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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 30 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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22 Jan 2008
News / The most useless things in Poland [140]

its like the ticket says $5 and then i take it to the till with my $5 bill and all of a sudden theyve added tax to it and its a totally different figure

Sorry....guess the Brits cannot figure fractions in there heads:D
28 Jan 2008
News / Polish citizens given away to foreign law courts - is this normal? [29]

I think, that citizens of EU countries should be taken to law courts in their homelands.

Why, so they can gain unfair advantage. I think a person charged with a crime should be tried in the jurisdiction where the crime was committed.

Sorry but I have to disagree.
29 Jan 2008
Love / Polish Girlfriend, but she is not single ... [35]

if she doesnt respect the guy she is currently with than who is to say she will respect anyone else....why cant she be honest with the guy?

Exactly! Cheaters. imho, are self-absorbed children with no regard or respect for others....they are indulging their own impulses, no matter who they might hurt.

A friend of mine just found out her spouse was having an affair with a mutual "friend" of about lowlife scum....and the kicker is he was always accusing her of cheating....what a pig!
29 Jan 2008
Love / Polish Girlfriend, but she is not single ... [35]

i am not sure if we're really made to be with one only.. seems un-natural to me. ;) :D

And that's fine if you are not deceiving someone in the process.....if you are going to be screwing around with several people, have some integrity and at least be honest and up front with those you are screwing, as I know you would be, PLK ;) :D

Usually the cheaters always accuse others of cheating.

Exactly....I've had it happen to myself in the past, where I was accused and yet he was the one carrying on the was just a way to justify what he was doing (convincing himself that I was cheating too, though deep in his heart, he knew I never would).
31 Jan 2008
Law / Be careful where you buy building materials in Poland! [12]

I did want to name them in an earlier post as a warning but admin were not too keen on the possible legal consequences of 'naming and shaming' such businesses

If that's true, that's not right admin. You are based in US where there's suppose to be freedom of a consumer, I think he has every right to share the name of the business and his experience with them. Honestly, what kind of legal recourse would a business in Poland have against a forum based in the US?

People share their opinions and experiences here all the time. Just because Fin had a bad experience, someone else on here might be able to say they had a good experience with the company.
31 Jan 2008
Law / Be careful where you buy building materials in Poland! [12]

What if a competitor of companyX wants to slander companyX so that the customers avoided them and went to his/her company? How would you check the truthfulness of the complaint and who would be willing to do the checking and take responsibility?

I read the other thread after this one about giving a special place on the forum for such complaints, and I agree there should not be one. If someone has a problem with a company, then start a single thread.

As for company x saying negatives about company y, it's an anonymous forum.....lies are spewed on forums all the time. People who read things on forums need to take the info with a grain of, if someone is giving their account of the type of service they rec'd from a company, it would be very difficult for a company to dispell. It's not illegal to share an opinion.

Now if someone states that company x is involved in laundering money to terrorists, mobsters, etc....something which can be proven, then I could see your point, but that would go on the individual.
31 Jan 2008
Law / Be careful where you buy building materials in Poland! [12]

You can name the company's name on the forum if you like.

in the case of finT's flooring, it would be of value to me personally to know exactly which company hes talking about

Come on FinT, spill the beans.....
31 Jan 2008
Genealogy / For all you blue-eyed Poles [64]

You and all the other blue-eyed people in the world came from a single ancestor.....proof that we're all connected in some way....

Genetic mutation makes those brown eyes blue
Scientists find that blue-eyed individuals have a single, common ancestor

full story
31 Jan 2008
Genealogy / For all you blue-eyed Poles [64]

so now you all are mutants.

That's pretty funny, Wyspi....gave me a chuckle;)
31 Jan 2008
USA, Canada / For All PF members in the Midwest, USA [21]

Better stock up on essentials.....I went to the store on the way home and prepared in case I am homebound for the next couple of days....

Texas storm claims three lives; West Coast sees 4th storm

31 Jan 2008
Genealogy / For all you blue-eyed Poles [64]

Melanin switch
The mutation is what regulates the OCA2 switch for melanin production. And depending on the amount of melanin in the iris, a person can end up with eye color ranging from brown to green. Brown-eyed individuals have considerable individual variation in the area of their DNA that controls melanin production. But they found that blue-eyed individuals only have a small degree of variation in the amount of melanin in their eyes.
31 Jan 2008
Genealogy / For all you blue-eyed Poles [64]

The only exception are the albinos who have blue eyes because of lack of melanin.

They wouldn't be albino if they had blue eyes.....albinos completely lack melanin. :

"The genetic switch is located in the gene adjacent to OCA2 and rather than completely turning off the gene, the switch limits its action, which reduces the production of melanin in the iris. In effect, the turned-down switch diluted brown eyes to blue.

If the OCA2 gene had been completely shut down, our hair, eyes and skin would be melanin-less, a condition known as albinism."
1 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / For All PF members in the Midwest, USA [21]

it won't snow much more then 2 or 3 inches tops.

its still not snowing,, and its after midnight..

Actually, it's not the snow I am concerned's the ice! It's sleeting right now (yes, another insomniatic night)....we did have a little snow, so far, but just a dusting.
12 Feb 2008
Life / Polish attitudes towards drinking alcohol [72]

very interesting programme the other night examining the clasification and proposed reclasification of various narcotic substances using a new set of defining parameters... alcohol and nicotene were among the most harmful and it was suggested that if what is know now was known previously they would both be prohibited

I think they're more harmful probably due to the fact that they are more easily accessible and legal, if you of a certain age, and therefore more people use alcohol and nicotine more prevalently than other drugs......this leads to a higher addiction rate than addictions to other substances.

I wish they had been prohibited long ago....I'd probably have a living mother and my life certainly would be a lot easier!

BTW, what was the programme? I'd certainly be interested in watching it.
14 Feb 2008
Love / Polish boyfriends [77]

The Polish guy I dated a longtime ago was quite the charmer, although very dishonest, I would later come to find out. I'm not by any means saying all Polish men are dishonest. In the same respect, I have to agree with Glowa in that it's not just a cultural trait of the Polish to be friend's with an ex and to show disrespect to their current partner; there are people from every walks of life that are self-centered and don't care about others feelings but their own. By saying that, I'm not saying people can't be friends with ex's, but if there's a problem with a current relationship because of that friendship, then something needs to change.
14 Feb 2008
Love / Polish boyfriends [77]

Maybe you're all just attracted to d*ckheads?

I don't think that's the case, melonhead kitty....this is a polish forum though, so we're talking about Polish men....if it were an American forum, English Forum, Russian Forum, guess is men of those nationalities would be targeted. I never said all Polish men are d*ckheads.....I happen to know a few that are absolutely wonderful!
14 Feb 2008
Love / Polish boyfriends [77]

someone says they had a problem with a Polish boyfriend, another one chips in with what their current Polish bf is like (i.e. similar), and the generalisations follow...

But nonetheless, true, at least in these particular cases. If someone wants to believe that ever single polish man is as we described, than they're an idiot.
26 Feb 2008
Love / "Let's leave beautiful women for men with poor sexual imagination" [150]

he is happy to throw away 3 years of their lives together just like that, and then all of the sudden he gets hitched again. i imagine she felt (and still does) it was all a lie, the life she had with him, and that he had never truly loved her.

This reminds me of a celebrity quote, by Sharon Stone: "Women have the ability to fake orgasms, whereas men have the ability to fake entire relationships." I probably should have put that in the quote thread, but it applies here also, I think:)
27 Feb 2008
Life / What kind of antiques are popular in Poland? [49]

the jarmark dominikanski, summer, gdansk is a great place to pick up something interesting

There was a lot of cool stuff we saw there last summer......if I'd of had the money, I would have purchased several things.

I also have her rosary's.. and I cant even find anything on them here.. they are very

I have my Great Grandmother's Rosary, which she brought over from Italy. She had it from the time she was a young girl. It's sterling silver and is approx. 120 years old.
28 Feb 2008
Life / What kind of antiques are popular in Poland? [49]

the metals that holds them together
is so old and black and you can tell is all hand made

LOL, yeah, actually mine is so tarnished, it looks almost day I will take it in to have it cleaned.
3 Mar 2008
News / What do Polish friends think of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? [226]

Personally, I'll decide when the party candidates are that point, I will compare the two candidates and choose whom I think is best for the job. As it stands right now, it looks as though it may be Obama and McCain.....I like them both, so I need to educate myself as to what each would bring to the office of the President.
6 Mar 2008
Travel / Overstaying on a Visa in Poland [25]

they did seem to be looking for someone and something particular.

I bet they took one look at you, Wroclaw, and decided you had an over abundance of donuts stashed away in your baggage;)
7 Mar 2008
Travel / Visiting Gdansk / Sopot for first time [27]

I have also seen a place in Sopot called mokwy14a

I stayed at the Mokwy last summer and it was alright....clean and intimate.....withing walking distance of the night life in Sopot. Think it's under new management now from when I stayed there.

You might want to pm Bubbawoo......he's quite familiar with the tri-city area.....I'm sure he could give you some good tips.
7 Mar 2008
Travel / Visiting Gdansk / Sopot for first time [27]

I would say it is, although the rooms have their own private baths. There is a common kitchen area, and I believe breakfast is included in your stay.....nice Polish woman cooks the meals. There's a courtyard with a fireplace that's conducive to entertaining, so if you just wanted to hang out there and entertain yourselves, you could.