UK, Ireland /
Many British have inferiority complex [131]
PS: Now you see with what crap we have to put up on this forum mate? I see that you lost your temper when the shoe got on the other foot.
not at all,I was having a larf,inviting you guys along on the merry ride of twisted self depricating British humour with a dash of irony and a soupcon of p iss taking out of the trolls :)
I hope we don't play role of Jews in UK ? :P (joke)
What,and become our most succsesfull ever immigrents? Why not?
Kilkline wrote:
Most of the trolls who are refered to as 'English' are in fact not English, but English speakers.
I would say that 90% of them claim to live in the UK.
Argh,that doesnt make them english!!!!!!!...UK = England,Wales and Scotland, Northern Ireland gets a UK AND NI....
Used to what ?
Or do you mean "used too" ?
ZZZZZzzzzz no one likes a internet english teacher...........
Zgubiony wrote:
The Americans that do come in here are more interested in learning things and not complaining
After ll,what have you got to complain about?
Yep the English are trying to reclaim some sort of lost national identity, ever been to London/England during a Football/World Cup Tournament?? All the flags of St. George make the place look like some hardline Loyalist housing estate.
Dont be silly. Last big football thingy my town looked like some hardline polish nationalist ghetto with all the red and white flags around......oh wait,no it didnt,it just looked like people supporting their team....
There was also the 'Auf Wiedersehen Pet' phenomenon, and they weren't all Geordies.
no ,but the scouser died dint he?