Life /
Life in Bydgoszcz [39]
Hi I live in Torun which is next to Bydgoszcz. I also work every day in the town. I must be honest I havent really seen a lot of the town. My understanding is that it is a good twon. It has shopping a shopping centre and also cinemas etc. For a family of three it really depends on what sort of accomodation you will be looking for. Food wise i spend about 150zl a week (about 30pound). So its safe to say you can times that by three.
Also if you are going to live in Bydgoszcz I strongly recomend you get a car. Public transport isnt too bad but with the shopping centre being at the edge of the town its best not to be relying on buses to get your shopping back home.
I only hear things about Bydgoszcz from the people I teach. The adults seem to like it but the teenagers moan and say there is nothing to do. But I think that is the same for teenagers worldwide:) Feel free to email me any time Ill be happy to help.
Ive been here about 5 months and im still loving it. If you need any help setting up I can help you I only live an hour away and like I said I have to go to work there nearly every day