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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 3 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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1 Nov 2007
Love / My girlfriend thinks she's pregnant! Pomocy!! [75]

I spent the first three years of my explorative years thinking I was pregnant

LOL, Liza.....I think many young girls think that, because they feel guilty, and realize they are probably not truly ready to be having sexual relations.

Why would your gf, java, not believe in a home pregnancy test? Is she worried about false results? I can tell you, most home pregnancy test are highly accurate, but if you truly want to know whether or not she is pregnant, than she should see a doctor and have a blood test.

If she is pregnant and intends on having the baby, then she needs to start pre-natal care, if she is to be responsible.

I agree with what someone else said (or someone's father) "If you are old enough to be playing around, then you should be old enough to accept consequences of your actions."
2 Nov 2007
Love / My girlfriend thinks she's pregnant! Pomocy!! [75]

yesssssssssss i am soooooooooo happy....now i am going to get drunk to celebrate!!! thanks you people for all your wise words.........

I hope you listen to these wise words.....use a condom next time.....even if she is on the pill, no form of birth control is 100% effective (except abstinence and sterilization) so anything extra would be a wise choice, so you don't have to worry again.

P.S. I am glad there is not a baby coming into this world by parents who don't want him. I have the feeling you and your gf would have kept the child, which would have been a huge mistake.....there are so many couples out there dying to have children that can't.....if she were pregnant, I would hope she would give it up for adoption......that is love....giving the child a chance at a decent life with parents who desperately want them.
5 Nov 2007
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

the underlying premiss of what you are saying is wrong

How is his underlying premise wrong.....there are three sides to every story, your side, our side and the truth......I think he was just pointing out that in order to get a fair balance to form a valid opinion, one needs to look at all sides. That's my interpretation of what he was saying.....of course, I am an American, so what do I know.....:P
5 Nov 2007
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

The US IS doing great things....granted, there are many f..k ups the US has made also which those are the things that get reported, because that is what sells......the US, like every country on the face of this planet is by no means perfect....we all have our good and bad points. What would be nice is if those countries or individuals that have such great disdain for the US could take a look at themselves every once in a while instead of concentrating on the US and our f..k ups.
5 Nov 2007
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

i know things are hard to accept for y when things aren't all that peachy

No things are not hard for me to accept....I have acknowledged that the US has messed up majorly and we are not perfect. I also don't think most of America is ignorant of the fact the we messed up......I think most Americans are conscience of that fact.
5 Nov 2007
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

let's hear this so called "good news"

I think John P listed quite a few good things in his posts....no need to reiterate.....just go back and read.
5 Nov 2007
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

by re-electing shrubco we showed them. :D

Yeah, and had they elected Kerry, there would still be something for everyone to b*tch about, because someone would find something to b*tch about.

whole world think you kunt, time to look in mirror

I agree, we do need to look in the mirror; I also think many have......but I also think those that criticise need to look at themselves also.....maybe worry about there own back yard before worrying about ours.
5 Nov 2007
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

WE ought to look in our own back yard

If you will take note:

I agree, we do need to look in the mirror

5 Nov 2007
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

you seem to still be arguing that everything is A-O-K.. and it isn't.

Can you please show me where in this thread I have argued that everything is A-O-K?

Hmmmm, would probably be very difficult to do since I never made the arguement that everything is A-O-K. In fact, I believe I stated several times that the US has messed up.
5 Nov 2007
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

but you dismiss them like, well, not our problem

Again, show me where I dismiss the mistakes as not our problem.....I believe the argument I have made is that besides the bad things the US has done, we also have done good. Was not telling anybody to ignore the fact that the US has screwed up nor making light of that fact.

BW's premise is that America is ignorant of all things outside her borders, and that Americans believe everything our Government tells us as the gospel truth......I could not disagree more with that. That's his opinion and he's entitled to it and you are entitled to agree......I happen to disagree with you both which does not necessarily make me wrong, anymore than what you believe makes you wrong. As I stated before, there's your opinion, my opinion and then there's the truth......I happen to believe that truth lies somewhere in between the two.
5 Nov 2007
News / Poles in Iraq. What's the point? [160]

'well then'

thanks for correcting my typo.....knew I could count on an Ole wise and proper englishman to do that.....he's always so eager to point out the fukin americans mistakes.
6 Nov 2007
Love / I miss my best friend [22]

If you honestly just want to be friends with her, than you need to respect her wishes and not contact her.....she needs time to heal from the heartbreak. Not that you can't ever be friends, but the wound is too fresh for that to happen right now.

If on the other hand, you realize your life is a mess without her, maybe you could reconsider getting back with her and facing your fears of committment. Weigh the pros and cons. Make a decision before you contact her, though.....no need to toy with her emotions if all you are going to do is break her heart again.

Good luck!
7 Nov 2007
Love / I miss my best friend [22]

if you are unable to offer her anything else then I would keep well away until she feels ready to see you again as you both need time for the hurt to subside.

Exactly.....you said it yourself, you are hoping maybe one day you might get back together.....that's not fair to anyone involved. You are wanting to keep her in your life, while you move on with yours, in hopes that if things don't work out with someone else, then she will be there to fall back on.....you are absolutely right, you are too young for serious commitment and responsibility.

Leave your ex alone and let her move on (trust me, she cannot do that if you are calling her and emailing her). If you truly love her, you will do what is best for her and leave her alone.
12 Nov 2007
USA, Canada / NO VISAS to Canada for Poles in the near future [62]

Why does it suck, plk? I cannot read the Polish article, but from what others wrote, I understand it to mean that Polish people will no longer need a visa to go to Canada? Please correct me if I am wrong, as I may have totally misunderstood.
23 Nov 2007
USA, Canada / Dual Citizenship: American and Polish? [53]

why would anybody want dual citizenship?

Many reasons.....one being, especially if you are an American citizen and a European citizen...much less hassle going and working in one country from the other.

If an American citizen has duel citizenship, say in Poland, then they can work in the EU, which is a good thing.....gives them more options.

Another instance that sticks in my mind, is the Olympics. If you are an athlete, training your whole life in a particular sport, then you are eligible to qualify for either team (this happened in the case of Brett Hull, an NHL player, who had duel citizenship between Canada and USA....he played on the USA hockey team and won a silver.....unfortunately, Canada won the gold.
6 Dec 2007
USA, Canada / 2008 U.S. Presidential Election according to Polish and foreign people [90]

Honestly, I wait to see who is chosen for each party as well as any independents that might run (where's Mr Big Ears, Ross Perot....I actually liked the guy, but not as my president...lol)

As for the democratic candidate, I believe Hillary will get it.....as for republicans, I truly don't know (Although I would like to see John McCain.....he's middle of the road republican and darn it, I just like him).....there has been more emphasis on the democrats because of H and O. All I know is I hate politics now.....I remember when I use to see what a candidate stood for (before I could actually vote, but for some reason, I paid attention)....now it's trash politics.....see what controversial thing the opposition stands for and point it out.

Oh well.....guess I will have to wait a year to find out who becomes President.
10 Dec 2007
USA, Canada / Roads and Driving rules in Poland versus America [63]

it is more the problem that you cannot even fart on a UK road now without a Policeman giving you points.

LOL.....thanks, UKpolska! That made me laugh, which in turn helped me to wake up on this dreary Monday morning......now, where's my coffee?
12 Dec 2007
USA, Canada / Roads and Driving rules in Poland versus America [63]

If you were traveling in August on some road between Krakow and Niebieszczany

LOL....we were travelling on a road in August, but like you, I have no clue what road it was....then again, it did not happen just one time....it was a frequent occurrence on the roads we travelled.
12 Dec 2007
USA, Canada / Roads and Driving rules in Poland versus America [63]

Ladies, but did you witness any accident on those roads you mention?

As a matter of fact, I witnessed 2 accidents on the roads. As for the roads being too narrow, that was not the case in either instance......there was more than enough room for two lanes of cars so in fact, the drivers were being wreckless and careless by trying to overtake other cars when they should not be doing so.

the roads are old, built long ago, for horse-carts, not cars

All the more reason to drive with care and caution.....
17 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Sito Family in Sadowne [11]

Sito Family

There was a family in my neighborhood with the surname, Sito. Mrs. Sito use to babysit me when I was a toddler, and I use to play with her daughter. I had no idea the name was Polish.
17 Dec 2007
Real Estate / Deals available from Polish property developers [40]

posted by Bubba

but I put that down to advise from greedy agents that see an opportunity to rip off niave foriegn investors. Not sure if these prerties are selling as fast in Warsaw, as you say is happening in Tricity though

this is quite probable but i personally have yet to buy a property via an agent. i source mine through a weekly publication that comes out in the tri city and, whilst looking at prices, largely ignore those placed by agencies. i look specifically for 2 words - do remontu - and these are becoming harder to find and when there, are priced similarly to another 2 words - po remontu

lef - you seem to be opinionated when it comnes to polish real estate, much of which appears nothing more than conjecture - perhaps you could share your post 2004 polish real estate experience with those of us on-the-ground
20 Dec 2007
USA, Canada / Health care, USA is messed up what about your country? [33]

All I know is that if I didn't have a job that pays most of the premium of my health care, then I would be screwed(:

Unfortunately, there are many people who don't have jobs that pay for healthcare.