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Philpz 3 | 1  
9 Oct 2007 /  #1

I THINK NOT, WE ARE INTELLIGENT, HOT, AND.........................SEXY
Polson 5 | 1767  
9 Oct 2007 /  #2
I THINK NOT, WE ARE INTELLIGENT, HOT, AND.........................SEXY

You seem to like the word "sexy" when talking about Polish people... ;)
plk123 8 | 4129  
9 Oct 2007 /  #3
yes, definitely... wtf?
beckski 12 | 1609  
9 Oct 2007 /  #4
WE ARE INTELLIGENT, HOT, AND.........................SEXY

I have to agree with that Philpz!
Michal - | 1865  
12 Oct 2007 /  #5
I think that with time the Poles in England do become very snobbish indeed. I know of Polish people who were very proud of their Polish ancestry but who now hide it even removing the PL signs from the back of their cars! Class is an interesting subject but it is interesting to note especially among the Poles how Communism would never work in practice. The middle class Poles in England fall in to two distinct bands, those who will refuse to speak anything but English and put on funny pretentious English accents and those who demand that Polish is spoken at home at all times. I do not know which breed I hate the more! As the Poles accumulate wealth and their aspirations grow they start to cut themselves off from other peer groupings and will start to mix with similar educated and religious groups, they use the church and other symbolic opportunities of expessing this new found cultural identity. Expensive cars, good schools for their bloody little offspring, and cultural events where only the same types are invited all lead to a new form of class war.
zibo - | 55  
12 Oct 2007 /  #6
Expensive cars, good schools for their bloody little offspring, and cultural events where only the same types are invited all lead to a new form of class war.

that happens to everyone who has money, polish or no polish.
Michal - | 1865  
12 Oct 2007 /  #7
Yes, that is true but it seems to be magnified in the Polish as they are not used to money and the bad effects that this can bring. Economic power has to be earned and understood through a few generations but the Polish always want everything now and the Poles show no interest as to how they come to a final economic destination. They are easily corrupted.
saddened - | 64  
15 Oct 2007 /  #8
My fudzer sed it stop wiz me when dey were carying me to doctor down the road.
My mudzer woz strech out on the broken door when she was pegnan wiz me when the snob fel off door.
hancock 1 | 95  
18 Oct 2007 /  #9
This should not be lightly done we are few and far between. and well hid.

A co łatwo nas znajśc'
roalex 13 | 40  
24 Oct 2007 /  #10
Imagin spending years of your life not being able to be a snob. Then voila the fall of communism and you can be a snob. It's allowed, maybe even accepted.
hancock 1 | 95  
24 Oct 2007 /  #11
the less the merrier
roalex 13 | 40  
25 Oct 2007 /  #12
The more the merrier
crkclrdgrl 1 | 2  
25 Oct 2007 /  #13
I have never met any Polish people who are snobs. I have met more Americans, Spanish (from Spain), and British that are more stuck up and snobby, though.
espana 17 | 948  
25 Oct 2007 /  #14
Spanish (from Spain),

spanish (from spain) do anybody know any spanish who are not from spain?
LATINA 3 | 73  
25 Oct 2007 /  #15
Most Polish people are not stuck up or snobs. I actually find them very friendly and down to earth. Definitely, Spaniards, South Americans, British and other people are more snobbish than Polish people.
hancock 1 | 95  
26 Oct 2007 /  #16
I think your absolutely right. Only the polish snobs are snobish the rest are very down to earth people.

And I leared that from my pearents. my father was a snob who married my mum who wasnt. I was taught to act down to earth at home snobish with others but with friends i could take my pick.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / POLISH SNOBSArchived