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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 3 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 789
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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8 Apr 2007
Law / I want to go to poland but worried about the army [38]

Wow, I had no idea that it was mandatory to give service in the armed forces in Poland. Is it just for males or females too? How old are most when they go in? Is it really only 9 months to serve? What about in the case of war.....can one be called to come back and serve? Very interesting topic.
5 Apr 2007
Food / need a mushroom soup recipe [15]

I am an excelent cook, even if I do say so myself!!!

And I'm an excellent taste tester! Match made in culinary heaven!:)
5 Apr 2007
Food / need a mushroom soup recipe [15]

What if I am a terrible cook?

I'm a brave woman.....how much damage could you do with Onions, butter, consume, borowik (prawdziwek), anyway?
5 Apr 2007
Food / need a mushroom soup recipe [15]

Don't apologize......I would just experiment until you get the right quantities......wish I could be more help......if you need a taste tester, I will volunteer!:)
5 Apr 2007
Food / need a mushroom soup recipe [15]

I had a extremely good mushroom soup

MMMMMMMM.....mushroom soup! Im getting hungry!:)
5 Apr 2007
Life / Non -Native people in Poland, where do you come from ?? [41]

so where in Pol are u gonna live ?

Maybe she'll just travel around from city to city.....pick a spot after she's experienced all of it.....then throw a huge housewarming party for all her aforementioned friends, right Patty!:)
3 Apr 2007
Travel / Eating out in Gdansk [9]

If u like vegetarian food 'greenway' is also good.

A restaurant to satisfy Bubba's taste!:)
2 Apr 2007
Love / Polish Womens bodies [126]

Exactly......he admitted his part in it and that takes a big man to do.....:)
2 Apr 2007
Love / Polish Womens bodies [126]


I must admit, I haven't read through every post on this thread, but I will say I have a new found respect for you, Bachelor, based on you last response.:)
2 Apr 2007
Love / Polish attitude towards sex [194]

I'm neither of the 2. Please don't speak for me Anx mate .

That goes for me also.
30 Mar 2007
Love / Polish Womens bodies [126]


I'm just soooo proud of you right now.....as Miranda said, "Well said girl!"

You are one of the reasons I love this forum!:)
27 Mar 2007
Love / Polish men are more sexy.... [64]

Better than me Ranj? Come on.....

I'm comparing English men raised in Great Britain to Polish men who were raised in Poland (at least the one's I know). Not saying the Poles had bad sense of humor....just too much cultural difference to understand each others humor.....You of course, Artur, are in a class all by yourself----I mean look at your helmut for god sake!:)
27 Mar 2007
Love / Polish men are more sexy.... [64]

I gotta agree with Amathyst; I've met both Polish and English men and the English men have much better sense of humors (or I guess I should say, I can relate better to their sense of humors). I think besides a man being smart and having a good heart, sense of humor is probably the sexiest quality to me. If a man can make me laugh, then he's already won me over!:)
26 Mar 2007
UK, Ireland / DONT WORK FOR premiernursinguk [33]

hey enough of the compliments for bubbawoo.

One can never pay enough compliments to BW.....he da man!:)
26 Mar 2007
UK, Ireland / DONT WORK FOR premiernursinguk [33]

she sure must be and she sure is lucky to him you mate

She is a lucky gal to have someone like Bubba! He's the best!:)
25 Mar 2007
Love / HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU LOVE IN A LIFETIME? Once, twice or many ... [70]

I think it depends on the individual, but for the most part, I believe humans have the capacity for love many times in a lifetime. For myself, I have "fallen" in love more that once in my life. When the relationships ended, I grieved the losses, but I didn't shut myself off from ever loving again. Love is something we all yearn to have and give.....not to be able to give or receive it is just not natural. That's not to say that at times we might feel we can never love again (been there, done that). Especially when one is grieving over a lost relationship, sometimes it's hard to move forward.....usually out of fear of being hurt or the belief that there will never be any relationship that was as good as "that." The important thing is to remember that by giving love away, you never lose anything and ultimately you might gain something far greater.:)
25 Mar 2007
Life / Polish denial of reality - is it a national trade? [117]


Ola, I'm curious....have you personally been cheated or prevented from moving forward in your own life due to an English person? You speak with such bitterness. It's been my experience when someone is as angry as you seem, it is usually a direct result of something personal being affected. I guess what I'm asking is if your prejudice is a direct result of someone wronging you or is it just something you learned from someone else? I honestly want to know.:(
23 Mar 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]


You hear that, BW? Will you be my sugardaddy? Me luv you longtime!:)

In all seriousness, Hullo, Bubba works for his money....he pays his dues, and he's not out to cheat anyone, so why would you begrudge him success? I'm a firm believer that a person can accomplish ANYTHING they choose, if they have the desire and determination, even the people from Poland. If you continue to believe that you will never be able to afford a home, then you probably never will.....people create their own realities!
23 Mar 2007
Life / Polish denial of reality - is it a national trade? [117]

Don't feel sorry for them.....isn't that what life is all about.....improving it for the new generations.....by that I mean, most people try to improve their lives for their children and grandchildren.....it is selfless and a great builder of character. Hopefully, the kids follow suit and the domino effect begins....:)

Go read post #295 under Favorite Quotes....Pingwin posted it and I think it says it all.