10 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]
as horny as hornchurch?
lol,Im guessing you dont mean "me" in that but,I love it,I can "spy" on 'em and they never guess I understand Polish till I tell 'em :)
Im glad you can see the "funny" side of this,unfortunatly there is a groundswell of ignorent people that ,rather than face the fact they have little say in what our Govt' does , instead blame "the Poles", It was only today again that I had to point out the fact that in the 80s "we" were in the same position,ie going off to west Germany to find work......
as horny as hornchurch?
You don’t like that more and more people are talking in polish on your street and feel intimidated by it?
lol,Im guessing you dont mean "me" in that but,I love it,I can "spy" on 'em and they never guess I understand Polish till I tell 'em :)
The outcome of this situation is that a group of your country men are blaming my people on the decisions made by other group of your people. Quite funny actually.
Im glad you can see the "funny" side of this,unfortunatly there is a groundswell of ignorent people that ,rather than face the fact they have little say in what our Govt' does , instead blame "the Poles", It was only today again that I had to point out the fact that in the 80s "we" were in the same position,ie going off to west Germany to find work......