Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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10 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Guys, there was an article in the S times a few weeks transfer 100000 Euro within the Euro zone, the differences were nearly 3000 between the worst and the best..!!

If I can I will do a search...will get back to you asap if I find anything.
10 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

The archive section is a pay as you go service..........
10 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Ela/Bubb your combined luck was in..........BUT you may still have to shop around...ok?

The best to transfer 100000 Euros, was Currencies direct or Moneycorp ( plus the charge 15 pounds to do the transfer but will cover the cost at the other end...important to check that too on such a large amount!!!!)......they cost 67,783 pounds and the worst was 70,822, pounds a difference of 3,039 pounds....!!.....YES £3039!!!!.............for what!!!????
10 Jan 2007
Life / Poles like Czech and French... Their attitude toward another nations [21]

No...that they "like" those countires/peoples with certain attributes/ qualites......after all how many polish people would have travelled to France to say they like the French or is just an historical thing...? many Polish people know any Muslims to hate them......if you don't know anyone of that faith, how can you hate them....
11 Jan 2007
Travel / What attracts tourist to Poland? [54]

In UK everthing is private, protected.....

Yes Iwona...the system in some ways is still almost feudal outside large cities........just give the petit bourgoise and prolateriat enough space /freedoms to keep them

Call me a cynic......:(

Sorry bout the spelling pps!
11 Jan 2007
Travel / What attracts tourist to Poland? [54]

well.....term used to describe...working class.......un-educated or even a state of you must bow down to someone to be sure of your job, home etc....
11 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants apply to be Police officers in N Ireland [17]

Recent news report, of the 7000 applicants recieved to become police officers here, nearly 1000 of them came from Polish immigrants!!

Is it that they are very big on law and order...or attracted by the 40,000 pounds salary, including overtime....?....:)

There are about 30,000 Polish immigrants in N Ireland and nearly 180,000 in the south of Ireland.
11 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants apply to be Police officers in N Ireland [17]

They try to balance the police make a 50:50 split.......a way of positive discrimination....because during the years of the troubles numbers of catholics went down to something like 4/5 percent.
12 Jan 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

I'm sure many a white american regrets the day that the negros were kidnapped from other countries and used as slave labour. Justice sometimes has its revenge.

So does the same rationale apply to all the African countries who've ekked out the most perilous existance since time immemorial...?

That they regret "stealing" selling and enslaving millions more from their own nations ...?

Would the tens of millions of HIV/AIDS sufferers be sufficient revenge.....

The same aims, needs and profit making was behind it all.........though I am not sure if any of the other African nations thought they were a "better" class of nation than their neighbours............but I strongly suspect amongst African nations/groups/tribes ....they regard other groups as being more than "not worthy".....just as bad as the white man....just as cruel...just as heinous a crime............

But history only concentrates on the white mans sins....why?
12 Jan 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

I take your point, but the white man came from a christian civilised society, or was it not?

But did it make it better or more superior than the indigenious African populations....highly debatable.....!

Ultimately....probably not....

Is white culture worth being preserved?

I don't did "white civilisation" come about anyways......where did the "white man" come from........?.........Africa..........
12 Jan 2007
Travel / Gonna go on mission to Poland! [18] can you say that........??? has some wonderful sights, etc, very picturesque.....great potential...investment going on....pulling itself up by its boot laces!!

If you consider it awful.......god help the rest of Poland....!
12 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Vincent see the thread on apartment purchasing...lots of info there.....
12 Jan 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357]

People say that in support of racial mixing

No, not supporting racial mixing, just stating a fact.....

Who say blondes should be preserved........whats so good/better/superior about being white /blonde, unless you want to visually discriminate etc....

Sounds more like white supremacy stuff to me...........did someone
12 Jan 2007
Life / Black people in Poland [357] are welcome.....its all very complex though, going back thousands of years, people only focus on one part/area/period.....

The point re slave trading was that it was a way of life in Africa and many other parts of the world since time began perhaps.....the feeling on the thread was the great white christians should have known better...or behaved in a superior fashion...doesn't always work out like that....not when there are fortunes to be made!!
12 Jan 2007
Travel / Gonna go on mission to Poland! [18] the moment, but it is curently being improved.......after 50yrs of neglect.....!

End of next year should bring a big improvement.
13 Jan 2007
Travel / Anyone know any English pubs in Wroclaw [47]

Guys I won't be there.......:(....but give Fredos tongue a stroke for me ( am assuming its that bear statue..:)...)..regards to you all, esp Mr and Mrs Wroclaw!
13 Jan 2007
Travel / Anyone know any English pubs in Wroclaw [47]

Oh, pointed him out to me...what was he famous for, not too don't bother stroking his
13 Jan 2007
Travel / Anyone know any English pubs in Wroclaw [47]

Sudheer, thats a disgrace letting the Wroclaw chapter down..........have you no shame????!!

PS Send us a few pics as Mr McHaggis/
13 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

Quoting: Bojownik, Post #30
Those girls that get AIDS good for them.

I am sorry, but that is just sick........condemning people for making mistakes, oversights and being caught out......

Glad to see there are charitable, I'm all right jack, people on the board...give yourself a big pat on the back.
13 Jan 2007
Life / Wanna Move to Poland.. but having hard time starting. [10]

Learning a "new" language or indeed music are the two best areas of learning to improve your mental health and delaying degeneration of the brain thats one spin off, with getting in touch with your heritage.

But lots of people go abroad to forget and put horrible experiences (WWII) behind them, you can't blame them for wanting a new life.
13 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

You will never justify your position, its inhumane, its selfish and I assume coming from a Christian/Catholic background unsustainable...........

So some one who sleeps with someone...just delight in seeing them struck down with a fatal disease...?

Well I hope your bitter twisted logic is never visited on you or you family........
13 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

White nationalists as you put it are KKK /BNP/Le Pen supporters.....who actively seek to discriminate, treat less favourably, those groups they see as less deserving than themselves........

Usually outside of the main national body, ethnic groups, new immigrants etc.......

The Irish enjoyed this sort of treatment for 100's of you think we rejoice in this fact?

You racist/white supremacist apologist!
13 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]'d said these girls deserved what they one deserves to die for making a mistake, whether one or more, you take great delight in striking a supposedly superior moral stance...

I like my women a certain way

Your misogynistic attitudes are palpable....and disgusting.....

People like you let thousands of unscreen aids carriers into the western world.

Thats your imagination again........

hat the girls who got it had it comming..

You're the one who said this...not me...get your arguments seem easily confused.
13 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Never watched it appears you watched too much of it........

If sarcastic...why bother feeding racists already on the board....?
13 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

He initially was a victim do you know how he contracted it...? You jump to conclusions too readily...if he knowingly passed it on......give him a life problem with that.

If you condemn these heartbroken women ( and all their families and friends effectively) for making a stupid choice, then you condemn all humanity....even yourself.

are a coward

No I won't hold my hand up to that illogical conclusion......I spent my life protecting people, I don't shirk my responsiblities.

I work in the health sector...I see the the results of choices made by people......90% of whom could be condemned for their life styles........
13 Jan 2007
Life / Poles' tolerance towards other Races [190]

Not making an excuse.......just rubbishing your ill considered, condemnatory posts.....esp of the women involved........

If he knowingly passed it on....let the courts deal with problem...