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Looking for lyrics to "Hoo-pai Shoo-pai"... Hupaj siupaj - polka [13]
Maybe you, too, will be able to translate it, and then we can compare notes.
Here's part of it.
So another member sent you the correct song. Isn't that nice. :)
I was right too with the polka but it's a different version.
1. And the cavaliers are already standing at Styr
Already standing at Styr, already standing at Styr
And he's writing to the Tsar, that he's not afraid of him
That he's not afraid of him - hopaj siup
Ref: Hopaj siupaj, hopaj siupaj, hopaj siupaj - dana.
Dear girl, till morning.
I slept on the floor yesterday, today on a pile of hay.
Hopaj siupaj dana, hopaj siup!
2.And he's writing to the tsar with black ink,
Black ink, black ink,
That he's not afraid of him and his whole army,
That he's not afraid of him and his whole army
whole army - hopaj siup!