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Poland's overall view on the US? [38]
Actually, 9/11 and the War in Iraq are dirctly related...9/11 was a false-flag terror op
perpetrated by elements in the American military/intelligence/corporate complex, along
with the Mossad to sieze Iraqi oil & to aid Zionist plans for 'Yeretz Yisrael' that would
ultimately include parts of Iraq, Syria, Jordan & Saudi Arabia...also, a little known fact:
the former Shah of Iran (who by the way, was from a Russian Jewish family) used to supply Israel w/cheap oil through the Israeli port of Eilat...when the Muslims took over in
Iran, this, some of the Iraqi oil is destined for Israel, at cheap prices, and
the rest is to stay in the ground, in order to drive world prices up...a majority of Americans oppose this war, and certainly consider George Bush a traitor...but, you see,
the American public has been asleep for so long, brainwashed by television & the 'consumer culture' that we have been very slow in coming to grips with the truth...
I lived thru, and was eligible for the draft during the Vietnam War, so I have a little dif-
ferent perspective on the motives of 'governments'...but, Americans realize how this
fiasco in Iraq has lowered our standing, in terms of morality & respect, with the world in
general...we are in a deep hole here in America, and, sadly, we might not be able to
climb out in the near the way, do the Rothschilds have a bank in Poland yet?