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Joined: 17 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jul 2012
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1 Jul 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

What is it with you?

Presenting MY viewpoint makes me a Nazi?
Is that the best argument you have???

Your viewpoint is not very far from nazi one.Anyway this is taboo word.
Why do you prefer to use such nationalistic symbols?You know that german nationalism is connected with nazism in the other countries and this is a polish forum.
1 Jul 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

I came to the conclusion that this attitude is discernable only when he feels strong need to defend himself. I don't pereceive that this is his personal belief.

I will try to pay more attention...

If you read his former posts he is actually proud of the Nazi military achievements in WW2.I doubt if his relatives who fought then have regreted it.

He used the military symbol of Wehrmacht the iron cross in his avatar and now he uses a typical germanic,runic man,what was supposed to be the archetype of Aryan race.
1 Jul 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

I think it is very important for him to vindicate the reputation of Germany, so they are not only viewed as "the bad guys". From my viewpoint, he is stuggling with the same feelings as Vrana, who also does not want his country to be viewed as the "bad guys".

In a way, both are correct. There were good and bad on both sides.
In the DVD of the Pianist (which I have not watched yet...sitting on my coffee table at present) there is a prologue by Roman Polanski. He states that there were good Germans and bad Germans, good Poles and bad Poles. I think we all know this, but it gets lost in the larger flood of emotions.

You do not understand the approach of Bratwurst.He does not discriminate between Nazis and not Nazis.He speaks about germans generally suffering.
(Mind you in West Germany entnazifizierung was not especially deep).
1 Jul 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

For example you will read hundreds of pages about medieval England or France but you will find only a few or non existent about Byzantine empire while Istanbul til the 13th century was the greatest city in the world with over one million people while London and Paris were simple gatherings of small towns-villages.Palace in Istanbul was a marvel of architecture while in London the king even Richard the lionheart could not read and write his name and pigs lived inside his tower..

Eventhough historians concentrate exactly on the history of these places.
1 Jul 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

I haven't read it, but have read about it. It was a kind of Chinese "manual" for war. And I think in the early 90's in the US it was a fad among businessmen because the concepts cross-applied: knowing your enemy/competition, analyzing weaknesses, survey the terrain/market, etc.

I was thinking that with his fondness for History, this work would complement nicely.
Who knows, I may read it myself....although currently I already have a full syllabus to get through! :)

Mao used it a lot.It is about the indirect approach in strategy how to win without having to confront the enemy's hardcore power.

absolutely..I would say this is the danger of the atomic bomb

In reality the atomic bomb pacified the world because of the certainty of mutual destruction.
1 Jul 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

Bombing of civilians was popular in WW2.Germans bombed heavily Warsaw and Beograd.They did not bomb french or belgian cities.
In England air raid they tried to bomb airports and military facilities til by mistake they bombed a city and english decided to bomb Berlin in revenge.Then Germans starte bombing London by Hitler's command which was a fatal choice.If they had continued bombing airports and plants,they might have won the war in 1940.
1 Jul 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

So you guys are arguing about ethics and who is guilty of warcrimes?

Trial of Nurenberg accepted that war crimes of allies would not be judged.The new legislation regarded only german war crimes according to the text.
1 Jul 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]


Did you know that this policy was not against Nazis but against the german people? The women and children? To kill as many as possible? A war crime!
Even Churchill himself got qualms after Dresden and ordered Harris to sto

In fact it was by far the most ineffective strategy to follow.Bombing civilians created supporters for Hitler.German army production remained the same and later grew up.

Only when the americans started applying the dogma of strategic bombing,hitting repeateadly army production plants,energy facilities and oil plants bombing started to have real results on the battlefield.British simply did not believe it was possible to bomb plants with accuracy and chose big,dense populated cities.The result was that even more homeless and desperate germans joined Wehrmacht decided to fight till the end.The supplies to the front were not affected at all because war economy is very different from economy during peace.
1 Jul 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish girls 'too pretty' for British schools [150]

Slavic girls have very nice asses even if wide.Polish girls look better than russian,although russian girls dance better.

i think most polish girls are snooty and have wide asses....

In fact they are easy going and have round,attractive asses.
1 Jul 2007
News / Polish-German Relations in the Present [697]

You are quite correct, niether were their any living Polish or Hungarian or Gypsis or any other of those that Hitler exterminated, the point to these trips is to show people and to make them remember, in the hope that it will never happen again.

Do you know that german children visit graves of Wehrmacht soldiers in Poland with a growing interest?
29 Jun 2007
Love / Are polish girls generally curvy, tall with nice round butts [74]

Slavic girls are curvy with big breast,nice round butts,tall and have characteristic slavic cheeks and green or blue eyes.This is slavic beauty unmistakenly.The same in Ukraine,Poland,Slovakia,Serbia.Very interesting the czech combination of slavic and german characteristics and the russian combination of slavic and tatar characteristics.Also the bulgarian,south serbian combination of slavic and meditteranean characteristics.

In search for the magnificent polish dziewczonky.
29 Jun 2007
Travel / The best holiday destination in Poland? [34]

In my opinion the best looking polish girls are located in Poznan.They are easy going too,having lots of fun,parties all the time.Wroclaw is a bit depressing.Krakow is full of tourists,can also be a good place.If I had the chance to choose between these cities for fun I would prefer Poznan.However I would pay a visit to Sopot for club action in the summer and to Eastern Poland to cities like Olsztyn,Bialystok.

In general polish girls are the same everywhere.Girls from small towns in province are maybe better.Katowice,Krakow area so magnificent.
18 Jun 2007
Love / Czech girl's opinion about Czech, Polish, and Russian girls. [25]

Today a czech girl who I asked expressed me her opinion about czech,polish and russian girls.According to her opinion
1.Czech girls are divided into normal and kurvy

2.Polish girls are mostly strange,shot in the head asking for marriage in a relationship or they are kurwy.

3.All russian girls are kurvy.

She made an important distinction between czech kurvy who milk many men simultaneously for a fair amount,russian kurvy who milk heavily a rich man for 1-2 years and then go for another one and polish kurwy who alternate boyfriends everyday getting small change from them.

This opinion seemed to me rather interesting as it comes from an insider who let's say has the czech point of view.I had never thought in this consequence but some trends find a kind of clarification.
16 Jun 2007
News / Poland's Growth Fastest in 10 Years [95]

Poland has to stop to blame in the past and make a present !!!! tell me then why 1 milllion left and more and more keeping leaving ???? so CZhad a better start but they dont even have a sea!!!!!!!!!!!! not even a Port ???????????? Poland has it all sea , lot of land for big mass platations , natural resources , plenty more then CR more work force so if they stop imigrating 1 million or more in the USA 1 million or more in the UK if they stop stay they can make Poland cacth up with CZ and be even better but if cases like many high skills leaving to do low jobs outsite like many cases . then all they will do is balme is the Past balme the germans the russians the invadors , the ocupation and on on on on .

Easy to tell.Poland had 20% unemployment rate in 2003 just before the entrance to EU.CR had only 6%.There are regions in Poland like Mazurskie and Pomorskie or Sczescyn where unemployment rate exeeded 30%.These people saw european integration as an opportunity.

CR is far better situated.It is central.They simply rebuilt what worked in austrohungarian times.Exports imports between Austria,CR,Hungary.It still works.They belong to the same Danube zone.They are friends.

Who would help Poland?The Germans?The neighbours from East Germany?
The Germans invested heavily in Prague,they bought Skoda,etc they were not interested in Poland.There are many reasons for that.
16 Jun 2007
News / Poland's Growth Fastest in 10 Years [95]

O.K. zion.I will ask you.Do you know what Skoda is?Do you know bohemian crystals?Pilsner Uquell?
When do you think they started to be produced?
Can you name any polish product?
Yes,CR had a far better economy than Poland before the war.Czechs had more cars than Austrians for example.In eastern Poland there was huge poverty.

During communism Poland produced ship,mashines etc that were exported to Soviet Union.After SU collapsed there was nobody to buy second quality products.So unemployment boomed.

Czech products on the other hand were better and had a better name.So it was easier to compete to the market again after some addition of western resources.Czechs had the know-how in communism,they did not have the finance and the means.

As for infrastructure look at the railway network in CR and look at it in Poland.The density of the latter reminds you of sth?When do you think these networks were built?
16 Jun 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish girl burned alive in Liverpool [201]

Polish person didt write that, it is probably someone who wants to give bad name to Poles.

Maybe beause he used a difficult word(senseless) but made ridiculous mistakes(brtis etc) to show he is not english.
16 Jun 2007
Love / Polish Womens bodies [126]


Rapport.This is the key word.How to establish rapport.
16 Jun 2007
Love / Polish Womens bodies [126]

True american girls give you a chance.If you pass the test,you are O.K.
In my opinion to discuss about history,politics,religion with a girl is the worst choice.