History /
Polish Jews - they changed their Jewish surnames to Polish [532]
Jesus called the Pharisees, who the Encyclopedia Judaica says are the founders of modern Rabbinical Judaism '.
This is because you have never opened a Bible in your life OR if you have, you are either
unobservant or lying...read the Gospel of John, Chapter 8, all of it.
The total extermination of Jews was one of the underpinnings of the Nazi state ideology and was the natural outcome of hundreds of years of official blaming of the Jews for all the ills of the world..
The term 'Final Solution' was an invention of the Allies...what you are referring to was the topic of discussion at the Wansee Conference, presided over by Heydrich, who was himself Jewish...I believe the 'position paper' of this conference was entitled 'The Complete Solution to the Jewish Problem in the Eastern Territories', and it referred to a
transfer of Eastern Jews out of the Reich, preferably to Palestine...the Zionists worked with the Nazis on this 'Complete Solution'...this was called the 'Transfer Agreement'...
Eichmann, who also was also Jewish, worked with Heydrich & the Zionists on this...one of the reasons the Israelis captured/executed Eichmann was because of his Jewish background...what I have just stated might surprise you, but it goes to show that history
can take many ironic or tragic twists...Nazism/Zionism are both racist philosophies that
are a dead end.
Imagine a Jewish stand-up comedian telling jokes about dumb pollacks. Nothing extraordinary or xenophobic to it, innit?
Well, the Jewish comedian Sarah Silverman, has said, as part of her show, 'If Jesus was
here, I'd kill Him again!'...this is Jesus Christ she is talking about...and the Yiddin said, 'She's hilarious, and she's pretty, with a nice ass to boot!'...now, imagine, if a Polish comedian said, 'Hey, all those Jews from WWII, they just got what was coming!'...
what would be the reaction?