UK, Ireland /
English people attitude towards Poles? [761]
What is English people attitude towards Poles, I was reading that some people are unhappy to see many Poles over there and are hostility towards them but on the other hand they are respected too. So whats the truth? So far I thought English people are very friendly but after reading their discussion on one forum I was quite shocked how anti-polish they were.
I think it's quite natural for some English people to feel anxious my friend. Since the 1950's this country has seen a large influx of foreigners land on it's shores. Since then some people see that the country has been in a decline and like to put the blame elsewhere and the first and most obvious external target are foreign people. Somepeople in my country are small minded biggoted fools in my opinion. They for instance in the 50's and 60's blamed the Asian influx of people but in the 70's the went to curry houses for food and now curry is my countries number one dish. Thinks take time my friend but don't let the small minority of people get to you or dishearten you on what this country has to offer. An example of this is.... Last week I was on a bus which drove past new buildings getting erected . An old man on the bus said to his wife those buildings are for Asylum Seekers. I cringed for this man because I knew that those new buildings are for students. This is just one example of misinforamtion being spread by a narrow mind. Like I said to you before do not be preturbed by people like this and enjoy my country and what she has to offer.
Oh I nearly forgot my friend. During The Battle of Briatin during World War 2 when Britain was a whisker away from crumbling a lot of the brave pilots who were fighting in English skies were Polish. If anybody gives you grief you can always remind them of that fact.
Especially the curry. :-)
Peace and Love.