History /
Poland: dont blame us its the Germans. [174]
Sour grapes? :)
What then would you call being erased from the map for 200 years? A success??? :):):)
A result of neighbouring a nation with tendencies that often border on psycopathic, you cant deny your people are the source of two largest conflicts, the largest genocide in living history and centuries of abuse towards each other and their neighbours, you have been unable to establish a peacefull society for longer than a 100 years and most major conflicts in the region start with Germany.
While i remain impressed with a lot of things about Germany you're Europes great problem child and i'm not sure if we wouldnt be safer if you did not just dissapear post WW2.
And now you live again on german support in the EU...some failure!
If not for the war You caused, for the destruction You caused and for the losses You caused we'd have a full blown western style economy for generations, what we got from Germany is pocket money when compared with how much You have cost us.
but nothing what they hadn't done before to us! :)
Oh you did quite a lot of things no one before you did, death industry, plans to genocide entire races, and 60 years later arrogant attempts to rewrite all that into a milder form so you dont seem quite the monsters you were, i've deluded myself untill very recently that Germany changed somehow from this dysfunctional psychopathic creature it became in late 19th, but you're the same, CDUs declaration made it pretty clear you're still your little old chaunivistic twisted self.
Germany lost the war and got down but we took our enemies with us!
You were this close to getting your nation sterilized or changed into a bunch of shepherds and you're glad? The only thing that saved you from obliteration was Stalins little feud with the West.
And now look at us! Some failure....sure..when Germany is a failure, what are you then? A joke?
You mean a chauvinistic state filled with descendants of murderers who insolently try to shift blame onto the descendants of their victims and rewrite history? Or the fact that you're going to lose 1/3 of your nation within some 50 years, the fact that you're forewer bonded with Nazism and Hitler in the eyes of the world and every single achievement you made is forever overshadowed by WW2? You're a damn success BB!
And now look at us! Some failure....sure..when Germany is a failure, what are you then? A joke?
One won battle every few centuries isn't going to cut it!:):):)
We've been winning most battles for over 7 centuries, our problem is that we let the little medieval nazi aka teutons survive and turn into Prussia when we should have wiped them out post haste and let Turks take you over, Germany doesnt exist because its super, its where it is because we stupidly allowed it.