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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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16 Dec 2007
Love / Polish mens attitude to the English female and sex-the catholic influence [13]

Quoting: southern
Are you a homophobic?

Of course not.

G, scared of houses,never......

fortunately most of Poles still don't think that homosexuality and similar things are "cool"

Dont think most british people do either,frankly we couldnt care less who or how you get your rocks off,just dont scare the horses.....
16 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

Istahu do you find RAF air atacks on Germany as war crime ... I think the same people will build some museum about that without showing Battle of Britan

Im mixed about that, my heart says ,yes,it was a war crime to deliberatly target areas of high civilian concentration and focus on targets that would "burn well" and the numbers of dead speak for themselves.

On the other hand,I know or rather can quite safely speculate that had the Germans the air power in 1940 that the allies had from '43 onwards they would have used it just as ruthlesley on Britains cities.

So,in the end,even though it wouldnt have won the war on its own,the allied bombing campaign was just one part of the effort to crush nazi germany as swiftly as possible so I wont pass judgement on the 55'000 Bomber Command lads who died trying to buy my future freedom.

I do remember a Der Spiegal special from a couple of years ago that was all about the allied " terror raids" but it also had a articale about the London Blitz,and my limited German was enough to get the idea that even they addmited that had germany the air power it would have done the same.
15 Dec 2007
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." - Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly
(Daily Mail, August 6th, 1939)

Im sorry,this cannot be used as "evidence". The Daily Mail was run by Lord Rothermere,a upporter of Moselys British Union of Fascists and also supporter of "Herr Hitler's" nazi regime in Germany at the time,even after the declaration of war by Mr Chamberlin on the 3rd the mail took to calling hitler "herr Hitler". and calling for peace between britain and germany. In other words,the Daily Mail of the '30s was as bad as todays daily mail....

As to the main part of the topic;
The germans expelled from their ancestral homes have as much right to pity and a memorial as anyone else. Anything else is just jingoitic and spitefull. Puts me in mind of the worst type of US jewish lobby groups who wanted a monopoly on suffering.

What right has anyone today to say that it was OK for little girls to be raped and murdered or grannies to be exppeled from their marital homes?
11 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

Plus, who would want to have a powerful neighbor who openly brakes all of it’s international deals?

lol,you tell me,were next to France,youve got Russia ;)

What ?...Hitler thought French were a subrace (not as the same degree that some other ethnics, but still...), he wanted to conquer France.
About England, he said that English people were better than French, but didn't love them, where did you get that ??

Its all there in the books Polson,I mean about hitlers rather unsavoury love of all things english,one of the main things he admired was our empire,how so few englishmen could succsesfully control so many millions of "natives", dont you think that sort of thing touched a chord with him ? And Polson,remember,hitler didnt even bother occupying the bulk of france,you know,the Vichy bit,until late 1942(maybe 43....)
11 Dec 2007
History / Chicago Public Radio on *Polish* concentration camps [62]

HHHmm, what about the American concentration camps......sorry,do I mean the Indian reservations of the late 19th early 20th century or maybe the camps built to house all those deadly japannese americans like ensign Sulu and his mum?

Or maybe the fact that German and Austrian jews who managed to escape to britain before the war soon found themselves interned in camps around the UK and even deported like cattle to Oz and Canada as "dangerous aliens"..... Every country in the world must have utiised this form of enclosure of people at sometime,gets a bit boring that only the Germans and the "russians" have to bare the burden of guilt.
11 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

that GB had to send two people to kill him in order to revive some kind of resistance

tosh,it was four(maybe 6?) Czech soe agents......a "brit'" would have lasted two minutes in praha....
and dont forget,your top scoring "Polish" fighter ace in the B of B was a Czech.....
11 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

The Czechs never fought,

oh by golly they did,and so did many other countries,nationalities that lost their way of life/prefered form of government after ww11.
I sometimes get the impresion that many Poles think they were the only other allied country in the war other than GB US and UUSR.........or the only country to lose out in the aftermath.

And one thing you all seem to forget,it was a world war, if,as many claim ,the Poles were so altruistic and fighting for Britain,well,where the heck were you in the fight against Japan? You know,that big war in jungles etc......
11 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

Quoting: Matyjasz
give me a call. :)

What's your number?


lol, Ditto.... :)

isthatu, I remeber your post about historians and that they shuld be objective, etc... I'm afraid that you lost your objectivness somewhere in this topic

Well,as far as Im concerned Im still staying objective, It just happens to be the country I live in Im "defending" so to speak,if the topic had been " France declares war for Poland" instead of Britain I rather imagine my arguments would be pretty similar,and answers to the charges levelled by overly patriotic Poles would be about the same. Ie,the whole world was falling apart,no one in 1939 could have forseen the situation in europe as it was to be in 1945 so most arguments are moot,especially the old hoary chestnut of " britain didnt keep its promisises..." ,plain and simply,it did,it was one of the nations,that part of an alliance, crushed Nazi Germany,thereby freeing (not just Poland,but the rest of) Europe from nazi oppresion. There was absoloutly nothing in GBs decleration of war in 1939 about then going on and freeing anyone from the USSR.

Poland was there for you after they had to fight alone. Can you say the same? I don't think so. In the end did you have a country? Poland did not. Since you love my use of historical links.

Eh? This is wrong in so many ways. They fought alone,for 28 or so days,then capitulated,as has been done to death,what could have been done in that short space of time...........? And sorry to disappoint you but,as far as the world was concerned Poland did exist as a country after the war,it didnt just drop off the face of the earth it had a government and everything...........

I am saying they did not declare war to help Poland.

Well why the buggery else did they do it? For a spot of caravaning,a nice holiday around the med?Or maybe as a form of population control,you know,declare war because Poland was invaded just so we could have the pleasure of the lufftwaffe bombing our towns and cities for the next 5 years???????

Im sorry,you are so wrong.Britain would have been far better siting on the sidelines.Hitler loved the English,had no desire for war with Britain and would have been quite happy leaving us(and probably france) out of his euro tour,as it was peace feelers were being sent out by abwher and probably even Hess right untill late 1941 as Germany didnt want to fight GB, not coz we were big n 'ard,simply our Empire was a more valuable trading partner to him than anything he could have gained with defeating britain,remember,if,and this is highly unlikely as he never planned for it,hitler had conquered GB our Govt would have carried on from Canada so he knew he was onto a loser. So, and ONE LAST TIME

Britain declared war because hitler didnt pull out of Poland, no other reason,so stop whining about "truth " this and " betrayl" that,it simply isnt becoming.........
11 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

It is common knowledge.

Ah,the famous historical argument.......

As an aside, it's strange how the Polish para brigade wasn't released despite Boor's pleading during the Rising.

why is this strange, who wold have flown them there? What transports were available at this time? Only those set aside for operation comet. How do you fly an entire airborne brigade,mostly made up of slow moving gliders all the way to Warsaw? You dont,they would have been destroyed before they got as far as Berlin........

If your happy seeing yourselves as poor wretched victims,let down by big bad GB,well, frankly,boo hoo. sorry Dan,but your answers,though beutifully worded(almost like a kevin smith script) are very nieve to say the least. You talk about unarmed poles not being given the chance to take on the Red Army in 1945.......and do what,cause Stalin to just say,"screw it,lets just get rid of all these poles"..........


Thank you for your response. May the real truth be heard.

or the truth that fits some victim mentality............
The only country that did F all for your grandparents generation and this is the attitude now....disgracfull, you may as well spit on the war graves from here to cairo.....unlike your vision of wartime poles,wartime british troops were dying for half of europe,acording to your logic polands forces were only fighting to free poland....well,I know which of those two I say carries more honour and selfless sacrife,but thats only from your description,I know the truth was very different.

and a classic G one liner...

Quoting: isthatu
oops,no you didnt,you had two boats somewhere off the coast

Still much much more than you did for us.

muppet,they were ex RN ships given to the PL navy........
10 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

Dan, dont matter who you word it, you are missing the point in almost everything you highlighted;

Quoting: isthatu
How? By invading germany,no offence to the heros of bzura et al but Poland was in about as good a position as GB to attack Germany at this time.

Yes, exactly. I surmise that Poland would have honoured the promise and done just that. I think that's a reasobnable assumption, going off histroical precedents.

would they,really,Poland had a long standing strategic plan,of defense. If they had tried to strike hitler first,with an un mobilised army,just how long do you think Poland would have lasted?

WW3? Where did that come into it? The meaning of the sentence is quite clear. There was an alliance between GB and Poland (and others to to be fair). The Poles fulfilled their part of the contract and GB (and the allies) did not, ergo, there was no payment in kind.

Well dan, just how could GB have freed Poland at the end of the war,are you forgetting the little matter of the Red Army being in control of the entire area. Do you think Uncle Joe would have just said,"oh,ok you can have your country back"? Do you really? So ,to "fullfill its promise" ,(which,if you know,was to free Poland from the Nazis,which was done) GB would have had to go to war with the USSR,how long do you think that would have lasted,do you really think GB was obligated to go to war with the Soviets to "free" Poland( a Poland that had two competing govts,one there one here),and at the cost of how many lives? Do you really think the wartime Poles weere fighting for GB,if you do Im afraid you have been sadly mislead and dont seem to fully understand the nature of the wartime alliancess.

As to the mine detectors, please dont resort to idiosyncratic contributions as suggestive of evidence that they were the only contributions made. It's poor form to receive help then question the helper as to the volume and method of delivery of that help.

You were the one wanting a tally,not me. I gave one example out of many possibilities to show how futile any atempt to say "we did more than you" is as an argument,you try to turn this around,well,sorry chum,you got the wrong end of the stick.

Quoting: isthatu
ok,so why do you think its any different to your rather distastfull premise that there should be some sort of tally of who did what for who? Is the british life lost over warsaw any less worthy than the Polish life lost over london?

Why is it distasteful? Because it causes discomfiture when the deeds and misdeeds are brought to account.

Simply that in war,no one thought that way,everyone was fighting a commen enemy,so I say again,trying to "score points" for "your" team,is distastefull and disrespectfull. as Polson agrees;

Quoting: isthatu
we all know that ww2 was a combined effort

Yeah, exactly :)

and Mr Cat,

I know, but numbers like those certainly help. Eliminated that 12% of thousands of German aircraft and what do you get? More bombing of England. I was just merely pointing out that others were there and they made their presence known...

yep,sorry to give wrong impresion, all the guys that fought the Hun were valuable,all contributed something just by being there,even the American volunteers who didnt actualy have any "killls" during the battle were vital. Like I say,every British schoolboy has,at the very least,seen the old movie " Battle of Britain" and you can hardly say that classic bit of British flag waving ignores the Polish contribution.
10 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / The Changing Face of Scotland - we need more immigrants! [178]

personnaly I dont care where someone is born,my point was there are entire communities living seperate lives from each other now. When I visited Poland one time with some asian students they were stared at like aliens had landed,there are places now in yorkshire where "white british" people get the same reaction. Its awfull,its gone from being all mixed up,you know,streets that looked like Beneton adverts,to becoming ghettoised like the states with a this area or that area.....sad.
9 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

Senior Cat, I think we all agree that wroclaw may have been exagerating a shade....(ps,Scotland and Northern Ireland are part of the UK ....)

Yeah, with 5% being Poles that held 12% of kills in Battle of Britain. They killed twice their numbers

Very impresive,but,individual kills are worthless in those types of air battle,what counts is coordinating between other Sqdrns to acheive combined aims,even the biggest supporter of the Poles in the BofB admit that many of these kills were gained at the expense of keeping formation/acting effectivly as an air barrier.

No right minded Briton thinks "we" won the war alone, we all know that ww2 was a combined effort.

Quoting: Grzegorz_

Not "may" but for sure. Germans would have taken on France and low countries to eliminate a risk of attack from the back during war with Soviet Union and then Britain wouldn't have had excuse to stay away. And no matter, who would have won (Soviets or Gerries) they wouldn't have left GB alone.

GB simply intervened when Hitler tried to change the european balance of power dramatically to his favour.Hitler never intented to invade GB because in his view destruction of England would lead to strengthening of bolshekivism.

Thankyou southern,he may listen to you,for some reason he cant believe that a Briton can be telling the truth in this matter.........
9 Dec 2007
Love / Polish mens attitude to the English female and sex-the catholic influence [13]

er,sorry im not Polish,but,
I dumped a Polish girl,Im not catholic, what are my reasons?
I think this is (not me,the articale/example given by okay) more an example of modern permissive sociaty than any culture clash.
And,speaking of my younger days, all the lads new the girls from the local catholic school were "easy",funny how things get jumbled around aint it.

Is it any different than English "birds" going to spain and screwing juan the waiter? For a lot of these guys and girls coming here is like one long (working) holiday,as we all know,holiday romances rarely last,so maybe they are just being honest?
9 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

Quoting: isthatu
the battle of britain

Poles fought there.

er,yes they did,well done,have a cookie(so did some french pilots :) )

Quoting: isthatu
landed in france on d day

Poles fought there.

,er,no they didnt,they served on some ships of the invasion fleet but the Poles didnt land in France for some time to come(then fought like tigers)

I think you missed the irony I was aiming at G' :)
9 Dec 2007
History / Should goverments pull in war criminals from WWII? [33]

and what good would it do to put a man who is laying in a hospital bed
bedridden and excreting on himself in jail?

no,the Nazis would have just injected such a pathetic old man with phennol if he couldnt be dragged to the Gas chamber or execution pit. They were no respectors of age,why should that now be a defense?

I would say one reason why people are not being as agresivly persued as some might wish is then the old Nurenburg trials would be in the public eye again. War crimes such as Invading countries on made up pretexts or detaining people without trial or just cause,or maybe even the torture of prisoners or deliberate aerial bombing of civilians might make certain current govts' a little uneasy to say the least.
9 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

Not "may" but for sure. Germans would have taken on France and low countries to eliminate a risk of attack from the back during war with Soviet Union and then Britain wouldn't have had excuse to stay away. And no matter, who would have won (Soviets or Gerries) they wouldn't have left GB alone.

yes yes yes,all very plausable...but purely hypothetical,ie it didnt happen this way,so my above answer stands.

You did shi*t for Poland

could be because I wasnt born till 75..........

Poles did much more for you,

yawwwwn, Yes,of course,won the battle of britain singlehandedly,then swept rommel out of north africa,then,yep,landed in france on d day(oops,no you didnt,you had two boats somewhere off the coast) and fought all the way to the elbe ,all on your own,with those guns and tanks you all made in sheds in the garden ,oh and obviously cracked all the codes going ,didnt a Pole actually shoot hitler,this thing about him killing him self is all just polonophobic propaganda to make all those british people who didnt actually die but all sat around drinking tea while only Poles fought,feel better....

G' youve lost it..........................................................................................

so your thinking that we should be somehow "grateful" is ridiculous.

quote me saying this,in full,not your usual part post or bit of a sentance taken out off context.
9 Dec 2007
History / Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish [532]

Well, maybe just a little bit different kind of victim :)

Crow, you really should have seen the BBC during the 90s, I dont get where your coming from,everyones missdeeds were reported in the news,and there was certainly no love of the green headbanded savages either. If a Bosniac or a Croat came on here and spouted one sided nonsence I would challange them just as much. Like I say, my "knowladge" of those dark times dioes not come from the BBC (or tony frikkin bLIAR.) bu from friends and family who served in the various UN forces,Im afraid,they saw predominantly Serb militia and special police attrocities.Im sure had they witnessed the Croat counter strike they would have stories of "ustache" thugs,instead they tell of heavily bearded men in "Tito" hats......
9 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

spare me from your slanderings and propaganda

we could all say the same about you and your eternally spotless faith in your butchers of srebrinica ............crow,one last thing,Serbs slaughtered Slavs,get that into your poor lied to skull,the Bosnian Muslims were and are Slavs.

Not at all. You know may historical facts but looks like you don't really understand connections between them.

what are you on about? Of course,eventually Britain may have been dragged into a wider european war even if it hadnt declared war BECAUSE HITLER INVADED POLAND, but as it did declare war BECAUSE HITLER INVADED POLAND,those lives war lost because of a war started soley for the reason that HITLER INVADED POLAND. Not for some hypothetical war that didnt take place,but the one that did which started ,you guessed it BECAUSE HITLER INVADED POLAND. So,ergo,those lives were lost BECAUSE HITLER INVADED POLAND .
9 Dec 2007
News / Poland to Change the National Anthem? [22]

Ireland the national anthem translates as "a soldier's song" and we have not been at war with the British since early 1920's!

How about the so called British national anthem,it talks about "crushing the rebelious Scots" now thats outadate....
No,stick to the one you have,what a cracking tune,up there with les marsa..marsil..mareselisa...the French one :)
So what if the words are "old fashioned" isnt that the point, what are the alternatives to celebrating your past greatness in song? Maybe "Always look on the Bright Side" (well,not sure,life of brian /catholic country...hhmmm) or "Things can only get better" or maybe,"You say Goodbye,I say Hello"
9 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

I am sorry,I did not know the term is derrogatory.

none needed mate, I know "brits" is a commen name for us but it carries conetations of loony Provo IRA types setting bombs off in shopping centers and theatres. probably close to calling an american "a Yank" ,depends when you use it and who you adress it to. :)

G', what-everrrrrrr

maybe Britain now expect that Poles repay them historic debt down there on Kosovo, on Balkan, where their mujaheedine friends already helping them

What are you twitering on about crow,Our soldiers are too busy fighting real wars to worry whether you set of bandits slaughter each other again.Just do the world a favour this time and cut back a bit on the crucifying and the mass rapes.....and dont dare call me a liar or puppet of false west propaganda, my best mate hung himself because he couldnt get over what he'd seen your glorious serb soldiers do in a village. Do you want to hear about the little bosnian baby stuck to its mothers chest with an iron pole rammed through them both?
9 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

Simply at that era Poles had lost the right to decide for themselves.

Quoting: isthatu
The starting premis is,GB only went to war at that time because of its alliance with Poland and France,we all lost,britain 360.000+ lives,each one ,cold hard fact,only lost because we went to war because Poland was invaded.

I do not think these 360000 Brits were lost for the liberation of Poland.

and I did not say they did,
Im sorry,let me make myself crystal on this,regardless of whether Poland was liberated or not 360.000 British citizens and countless thousands of comenwealth citizens lost their lives because Britain declared war against germany as part of her alliance with Poland. No alliance,no war ( at that time,maybe a year or so later,who knows) so if you like,with your logic,they gave their lives for nothing,as the origional aim of the treaty,that is,the liberation of Poland from nazi germany never happened. Oh wait, yes it did,just with the wrong sort of liberators.....

The dates are not important at all.What is importants is what hides behind each part's decisions.

I disagree, the dates in fact

Aug 23, 1939 - Nazis and Soviets sign Pact.

Aug 25, 1939 - Britain and Poland sign a Mutual Assistance Treaty.

Aug 31, 1939 - British fleet mobilizes; Civilian evacuations begin from London.

serve to highlight the case for the defence regarding GB not being in a position to invade germany while Poland still fought on(openly). How could a british army have been shipped from around the world or even just across the channel in that time?

oh,and southern, when you are talking about the deaths of thousands of British civilians,men women and children,please have the courtesy not to call them "brits",I do not talk about dead "Pollacks" .
9 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

Not a problem. No,neville chamberlins govt had no guts,by the time GB had a govt with the guts to fight a war it was May 1940 and the Bltzkrieg had rolled west.

Put the shoe on the other foot, and I think it's safe to say the Poles would have acted differently. Big call, but there it is.

How? By invading germany,no offence to the heros of bzura et al but Poland was in about as good a position as GB to attack Germany at this time.

As to rotting in Romania, Poles flocked to England regardless of GB governement intervention -they were under the mistaken belief that sacrifice for GB would be paid in kind. Dont fantasise that it was the GB that let them out of their pens.

I dont think I ever implied it was the GB govt that released them,(infact,most went to france first from romania),in my hypothisis of a war without GB or Fr involvement I simply stated fact,where would they have gone too from Romania?

After their usefulness and novelty wore off (starting from the end of the B of B), many were despised, ridiculed and made to feel as though they had no home.

All I can talk about are the many dozens of families in my small town and the hundreds of others in the larger town near me who were welcomed with open arms by the locals(yes,the govt wanted people out,no question,but this was everyone,not some form of "polonophobic" conspiricy) and have had the red and white flying on our local war monuments for the last 60 odd years.

As to the Frantic airdrops, those individual pilots were heroes, and with solemn respect to their memory, I would hazard to say that they would roll in their graves if their individual courage and selflessness was attributed to any checklist of GB's contributions suggestive of a governmental mindset or policy/doctrine of assistance for Poland.

ok,so why do you think its any different to your rather distastfull premise that there should be some sort of tally of who did what for who? Is the british life lost over warsaw any less worthy than the Polish life lost over london? I attempted to respond to your idea that somehow you can take the deeds of individuals and try and see who did more for whom ,maybe I came up short,maybe its just something that can never be equated,The starting premis is,GB only went to war at that time because of its alliance with Poland and France,we all lost,britain 360.000+ lives,each one ,cold hard fact,only lost because we went to war because Poland was invaded.Yes,Poland lost many many more people,so if you can reduce it to a tally of deaths then,you win(lose),frankly though,I prefer to leave comparisons of suffering to a certain other group of people.

No reflection needed,I stand by my words,of course there are people on here with great amounts of knowladgebut,and this is a huge big but, there are also always jingoistic idiots,with very little knowladge beyond that gleaned from war films who seem to ruin the level of debate/discusion.If you notice,the person who started this thread hasn had much to say...so I rest my case there m'lud.

As are we here in GB,as you may or may not know,the secret of enigma for example only came out in the mid-late 70s,many things are still top secret here.

No your Bip papers wernt lost,they will have been destroyed,simple,along with many historical records pertaining directly to britain. Do you not think that here in the UK we were not flooded with Yank propaganda,or more specifically anti Soviet propaganda,down playing the war in the east here as much as it was over played the other side of the curtain. Yes,I understand the idiosyncracies of Polands troubled history as much as an interested outsider can,but I still say a Pole who spouts nonsence is as bad as a Brit who thinks "we won the war" on our own should maybe just read more and type less.

I suggest you read Norman Davies Rising 44 if you havent already

rather battered and bruised it is too, though even ole Norm is open to debate( the photos of 2nd armd captioned as airborne spring to mind,as well as one or two fictional streets that members of the home army association have never heard of) and dont get me started on his bloomin anoying Mr K' this and DR A' that,grrrr:)

I wonder why when discussing history Poles seem to focus on being 'hard done by', or what their achivements are.

Yes,doesnt play well to "stiff upper lip" british audiences. We prefer the older stereotype we used to have in Brritain of the " Plucky Pole" or the "Galent airmen" etc etcnot the whinging type,especially as most people in Britain who know their history know a lot more about the Poles than Poles maybe think we do.

It's particularly galling when a lot of the achievements were made for the beneift of others who did not have the gratitude to repay in kind

sorry,what do you mean,pay inkind? How,were we meant to start WW3 against,what was to all intents and purposesa Soviet union with a Polish ally,to liberate Poland for "our" Poles? A Pole invented the hand held mine sweeper,much used by all forces in the desert campain and elswhere,so what,a yank invented the sherman that Poles drove on the way to defeating Germany.How do you mesure up acheivments in wartime then "pay in kind"?

In that sense, I think Poland is arguably unique in the world.

well,some could say this,I wouldnt myself,unless you mean unique in not realising that ww2 was a combined effort by many nations and no one nations contributions outwayed,or played a significant role in the defeat of germany( i would hazard a guess at the T34 tank,but without its christie suspension ......) above any others,and to say so just seems to be trying too hard at patriotism.

and that the real turning point in the battle was made by the North African tribesmen of the Free French further down the valley

Looks like the usual westernist putting-down-the-Poles propaganda. It used to be quite naughty (and silly) in Britain and US.

Not at all Puzz' every school boy in britain (when kids cared about these things) knows it was Poles who eventually captured monestery Hill from the gerry para's so calm down,it isnt a bbc conspiricy ;)

What it is infact is the usuall "westernest" put down of non white participation in WW2thankfully this is slowly changing. I never claimed the Poles didnt capture Monte Cassino,all I pointed out was the imple fact that cassino had lost all strategic significane by the time it fell as the road to Rome had already been opened.Rather than being pee'd off at me for pointing this out,get pee'd off at Freyburg and Alexander for waisting Polish lives against a figurehead objective.

hate to disappoint you,but the polish /soviet war hardly figures on the radar in this country.....although,yes,I have read the book,interesting to read about so many Polish divisions entirely equipped with British uniforms and rifles :)

A prime example is BIP's archive, which was delivered to the GB govt at the finale of the war and was 'lost'.

sorry dan,just an add on to this,they were not lost by the GB govt,rather by one of the " Cambridge Spies" off the top of my head I would have to guess at Kim Phillby,working in the forgiegn office at the time and a puppet of the NKVD/KGB, I think this is discussed in breiff in the appendix of Red Runs The Vistula" but,having lost that in the june floods someone else will have to confirm this for you....
9 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / The Changing Face of Scotland - we need more immigrants! [178]

Dont get me wrong,I hope not either(looking back at my posts on this thread I was turnning into Kilroy :( )

I dont imagine there are too many elsewhere in UK either,

oh boy,yes there are,many,many areas in yorkshire and the midlands are almost without exeption "asian" communities, when I worked breifly in Sheffield I could go for days without hitting a "white" area. Whatever rocks your boat I say,but I do miss the fact we never seemed so polirised in the past in this country.No one beyond the far right types seemed to really care where people were from origionaly or what god(s) they bowed to,now......
8 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / The Changing Face of Scotland - we need more immigrants! [178]

Why doesn't the rest of the UK come into line with Scotland?

, Im sorry,Im Scots myself and all the but ,to be fair,apart from a few kosovans in the 1990s Scotland has not been the dumping ground for the worlds waifs strays and scroungers that england has been for the last 30 odd years. So maybe the rest of the UK is just that little bit ahead of you up over the border in being cheesed off at continualy having to adapt our lives to fit in with aliens with no wish to reciprocate.Dont tell me,yes glasgows got an asian mayor,not too many scots postal codes that dont have a single scots born person in them though is there?

And G' the idea of you in a Kilt is enough to turn anyones guts,please,stick to england and invest in a nice pinstripe and bowler hat.....
7 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

It's not that nazis in case of Poles had some completely illogical determination to exterminate the nation no matter what

Yes they did,1975 was the date set as when there would be no more Poles alive,dont kid yourself G, you know hitler wanted the complete destruction of Poland,good god man,he bangs on about that in Mein Kampf almost as much as he twitters on about jews and venerial disease.

And without "alliance" with France and UK It could be possible that Poles wouldn't have stood on their way as Polish governmant obviously knew that Poland had no chance fighting Germans alone.

Do you really think they would have given up Danzig and the corridor? Dont be soft man, The nazis always wanted westeren Poland for them selves.What do you think they were going to do,bypass Poland on the way to "Russia" and leave you guys alone,the land of dzerzhinski et al? Or maybe you would have come to an arrangemnet and handed over 3 million of your people to the nazis....nope, I stand by all I say and leave your comments for wider judgement.

Is the only discussion you know insulting others. Please think before you type. For the size of Poland and what they were facing they did some amazing things.

what are you twittering on about now, everyone knows that lots of poles did some pretty impressive things in ww2 but what on earth has this got to do with british /Polish relations in the 39 period? remember were not talking about grandpa's shed here.....

Numbers spread throughout the world are watching and Poland shall never be a slave to communism.

crumbs,a bit late with that arnt you,the huge numbers of Polish americans did diddly squat for Poland inww2,why should anything change now or in the future,you all talk the talk but stay safttly tucked up the other side of the atlantic and let your european cousins rip each other apart.And BTW ,Carol, It was Polish communists who ran Poland ,not your blessed ukrainianes or russkies,but Poles.Not that this has much to do with the thread,but ass I said to you somewhere else you do seem to have some almost evangelical agenda that sees you popping up all over the forum with comments about kressy and such like......
7 Dec 2007
History / WW2: Britain Declares War on Germany to Save Poland [290]

this ocasionally happens...I live in hope,but reserve my "serious" discusion for slightly more educated environs.Ones where people forget which country they happened to be spat out into and discuss history not as some form of my countries better than/more hard done by, than yours.....
7 Dec 2007
UK, Ireland / The Changing Face of Scotland - we need more immigrants! [178]

The local community,I can back up that other guys comments about edinburgh ,according to freinds and familiy that is the cases,there is almost no mingling with locals or attempts to intergrate into a local way of life. This rosy picture of enland being an evil polonophobic place and scotland a happy clappy welcome mat is turning into tosh as Scots are getting cheased off being told they have to intergrate with newcomers and newcomers arnt bothering to return the gesture.