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Posts by isthatu  

Joined: 8 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Apr 2008
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From: oop north
Speaks Polish?: troche
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15 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Many British have inferiority complex [131]

Dear Gawd! That comment of mine was definitely a tongue-in-cheek one.

As was mine,this site definatly needs emoticons tovarisch :)

Eh, ur 641st posting between 2 of isthatu's postings. 'UK = England,Wales and Scotland' u wrote above. It's on the 4th page of this thread girl

She was part quoting me actually Seanus ole buddy :)
15 Jan 2008

no,I think it is more symptomatic of US centered history programes.Try finding reference to ANY other allied nation in 80 % of US made documentries is like looking for the proverbial needle ,in a stack of needles.

Battle of Britain (the movie,loads of scenes with the Polish Pilots,in Polish,every school kid pretending to be one of them the next day in the school yard)

Bridge too far(movie) all the Gene Hackman scenes.
Every British made documentry on Cassino,Polish veterens interviewed,british vets' talking about the brave/heroic Poles.
Oh,and My new Avatar,Micheal Caine as a Polish para(well sorta ;) )
15 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

crikey,who let the Politruk out of the cryogenic chamber.
Da,Ja Ja Stalina,defender of soviet babies and big man of purely defensive peoples nkvd murder squads. anyone thinks differently,holiday in the yellow house followed by a geologic survey of the uranium mines,urrah!
15 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Many British have inferiority complex [131]

no,I did,and he still thinks he knows better than a frikken scotsman,with an irish dad who lives in england what makes up the uk.........the bloomin latvian.
15 Jan 2008

but you would be great Paul Alford. watch your back

You'd better pray he doesnt so much as stub a toe now mate,Id advise you to ask admin to delete these last couple of posts.Or print a retraction.

even if he does come out with retarded statements like this;

It can also be concluded that it only usually takes one nations army to win a war.

Which nation would that be the?

This is the first time I've ever heard or seen anywhere, news or TV
where Poland was given any credit for WWII battles or victories.

have they had their head buried in sand then?
15 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

isthatu what nationality are you if you don't mind. maybe it will explain some things.

It will explain nothing,one half is a deeply catholic country,the other half is divided 50/50.

also your comment about JP that's like saying all future leaders of russia and germany are responsible for stalin and hitler great logic

Close,but only a mini cigar for now. No,what it is saying that the leaders of those countries have a responsibility to aknowladge the past mistakes and set about changes for the future to insure they are never repeated.

what's ridiculous about it? all he said abstinance would stop spread of aids. reread the previous posts your misunderstanding something.

you all know fek all about Africa,Im afraid. Like many countries the deeply religious are the womenfolk,where as the men folk,especialy in countries where multipull wives were/are the norm are somewhat backwards and chauvanistic and not all that religious.If they want to screw a women they do and so the little lady running beads through her fingers is not being all that well protected is she,especially with mixed messages from so called enlightened folks.( of course this is not a blanket statement on Africa,just something others dont seem to factor in here.)

I still don’t understand how come it is OK to blame today’s church for crusades and Spanish inquisition but it’s a serious faux pas to blame the Windsor’s for the slave trade? Maybe you could explain it to me.

Because by the time the saxe coburg gothas were on the throne slaverl had been abolished by britain. We realised that buying one lot of black guys from another lot of black guys was moraly wrong. Where as there are still a group of blokes out there who have never had sex let alone a relationship with a woman who think they have some insight and say into how millions should live their lives.

It wasn't colonisation,

So russia has never tried to colonise ,overrun another soverign nation,Har dee har har.
What do you call the "Great Game" in russia,thats our name for the 19th century race between Britain and Russia for control of first Afganistan then the whole of the sub continent? (hint,neither britain nor russia have a good record of not getting our a rses kicked in kabul)
15 Jan 2008
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

The Jews accepted this compromise and declared independence on the day the British left.

This is acceptance after murdering British soldiers on a scale even the ira never managed,British soldiers who were there to keep the peace between armed arab thugs and armed jewish thugs,often leaning with their support to the jewish organisations only to be literaly stabbed in the back. Israel was created by terrorism,why is anyone surprised it is still experiancing terror? The whole idea of its creation was an ill concieved pipedream and deeply hypocritical as the world had just come out of a devastating war that cost the lives of countless millions against the evils of land grabbing and forgiegn invadors thinking they had divine rights over someone elses homes.
15 Jan 2008
Life / Compulsory National Service in Poland [26]

All with the interviewed person standing naked in front of the "commission".

I have that nightmare every night before I go for a new job!!!!!

It should be also noted that all Poles at the secondary level were also taught military and basic medical skills. The subject was called "przysposobienie obronne" (defense preparedness?) and included some theory and some weapons practice. Most schools were equipped with a small armory.

I take it some schools still have these facilities,if not used in excactly the same way,in 03 or 04 with collage we met some high school kids who said something about having a shooting range under the school where they shot kalasnikovs...have to admit I thought they were pulling my chain at the time......

oh,in the west,school kids had civil defence as well. In the 80s we were taught; You will hear a siren,you will have four minutes to live.

Earlier generations were taught in more detail; If you hear the siren,duck under the desk and cover your head.
Looks like we were preparing for two different scenarios,Us,nuclear anhialation,you guys,some sort of uprising mkII.
15 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Many British have inferiority complex [131]

Argh,that doesnt make them english!!!!!!!...UK = England,Wales and Scotland,

Whateverrrr... :)

ok then I'll just think of you as a russian then,after all,you come from near there dont you?

While on the subject of car thieves I quite liked the German bumper sticker I saw on an old banger, it read "My other car's in Poland!"

lol,there does seem to be a huge proportion of pl reg Beemers around here,often parked up in the local chicken factories work place I pass walking the dogs. Must be on good wages zapping chickens.....
14 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

poor you,blinded by incenses and hocus pocus....

somehow you want to extend respoinsibility of JPII to all controversial moves of the Catholic Church through the centuries

No,but I dont see anyone rushing to be the next nazi party leader or head of international communisim? If your the boss of a corrupt organisation with a history of evil deeds you take on some of the responsibility.

Admit, that you were wrong... Simply do it.

No,why should I,In my opinion I am not,and I dont fear any mumbo jumbo about hell or pergatory,Im wormfood brother,untouchable.

Btw Mother Theresa made more for poor people that you will ever do (if you will do anything at all..), so WTF?

blah blah blah. What did she do? Tell me? How many people that she met are no longer poor? none. Read up on things and make your own mind up,dont blindly believe what a bunch of transvestites tell you.
14 Jan 2008
Life / Local Poles taking advantage of foreigners living in Poland [235]

Polish drivers drive very good managing to go fast through very bad,narrow roads

Thats not good driving,thats called having a small manhood and risking other peoples lives.....someone else said they see a recent improvemeent on Polands roads...no wonder,have you seen how many PL plate loonies are tearing round the UK these days,.Ive personnaly had 3 near misses in the last week from ,A, a kr reg car pulling out into trafic without indecating, B a ZB reg car that just drive straight accross a round abouts 3 lanes and C, some nutter trying to overtake me as I pulled up at a red light!!.

See how it tastes when your own country is being harshly criticised? And you, bastards in this board, have been doing it to my country all the time. Never saying anything positive about my country and people. Coming to my country with a horrible arrogant attitude, expecting that we will kiss your unwashed feet. You're destroying your own national image with us, you know? If I were you I'd care about it.

seriously mate,you need help.I suggest going home though because mental health provision in the UK is a bit ropey at the minute. Paranoia is a nasty thing,I know,a good mate went through it,mind you,he had fought in a grotty little war,whats your excuse?

Have you ever seen Blood Diamond? You know how they always say "TIA-This Is Africa"?

I say TIP.

what a cracking comparison,yep,b itch n moan but never expect it to change,just enjoy the ride :)
14 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

however non violence can take longer but the results will last longer.

they can,I wonder,would India and Pakistan have fought so many horrible wars with each other had Ghandi not been gunned down?
Dont get me wrong,anyone who can stay on the path of peace has a good heart,but wasnt it yourself who(and apologies if it wasnt) said where would talking peace with hitler have got Poland ? Sometimes violance is the only way to peace,unfortunatly.

You should be ashamed,

Why?Personnaly I think the Catholic/jusuit establishment,in the long run has caused more suffering in this world than any other group of people. Does that mean I think Catholics are bad,of course not but dogma has led to injustice for centuries.

The other pin up is mother theresa,crikey,that mad old coot thought the people who suffered that she "cared" for deserved to suffer for their sins!!!!hideous woman,but we are all supposed to treat her like a saint.....
14 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Why so many British can't spell ? [83]

Its a wonderous thing but no one has brought up that story from todays metro about Poles scoring 15.2 out of 25 on a Test of Britishness and Brits scoring 14.6 .........
14 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Why so many British can't spell ? [83]

This is BW on PF day 2 If somebody didn't know...

We need a week? Is this to get over our infey..infairyo...enferitry...infrreeorirty...our complex's?

They usually don't know any foreign languages,

Rubbish. Parle francies G'? panjemajo russe? Habla Espanol? We just dont all bang on about how smart we are.
14 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

I thought he was born in Georgia to a Russian family. Correct me if I'm wrong

Dzugashvillii(or something close) very Georgian,the hair,the complexion,just think Katie melua on a bad day :)

Pope John Paul II was a great leader

set back Aids prevention in Africa by decades,causing the death of countless thousands.insisted that women and girls raped or gang banged had to have any resulting children,so,great?really?

Dalai Lama

A lovely man. Not really done anything though has he?Tibet is still under chi com rule.
14 Jan 2008
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

he was just as bad as hitler. what gives another human the right to dictate whos
lives should be put to death and whos should be spared.

Govnr of Texas can do that,look where that job leads.......

BTW, I dont think there are any Georgians posting on this thread so complaing that someone defending stalin coz they are the same nationality.....
If you take a starting point that all world leaders are selfish a rse holes then how do you mesure "Greatness",is it staying power? Battles/wars won? What? In most definitions uncle joe was a great leader,his grip on power was almost total. Does this make him a Great man? Does it 'ell.
14 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Many British have inferiority complex [131]

PS: Now you see with what crap we have to put up on this forum mate? I see that you lost your temper when the shoe got on the other foot.

not at all,I was having a larf,inviting you guys along on the merry ride of twisted self depricating British humour with a dash of irony and a soupcon of p iss taking out of the trolls :)

I hope we don't play role of Jews in UK ? :P (joke)

What,and become our most succsesfull ever immigrents? Why not?

Kilkline wrote:
Most of the trolls who are refered to as 'English' are in fact not English, but English speakers.

I would say that 90% of them claim to live in the UK.

Argh,that doesnt make them english!!!!!!!...UK = England,Wales and Scotland, Northern Ireland gets a UK AND NI....

Used to what ?

Or do you mean "used too" ?

ZZZZZzzzzz no one likes a internet english teacher...........

Zgubiony wrote:
The Americans that do come in here are more interested in learning things and not complaining


After ll,what have you got to complain about?

Yep the English are trying to reclaim some sort of lost national identity, ever been to London/England during a Football/World Cup Tournament?? All the flags of St. George make the place look like some hardline Loyalist housing estate.

Dont be silly. Last big football thingy my town looked like some hardline polish nationalist ghetto with all the red and white flags around......oh wait,no it didnt,it just looked like people supporting their team....

There was also the 'Auf Wiedersehen Pet' phenomenon, and they weren't all Geordies.

no ,but the scouser died dint he?
13 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Many British have inferiority complex [131]

Why are Brits so attracted to animals?

Well,we had to get used to the smell of kennels in time for 2004 and renting rooms to you guys

Was there any famous British composer

I could turn this round and say,your most famous composer(only famous composer that doesnt write for B movies) was a frenchman,instead;
Purcell,Elgar,Henry the 8th(greensleeves)Britten,Holst.....getting the picture?

Will British sportsmen ever win an important competiton?

the Ashes,the World Cup(sorry,when did Poland win?) countless golds in both summer and winter olympics(see,sport is more than just chucking yourself off the side of a mountain without ski poles).

"I can smell a Brit a mile away" - British cuisine?

As opposed to that world renound Polish diet of cabbage and mushrooms and meat covered in fat.....

British man finds his wife is a 100% slut

oops,did he marry a Polish girl?
13 Jan 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

I hear what your saying,and a trickey one to answer with the "full range" of jewishness on display in the UK ( i speak obviously for the country I am most familiar with) from people who are maybe only "ethnicaly" jewish to ultra orthodox and everything inbetween this matter of "disapearing" is down to personal choice,there is nothing to be gained from dropping your Jewishness as may be the case in some countries .

"Is it a good thing for Jews to assimilate to the extent that they disappear as Jews? "
Well in Sascha Baron Cohen's case,as Borat a whole heap of cash and a funny TV series :)
13 Jan 2008

Do not expect so much participation from the antiintellectual West.

would that be the anti intellectual West that produced the Auther your fawning over?
I'll stick to Orwell myself,atleast he didnt write drivel like uyllsses...
12 Jan 2008
Travel / How to get to Czoch Castle? Chapel of Skulls? [9]

Church of Bones was in the Czech Republic?

funny,I thought it was Slovakia :).they went to it in that Long way Round thing with Ewan-obi wan- macgreggor...must be some odd mittle europa thing then?
12 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish kids in UK education system [57]

No mate,trust me,its no myth,what it is is a serious ball ache. I was tested for my reading age at 7, I had a reading age of 13 but I spell like a 6 year old,still. I can proof read pretty much anything an pick out the mistakes but when writing simple words such as their or feild I fek up,often starting words half way through,ie fway then adding hal to make halfway....its a larf though :)
12 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish kids in UK education system [57]

it was only recognised here a few years ago,trust me,I know,as you may guess from my posts lol

she was a) dyslexic and b) lost interest (she discovered the circus...

right,thats my next career move sorted then,lion tamer,or should that be lama tammer?
12 Jan 2008
News / City of Warsaw has a new praeambulum [17]

As an outsider,and corect me if Im wrong,the conections are intertwinned and date back at least to the times of the Warsaw uprising. The Church played an integral part with the Home Army and the AK gained much moral /spiritual strengh through their faith. In communist times the only places where open memorials to the home army,free of political interferance ,could be placed were in Churches.Solidarity,in many ways was the inheritor of the Home Army/Underground Govt mantle and many families involved in the underground aspects of the solidarity movements were desendants of Underground govt/Home army people. And the solidarity people got a massive boost from the open support,and vist by,Pope John Paull 2.
12 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish kids in UK education system [57]

Wroclaw Boy wrote:
CAVEMEN, Savages.

They pull their women from the hair publicly.

No they peddle their cars with their feet through the floor
12 Jan 2008
History / Jewish love towards Poles [389]

"and then you had to go and spoil it all by saying something foolish like....

Eichmann was Jewish.

The rest of the post,surprisingly I cant argue with. Why do you feel the need to embelish even the truth with silly,absurd statements like that? It just lumps you in with David Irvine and other loonies who are so easily proved fantasists.
12 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

I've heard that the Irish lads are fair scrappers!!

No,thats work on Fairs or steal Scrap metal......
12 Jan 2008
UK, Ireland / What's So Great About The UK? [416]

What's So Great About The UK?
The fact that people from the various countries that may have spent the last 300 years trying to blow each other up,run down hills at with big arsed swords or seizing each others post offices can take the pee out of each other and still get on when it comes down to it:)( oh,and occasionally gang up to laugh at "yanks",but the later seems to be less of an exclusive club lately ;)

To be boring for a minute,yes,it can feel a little saying Great Britain,but the Great means Large not Wonderfull, Great Britain was whats the UK Little Britain(no **********) was that bit of France we had for centuries do to Royal interbreading :)

"(no **********) "
lmao, I wrote "no sn igger ing !!!! How paranoid is this profanity checker thingy??:)

re edinburgh tattoo

so what do they have? Army soldiers from all over the world showinf off their hard rock bodies?

no,we also have the banff over 60s ladies highland dancers .......