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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
Posts: Total: 2116 / In This Archive: 1666

Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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1 May 2007
Travel / OUTLAWS IN POLAND (the biker scene).... [7]

I came across a huge biker club when I was in Mielno. Mostly Harley's...but there were some bad azz bikes there. There were well over 50 bikes...maybe a planned x-counrty roadtrip
1 May 2007
Life / "Old" Polish people - are they doomed to lead inactive lives? [7]

My grandma is 82 and belongs to a tap dancing studio :)

...in US :)

In PL my gf babca is always outside working to keep busy. If the person is depressed, that's when they sit and do nothing waiting to die. Sad. A strong family shouldn't let them do this.
1 May 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

i don't understand what they're all so proud about

Proud? What do you mean by this?

I'm just living my everyday life like the rest of you. I'm happy to live in a country where I can do anything I want...is this what you mean? Isn't Australia the same exact? Youer statement was right on until you spazzed. Who pissed in yer Cheerios?
30 Apr 2007
Law / American beer business opportunities in Poland [84]

Its a fact Budweiser sucks.

No one is denying that :)

American filth

Now now...let's not talk about anything you don't know enough about.

To your information...we speak American-English and this is not your language...

Actually, it was introduced to us by british colonization.
27 Apr 2007
News / Poland's overall view on the US? [38]

I hate to repeat myself but here goes:

Don't hate:::I enjoy your posts because you're a very level headed person, regardless if you agree or not. I'm always pleased to see them Mat :)

don’t think that many Americans even know that Poland takes part in “the war on terrorism”. I don’t think that an ordinary Americans cares actually. :)

Actually, we do. Many of us have families/friends that live overseas. We're fully aware of who's sending troops and who isn't. Believe me, if there are countries that don't support America, media lets it be known....like issues with France for example. The media tried to get everyone to boycott French products.

It seems that Europeans care more about us, which, because of the geographical position of our countries is obvious

Of course :)
27 Apr 2007
News / Poland's overall view on the US? [38]

hmmm....why do all of your posts appear to be copied and pasted?

having trouble thinking for yourself?
27 Apr 2007
Life / Whats gay life in Poland? [140]

There's enough of this crap in other topics...why start another one?

.....and what's with the caps...afraid no one will hear?
27 Apr 2007
History / Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish [532]

So what...doesn't really afrect me so much. I have a good job. No need for me to compete to work in the fields or a golf course. The only really bad thing is illegals generally don't pay income taxes, but do use schools and other government services...that's a bit of a drain on the economy. We have larger issues, such as the increasing use of automation in manufacturing or growth in global trade. These have more on an impact on wages, prices and the health of the US economy.

Anyway...what was this topic about?
27 Apr 2007
History / Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish [532]


Overrun? LOL what in gods name are you babbling about?? Where in the backs of diners and restaurants? Hey, my lawn looks nice.... ok?
27 Apr 2007
News / Poland's overall view on the US? [38]

Nobody asked the American airforce to destroy the countrie's infrastructure in the first place and nobody is asking the US occupation to continue.

You're right. I agree that the country should've been left alone. I mean, Saddam only killed his own people... Genocide...crimes against humanity..gassing ..all that fun stuff.

Our main focus should've been on Bin laden and al-queda the whole time. I believe the world agreed on that one. Pffff...we can find imaginary WMD but not bin laden?

It will be a breath of fresh air to get rid of this president. And for those of you that don't live here, we do have protests in Washington. I attended one in January and there were many many signs and billboards to bring ALL troops home...not Just US. Many people here are against what's being done to the Iraqi people too. It's also believed by many that Bush should also go on trial for war crimes against humanity. So stop believing everything that the media is saying. We know as well as the rest of the world knows that its a Quag fukkin meyer!

GWB can't even agree with our congress. 57% of Americans are on the side of congress. This is the latest:

"In an act unparalleled since the Vietnam War, Congress passed legislation Thursday that directs the president to begin bringing home U.S. troops from Iraq and extricating America from the midst of a bloody civil war".

"The historic 51-46 Senate vote for a $124 billion war-spending bill – which followed House passage of the measure Wednesday – thrust a withdrawal timeline on a fiercely resistant White House that has promised to veto it".....wahhh I'm gonna veto it. That's what he's all about. Sickening.

I know I've made a comment about all of the Anti American comments in here, but its important for everyone outside the US to know that more than 1/2 of our people are against our government at this point in time. We as a people are very caring and worry about people all around the world. Just look at our relief efforts during the time of disaster....well, except for our own disasters.
26 Apr 2007
Law / American beer business opportunities in Poland [84]

Beamish & Murphys just aint the same

Not even close. My other favorite Stout is called Dogfish Head Worldwide Stout 15%ABV


I love Belgium beers

Just tried Trappistes Rochefort 10 Belgian Ale (quadruple 11.4%) last night.

Awesome stuff! Smooth, and well balanced.

Decorator....any other Belgian beer you can recommend? I can get jsut about anything at my liquor store :)
26 Apr 2007
Law / American beer business opportunities in Poland [84]

yea, but there fixing that by disimproving the taste here to match world exports

No way...why would they do that? I know many people that visited IRE just for the Guinness :) I've promised myself a trip to the factory before I die :)

Witek...drop the Tyskie or whatever Candian beer you're drinking and let me know when you've treated your tastebuds to some of Americas fine micro brews...then you're statement may hold some weight :)
26 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

And some of us arrived in Poland with nothing, and have worked hard to buy our own homes - and no reason why we shouldn't!

No, there isn't. I believe a lot of things in this topic are said out of spite anyway.
26 Apr 2007
Language / Polish letters Alt-codes... Anyone? [60]

mine are all on different keys.

What do you mean different keys...should be these:

ctrl+alt+ a= ą
ctrl+alt+ z= ż
26 Apr 2007
Language / Polish letters Alt-codes... Anyone? [60]

Go to> Tools> Internet Options> >Languages > Add > Select Polish [pl] >OK.

It will appear next to your icon tray..lower right..your right. You can select PL but the characters are made by pressing Ctrl + Alt + desired character.
25 Apr 2007
News / I need Kaczynski's Email Address! [84]

its not something you would see in the united states ( if there was, it would be
major media), never said all companies run great, wasnt putting poland down
last thing I would do, not in my blood to do that.

Yeah, well this site has become one big anti American website and it sucks. I'm shocked to see all of these negative comments from BOTH ends.
23 Apr 2007
Law / American beer business opportunities in Poland [84]

a few what?

Minutes.... to find out what we export to the UK. I'm a bit slow cause I'm still at work :)

I think miller bought them out now its like pee.

SAB miller ownes soooo many beers. I went to the Lech brewery in Poznan and they have a huge atlas with the beer that they own throughout the world. Crazy amounts I say, crazy :)
23 Apr 2007
Law / American beer business opportunities in Poland [84]

FISZ, what american beers CAN you recommend?

Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA (9%)- 120Min IPA (21%) All the way!! the 90 min is the easiest 9% beer to drink. It comes in 4 packs and can be hard to get. Check the website. By far my favorite beer ever. So far I've tried 5 of their many brews and they're all surprisingly good.

The problem is that it can be hard to find, especially in Cork :) I'lkl have to see what we export. If we were able to ship, I'd happily send you a 4 pack. Give me a few and I may be able to recommend some.

I lied because Guiness is and will always be my favorite.
23 Apr 2007
Law / American beer business opportunities in Poland [84]

Miller lite and all American beer tastes bad

LOL these are mass produced watered down bottles of ****. Of couse they're bad. Try the following and then let me know that you think:

Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA (9%)- 120Min IPA (21%)
Great Lakes Barrel Aged Blackout Stout...9% I think
The Duck-Rabbit Baltic porter
Double Bastard ale
Kuhnhenn a Few Shillings too many Ale
Any Otter Creek beer

The list goes on. You're prob very young and under exposed. Treat your pallate to that many fine beers we have :)


If the rest of you come to the US, don't try the following...they make us look bad.

Budweiser...tastes like pee, but sells more than any other.
Lowenbrau (in the 70-80's it was ok)

Of course some American will disagree, but I've been lucky enough to have a taste for beer with well, taste :)
23 Apr 2007
News / I need Kaczynski's Email Address! [84]

i have lived in Chicago for over 2

2 whole years? wow. I'm very proud of you for surviving :)

you are telling me it is safe to walk around in Harlem ? you must be very dumb

Don't call me names. I've lived in this area all my life, so don't tell me. When you grow up in NY you have something called street smarts :)

You just have to know where your going.

very true.

in comparison i can walk the streets of any Polish city

this is you as a white guy in Chi town...so, as a black man walking in dark PL city streets it's the same? Wake up....violence is everywhere.

Patrycja, what are you talking about? What companies? What headbands? What does Mr Kaczynski have to do with that?

I think Patty was referring to this:

union-network.org/Unisite/Sectors/Commerce/Multinationals/L idl_demanded_armbands.htm

I don't think Lech has anything to do with though. Maybe she thought it was stil;l
happening and felt the need to tell someone. So what. If it makes her feel better by speaking up, so be it.

Should Polish women inundate Bush with e-mails about the often horrible treatment of female employees in America?

Absolutely, if it's happening. What's wrong with wanting to speak up?
23 Apr 2007
News / I need Kaczynski's Email Address! [84]

i am just saying look at all the problems you Americans are having in your own backyard.

What country doesn't have problems? You please tell me mr know it all. It's not our responsibility( Fisz-Patty-other yanks)it's our government. Nothing can be changed overnight.

can you walk around in Detroit at night?

Yes. I can even walk around in Harlem. Point? you watch tooooo much TV!!

as for helping people in Poland what exactly are you doing to help? sending e-mails that will never be read?

Better than what you're doing. You make fun of PL people all day in here...nobody really sees it. Yeah, it's fun to laugh at yourself, but you have a joke for everything.