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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1164 / In This Archive: 984
From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
Interests: People places history life

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10 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

as horny as hornchurch?

You don’t like that more and more people are talking in polish on your street and feel intimidated by it?

lol,Im guessing you dont mean "me" in that but,I love it,I can "spy" on 'em and they never guess I understand Polish till I tell 'em :)

The outcome of this situation is that a group of your country men are blaming my people on the decisions made by other group of your people. Quite funny actually.

Im glad you can see the "funny" side of this,unfortunatly there is a groundswell of ignorent people that ,rather than face the fact they have little say in what our Govt' does , instead blame "the Poles", It was only today again that I had to point out the fact that in the 80s "we" were in the same position,ie going off to west Germany to find work......
10 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

one of englands most beautiful cities

cheeky booger :), yes,I do get the ribbing being as the rest of the fam' hail from way oop north west....
re whats so great about
well ,the fact that even mentally deficient neds get the chance to go to uni....mind you,saying that,it doesnt take a genius to figure out noimmi's real name, Walter Mitty.........
10 Jan 2008
Life / "I can spot a Pole a mile away" - Polish fashion? [146]

2006,sat on a bus minding my own buisness,a couple of Chavs get on,start with kurwa this and kurwa that,for all of 10 seconds before one got a clip round the earhole from a little old lady,the lads obviously hadnt banked on meeting a '45 Pole in a small ish northen city :)
10 Jan 2008
Life / Polish dentists - good and cheap? [84]

In my experience British dentists are the worst.

Yes,but German dentists are the scariest...."is it safe?"
10 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

Tosser,I was born in Simpson memorial 30 odd years ago....spiting distance from the royal mile....
Which is part of how Great the UK is :)
10 Jan 2008

Agreed with Tele', I used to work for(possibly the same company) a major "home improvments" co ,as a salesman,I was self employed and our fitters were self employed,about the only people in this field not self employed are the poor sods working in the telemarketing dept'.
10 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

No,whats worse is MY tax is subsidising no immi's FREE education in Scotland,while the rest of us suckers in the rest of the UK have to pay through the nose......
10 Jan 2008
Life / Do Polish people tend to stick together? [49]

Your ex, obviously, is one of those whom we call 'polaczki' - folks who hate their own country

You really can be an arrogent feker puzzler,she and her family were solidarnosc workers,her family fought in the 44 uprising,she has nothing to prove about her love for Poland.You on the other hand seem to hate all Poles who are not as paranoid as you,shame really.

I am fast losing respect for you,especially when you come out with rude,arogent ,demeaning comments about someone you do not know. Can I ask what you have ever done for Poland apart from not live there for half your life?

Can I also ask what qualifications you hold to be the Arbiter of who is a good Pole or some paranoid "hater",coz,not being funny,you seem to be the one doubled over with a loathing of your countrymen?

By your logic you must be one of the biggest "polonophobes " around seeing as you have spent most of your life trying to live in other countries..........
10 Jan 2008
News / City of Warsaw has a new praeambulum [17]

It is so obvious that doesn't have to be mentioned.

what is obvious?Have you a point or are you just being your usual trollish self?
10 Jan 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

Yes, You are free to go to temple ,free to employ a local gentile to do all the manual work on the Sabbath ,basicaly free to be as Jewish or not as you want to be and still be 100% British. How can there be a debate about this being a good thing? Why would you want to be isolated and not considered an equal part of the sociaty you live in unless you convert to the dominante religion?
10 Jan 2008
News / City of Warsaw has a new praeambulum [17]

the source of which for many of us is God,

Note,it doesnt say "Catholic" God,so whats wrong with it? Is it any worse than the USA's In God we Trust?
9 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

the nhs was in a crisis even before the polish wave as you say yourself, but still there are people on here who paint a picture that the nhs would work fine if there were no poles in the uk...

how stupid is that??

agreed,stupid to single out the Poles in this,but it is an accumilation,something I just dont think many Polish people understand,not having had continous imigration to Poland from all round the world these past 40-50 years.

maybe the young healthy Polish taxpayers are subsidising the NHS ?

hhhm,yes,funding it so "we" can fork out 3 or 4 grand a week on some ghanains dialasis.....
9 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

good :),and I agree,some ignorent "brits" do take the attitude you highlight Matyjasz. Not myself Im afraid,so I take umbridge at being lumped into a homogenous mass of "the brits" that is as insulting as saying all Poles are rascist skinheads,some are,most probably not.


take medical care and send their children to English schools

yes,Im afraid I take the fact that britains schools and NHS were overstreched even before 2004 a little seriously,especially when Poles are just the latest,and by far the largest groups of imigrants to add even more presure to those sevices many of us have been paying for for a very long time with our taxes. Would you be happy if your childs primary school suddenly had say 10 non Polish speaking kids in each class and your child lost out due to all the resources being pumped into the non polish kids?
9 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Advice for my Polish friend who came to the UK to work [22]

I can't believe anyone with real serious notion of trying to move to another country would do so without speaking the language of that country.

wonder how the Spannish feel then when faced with brits who have lived there for years and still shout loudly " HAVE YOU O GOT O A NICE O BOTTLE O BEER O"
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

lol,sorry dan,clean slate? I have apologised for my posts on "the other thread" so,er,lets stop the willy wagging eh?

(btw, as you can imagine,I was rather dubious about conversing with ex ss men,for all the obvious reasons,but,as I was introduced to them by an arnhem veteren I took the position of if he can talk to them whats stopping me. As it happens they are very nice old boys,not political and both conscripts,on the flip side I have spoken with veterens from the so called right side who were clearly psycopathic unrepentant murderers,happy to discuss shooting un armed "gerries" and other even worse exploits,go figure.)
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

I checked it.

where? Because your source is wrong,you are partly right,the 10th did utilise some of the 9ths armour. Trust me southern,Ive been visiting arnhem/oosterbeek/dreil and the memorials for the last 10 years and have worked directly with arnhem veterens since I was a nipper.
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

I can only shake my head.

not much of a valuble contribution to an internet forum is it?

out all the SS' faults to these upstanding gentleman

nuff said?
as to the rest,no,not wittily disguised,just adapted to slip through this darn yankee profanity blocker.btw,Id like to see you tell an irishman that fek is a disguised word :)
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

sorry southern,it was actualy the Hohenstaffen(9th ss) and frunsberg(10th ss) divisions at arnhem,but,your right,neither of those divisions were charged with atrocities,unlike many other ss and non ss units.
9 Jan 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

dont be daft,if i have no opinion I will not conjure one up just to satisfy you.....
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Bit tosser eh? Drill bits? Needless and failed attempt at profanity against me.

my bad,sorry,bit OF A tosser.
that better?

Right thread, right post.

nope,you are bringing up a debate from another thread and using it on here for some reason only known to yourself.

Now,if I said Id spoken to ss veterens of the warsaw uprising I would respect your comment,as I havnt,and the two old boys (and correct me if im wrong,you were the one to first class them as old gentlemen.)I spoke to only served in westeren europe and were both thouraly investegated for possible war crimes and cleared to live in the UK as fine upstanding citizins for the last 60 years I fail to see where your point lies.

I have no love for the IRA or the Orangemen,what has that got to do with having respect for old boys conscripted into their countries armed forces in time of war.......It is not mine,or anyone under 80s place to judge people for their service in those bleak times.Remember,I am talking about men who were still in their teens at the time and not KZ guards or kaminski criminals.

If you have an axe to grind with me for not wanting to see everything as black and white/good and evil,fine,your loss .
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

I knew they copied the DC3,hadnt heard of a copied B29 though,surely a post war plane?
BTW the Mustang was not a "secret" just a bog standard(though absoloutly gorgeous) fighter plane.
regarding the PIAT,I will look out a link later ,too an Arnhem soldier who succsesfully knocked out severel Tigers,panzer mk6,tanks with a piat and earned himself the VC,actually Jeremy Clarkson's father in law !
9 Jan 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

Really,Im afraid Dan,your knowladge on this subject is rather limited which shows clearlly in that last post,you yourself contradict your own logic,but,Im not going to get into a p issing contest.

the response received was that it was not that they didnt believe him, it's that they didnt believe something like that could happen.

so if this was OK for the yanks why were the brits such bad guys for taking the same position?

suffice to say,
I strongly apologies for some comments in earlier posts on this page that were out of order and knee jerk reactions to some absurd accusations leveled at me.
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Only sometimes he omits some facts which you have to remind of.

and always happy to be reminded southern.after all,nobodys perfect,even me;)
Dan,Im disapointed,your turning into a bit tosser too (ur obviously joining my club)with that post,wrong thread,wrong subject......

Wonder if during your tet a tet you pointed out all the SS' faults to these upstanding gentleman as you have no hesitation in doing on this forum when it comes to Poland and Poles?

That has got to be one of the most pathetic things I have read on here for a while.Tet a Tet...muppet.No I didnt start blaming those fine old gentlemen any more than I would critises any veteren,I will however continue to critisise young kids who are clueless.

you've obviously had the time to go off thread and give us minute details of GB and german weaponology.

well,considering its my frikkin job,i dont have to "go off" and do much research at all........

Wrong choice.PIATs could not penetrate german tank armour.

didnt say it was the right choice,just pointing out it was the choice made,BTW,do you really suppose a bazooka rocket penetrated ever a tigers armour?

This was the most successful american product after the B-29 and the Mustangs.

Neither of which used by the Soviets(the raf had a few mustangs but on the other hand the USAAF had a few spitfires :) )

I did not know that.The Higgins were considered ideal.I consider it is possible what you tell.

sorry,to clarify,some of the higgins boats used on the US beaches were crewed by RN sailors,they wernt used to any major extent on the 3 UK/Canadian beaches though.
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

They made a difference.Also bazookas instead of Boys and Piats,american food supplies,jeeps,the carriers in Normandy landing...

Nope,sorry,the British army never used bazooka's,they for some daft reason stuck with the PIAT, US food supplies,no,we had our own rations,totaly different to the US K and C rations,sure,much of the basic ingredients MAY have come via the states(we are a small island after all with limited food production) but that is not what you imply.Yep,we used jeeps,though would hardly say we relied on jeeps.and,I think you will be surprised to learn that most of the landing craft used by the british and canadian forces in Normandy were RN british built ships.The small higgins boats as seen in Saving Private Ryan et all were not used by the british,in fact,many of the landing ships used by US force in Normandy were British built crewed by RN sailors.

isthatu wrote:
from the mouths of 9th and 10th wSS troops I have met.

Which were there for reorganization having lost almost all their heavy weapons in France.

er,so what,they were still some of gitlers finest ,toughest troops and as such recognised the same in the "red devils" so you make a moot point Im afraid.
9 Jan 2008
History / Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland? [510]

Dont make me laugh buddy,what help did the US give the USSR? a few crappy out of date fighter planes,some dodgy firearms that were imideatly put into storage and not used and some shermans that the RKKA ,like everyone else,thought were death traps. You carry on thingking USA saved the day if you like but Im afaraid the rest of the world knows the truth.....
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

actually,sorry,I am going to get drawn in then.....
Right,youve read books,always a good starting point,but I have spoken at length with Veterens of all sides in the last war.

who regarded the british troops on Kreta in 1941 far superior to british troops they met later in Tunis,Italy and Arnhem.

Really,I will have to take exeption to your last points. The troops on Crete were second line troops so I find that hard to believe,the airborne troops at arnhem were the best trained and hardest fighting troops of the NW europe campaign,that comes straight from the mouths of 9th and 10th wSS troops I have met.

The british army became gradually worse instead of improving and became totally dependant on american weapons.

On a grand scale,you have a point,by the end of the campaign in Europe Britain had been bled dry by 5 years of fighting around the world,the avarage line soldiers were of a bog standard ,"lets just survive this crap" type of soldier.The best troops were being saved for the continuing campaign in the far east( thats the big scrap in asia that the poles didnt fight in).as for you last point,about totally dependent on US weapons,that is complete and utter nonsence,the british army always used its own British designed weapons,with the exeption of the odd tommy gun and Sherman tanks,but even they had been largly replace by the various mks of Sten gun and British built tanks such as the Comet which were far superior in every way to th Sherman...
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

I mean the supply lines were fully motorized.

No,agreed,I think the British Army was one of the first to become fully motorized in that respect.
The ppsh41's main selling point to the germans was its 71 round drum magazine,as opposed to the 30 round stick mag of the mp 40,in close in fighting its weight of fire rather than technical superiority that counts.

True,the dp28 was a fine gun,if rather heavy,but the mg 42 beats all contempory lmg's hands down.
As this is a Polish /Russian thread Im not getting drawn into your last point,but,I think you may like to talk to a few wSS vets like I have who fought against the British airborne lads in Normandy or Arnhem,not forggetting the Commandos that gave gitler the serious hebbie jeebies:)
9 Jan 2008
Life / Do Polish people tend to stick together? [49]

In Canada and USA where its so multicultural people tend to stick together

How on earth can you claim to be "multi cultural" then if every group seems to be ghettoised?

have either all stuck together if they intend to go back home after a while, or completely go it alone if their intention is to stay here

Pretty much my experiance too Donkey ,my ex used to hate it when she would hear or spot another Pole in the supermarket say and people Ive worked with have been the same,of course they would often get together in little groups for a chat po polsku but on the whole the ones who plan on staying make more of an effort to integrate fully .Which seems entirely logical,why make ties you are just going to sever?
9 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

When the british army became fully motor mobilised in 1936,

Wrong,"we" still had cavelry brigades upto 1941/2.
But you are right about the horse being useful for the hun,although,in the main they prefered the panja ponies native to the area.