Is that true, that even gray, but ready-to-do-everything, mouse would cause more interest than beautiful/educated/emancipated?
Gonna take a stab at this.
I don't think them being "Polish" has anything to do with it. I think some girls take the "emancipated" thing to the extreme of "I don't need any man-even
you". Perhaps they think this is endearing, but only to other women. Personally, I have no use for a woman that makes it all too obvious she doesn't need me. Which is not the same as saying she can handle herself.
Not sure if that is where you are coming from or not, but I know if my wife, no matter how beautiful, began acting as if she did not need me at all-I would leave her, and if I found someone new, even if less beautiful or with more baggage, who DID need me to some point, or at least made me feel like it-I would be happier with THAT girl.
Clear as mud?
John P.