish? [105]

Je puis lire francais, malheureurement je ne parle/"chatte" pas francais tres bien, parceque il y'a beaucoupe des anes passes depuis j'ete en France.

Good ;) i can help you if you want :

Je peux lire en français, malheureusement je ne parle pas très bien français parce que ça fait longtemps que j'ai été en France. ;)

Jeg snakker litt norsk, men kan ikke snakke med norskmennen, du førstår meg ?...

LoL i'm not sure if all is correct ("norskmennen"...) but i'm still learning ;)

Yes, I love languages being as I'm a translator as well as a foreign language instructor by vocation

Okay, that explains, i love languages as a hobby (don't know if i would work with languages someday...) I even created languages ;P (like Tolkien)

9 Oct 2007
Language / I know Russian language - will it help me learn Polish? [105]

LoL but i don't plan to learn Russian now...

But declination is creepy X_x native speakers have sometimes troubles with that too xD

Yep difficult, and even for natives...we should make declination optional ;P
9 Oct 2007
Language / I know Russian language - will it help me learn Polish? [105]

Czech guys talk about their girlfriends and say: "To moja divka" (That's my girlfriend) but to Poles it sounds like "To moja dziwka" (That's my *****)..

Ok i made the translation by myself ;D LOL
9 Oct 2007
Language / I know Russian language - will it help me learn Polish? [105]

LoL ;) Even if many words are very similar between these languages, we have to be careful if we don't want to be in a "difficult" situation ;)

By the way, how many and what languages do you speak Marek ?
9 Oct 2007
Language / I know Russian language - will it help me learn Polish? [105]

Aha thanks ;)

In Scandinavian languages, namely Swedish, Danish and Norwegian, the differences can lead to erotic jokes!

I'm learning Swedish and Norwegian, and i think i've seen this situation ;) I love languages ;)
9 Oct 2007
Language / I know Russian language - will it help me learn Polish? [105]

Ok thanks Marek ;)
I heard that a glass of vodka make them to understand each other much better... ;P LoL
About Ukrainian, are there words coming from Polish due to the time of Great Poland-Lithuania...
My mother (who is Polish) told me that she can understand some Russian, but it's quite difficult.
It can be compared with French and Italian for example : when i hear an Italian talking, or read an Italian text, i can understand a bit of what it's said, but not all, sure ;)
8 Oct 2007
News / Is the mayor of warsaw's husband German? [13]

There are quite a lot of German names in Poland, due to the minority, and the past, and maybe the Jews (names ending with "-stein" for example) ;)
8 Oct 2007
News / Polish Election Poll (according to PolishForums) [237]

Would that be the ( Wio Wio ).?

Hmm...i think it's the Partiet Kobieta so "PK"... ;p But it's a good idea that women have their own party ;)

• Women's Party (PK) - seven (out of forty-one) regions;
• Patriotic Self-Defense (SOP) - two regions;
• German Minority (MN) - one region;
• National Party of Retirees and Pensioners (KPEiR) - one region.

Didn't know that, thanks ukpolska ;)
7 Oct 2007
News / Is the E.U. good for Poland?? [180]

Poland gets a lot of money from the EU so, in my opinion, it's not a mistake. And it helps when you travel and have to pass countries borders ;)