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Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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25 Feb 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

Still headed up the most destructive nation man has known...regardless of where he was from........!
25 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Great Britain - which countries does it include? [95]

Nope, Lee......Great Britain.....is England, Scotland and Wales....all by themselves...3 of....

and the

United Kingdom is Great Britain (the three countries list above) and N Ireland

25 Feb 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

That Maxxx is a matter for conjecture..........who knows went went through the mind of a serial genocidist...they think of and dream up any and all reasons....just a suggestion.......it all added to the "rationale" applied to the process...or lack of it!
25 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / The un-acceptable side of new entrant countries coming to the UK [56]

Sunday Times article 25th Feb. 2007 is trying to show up the un-acceptable side of new entrant countries coming to the UK, the figures used are very challengeable...purely because no one really knows!

They estimate the numbers of Polish people who are sleeping rough over in London and paint anecdotal pictures of a few people who have had hard luck, or failed to plan successfully in their new country.

Plus again highlighting that you can't claim any benefits unless you have been in work for 12 consecutive months...and then only for a limited period.

Yes no doubt the will always be a percentage of failures and things not working out as planned but as per their front page on the magazine...they are now hinting that the "welcome" is wearing thin, and that ...enough is enough.

I suspect...as usual this is the standard method by which the UK uses the media to run their monthly scare story to distract and keep our our eyes off just how difficult thing have become for the local tax payers.......in other works sensationalist....bullsh!t...IMHO.!

They don't really highlight just how many people have been working her for the last 2-3 years...very successfully...or indeed the vital pool of money the UK has provided for seasonal/student type workers.............make your own minds up people...don't believe the hype !!!!!!!!!
23 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Doncaster STOP meeting STOP anyone interested? :D [29]

Maya...please....please type normal sorta thingy.........just for me....pretty please...I promise to buy you fish and chips with mushys on the side when we meet.....:)
23 Feb 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

what past indiscretions did we pay for

Yup...trying to combine forces and put one over on Russia...they will never forget....but you are asked to ignore/forget about their atrocities???!

No its not backing the wrong side...you were largely right....but you lost your gamble..all bets are then off.....!

You forget that at many times during history, Poland also invaded etc her neighbours....had expansionist phases....these indiscretions came back to haunt you.
22 Feb 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

In backing the wrong side, do you mean our Allies?

The Napoleonic invasion in the 1800s

o how could Katyn-1 incident have weakened it to such an extent?

Not just by itself...you'd lost 6 million people......country wrecked....no money....no infrastructure..........so you pick out those people who are smartest, looked up too....bravest.....(who might just object to Russian rule in a short time frame).......sends a very strong signal to everyone else to behave...plus it takes a long time to replace the cream of your nation.
22 Feb 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

But what exactly is your point Frank?

That the long memories of past battles...debts to be settled..... made it easier/gave them the green light for Russia/Russians to slaughter your people....whether they were, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals, people who may just have sense of national identity to cause them trouble in the coming years.......hence the prolonged occupation period...by the Katyn massacres they emasculated your nation.......

It other words you were paying for past indiscretions, backing the wrong side....plus a very ...very weak Poland was great for Russia/Germany.
22 Feb 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

I assumed the story of the 'Miracle on the Vistula' was common knowledge to Poles?

P fill me in on this...please....

Also, since East Europena peoples/countires have such long memories I suspect the 100000 strong Polish contingent of Napoleons army who invaded Russia in the 19th century were not forgotten either......loss of face/humiliation/revenge....regardless of how long ago had a part to play......plus Joe Stalins lust for blood letting of all peoples.
21 Feb 2007
Feedback / Regarding an announcement on cleaning the forums [18]

Nope...I need info..I need debate..I need discussion......

I can do without personal slander...vindictive posters...one off sh1t stirrers.....and of course inane conversations...which I sometimes get caught up in....etc

But what about a real time chatroom.......and Lef...sorry but I don't represent the "Irish"...just happen to be an Irishman...........:)
21 Feb 2007
Feedback / Regarding an announcement on cleaning the forums [18]

Admin, thanks for taking most of my recommendations/suggestions on board, no need to thank me or make special mention of my foresight or generosity of thought.

I look forward to the"new" board, Frank
19 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

PS: And what Frank had in mind was that "History likes to repeat itself." And I actually agree with him.

Yes....am afraid so....its just a few short decades ago, that total war was raging in Europe...the most advanced (?) area of the world, knee deep in wealth, intellectuals, great history and fine christian morals........

Where did it get us....when people are prepared/forced to follow/support....mass murderers?

Be optimistic Daffy.........but always with a hint of pessimism....maybe you are quite young......rose tinted glasses too.....:)

Me.?..Full time, older cynic........only put my rose tinted glasses on when I am in Poland!
18 Feb 2007
Feedback / FORUM RANKING [18]

Ah...but Admin does ..."rejection"...by swift...."ejection".....
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

daffy...you've proved my point...you're just going around in circles......but I forgive ya.....

You keep to evolution...I'll keep to the cycles.....

Perhaps we will both never meet...one day....lol....

18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

A famous historian was asked in 1989 ( 200th anniversary of same) what did he think of the after effects of French revolution...

His reply was .............its too early to tell...........

Learn from it Daffy.........say you will.....!
18 Feb 2007
Feedback / FORUM RANKING [18]

daffy......this has been suggested before....Admin...got very irrate...........I do the fun on this board.........:)

Except when I forget to take my tablets......or trap my finger between keyboard keys...:(
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

No...longer view Daffy.....man has never really "learned".......be honest.....

WW2 was called the war to end all

No WWI...was the war to end all...:)

peace out

You called a de facto truce...I agreed..you went back on your word...now cyclical posting ensues...........31-0 to me.........no added time.....

and YOU cant predict it (the future) either.

No I am just learning from the past.......do try it.....lol
18 Feb 2007
Feedback / FORUM RANKING [18]

Daffy..........you'll have to bring the liffey water....numbers were never important.......just quality.........soz Daffy....

Count me out...........lol
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

Daffy......is there a point to your post "peace out" posting....haven't you read the board rules section?....

Here you are coming back for more...........hhhhmmm....must google that........

No I'll stick to my view.......thanx...:)

"i did not fail, i just discovered 2,000 ways how not to make a lightbulb"..this was just a play on words..........but he was working towards a fixed end....politics...never gets there...hence the repetition of success and failures..........

"it is the Failures of the past that pave the way for the successes"...not really.......so all the wars that went before the WWI...ie the war to end all wars ......meant we shouldn't have had WWII.......pretty flawed logic there.....and you can't predict the future Daffy.....lol

"the EU is a far more flexible body that the empires of old and is ABLE to adapt and change as required through consititutional changes! yeeecsh"

No...the contrary..the bigger it gets the less flexible it will become........just look at how successful the nailing down of the constitution has been.....lol
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

evolution is not cyclical

You brought up evolution...no evidence of this.....all these political entities are cyclical...believe me!

PS Funny is an understatement..........
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

Tangentialism is alive and well in your mind.....in life..success.....for one guy to become a millionaire there has to be a pyramid of people under him ensuring his success.....every 100 people who go forward to play in a premier league team...only 1 will succeed.....getting my drift...my angle?

Of all the empires/alliances that ever there was...........how many are still on the go/lasted...eeemmm....think Daffy!

They evolve....in cycles.......meet the immediate needs of the time, then fail/ collapse.....longer view daffy...:)

PS Turn the light bulb out when leaving the board!!...:)
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

Ranj...you're just looking for the male sympathy vote here....lol

A moment on the lips....a lifetime on the hips.......

But I don't believe you...for one sec...its just that Daffy et moi have bored you...true?