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Posts by outintheyard  

Joined: 7 Jan 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 Aug 2009
Threads: Total: 27 / In This Archive: 25
Posts: Total: 517 / In This Archive: 391
From: Indianapolis, Indiana USA
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Organic Agriculture

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6 Aug 2008
News / 7 Poles in a Fiat Uno? [38]

They are barely used. They decided they were the wrong size so now there are thousands of engines available. I would be some of them are from Iraq. No charge for the sand
6 Aug 2008
News / 7 Poles in a Fiat Uno? [38]

I have not seen any tanks on sale lately. They occasionally come up and go for arround $100 the problem is moving them costs about seven thousand US dollars
7 Aug 2008
News / 7 Poles in a Fiat Uno? [38]

US ARMY TANK AUTOMOTIVE COMMAND 6. 2 LITER ENGINE ASSEMBLY END ITEM PCCN CHMM WU 1 1/ 4 TON (YARD Here you go right out od the book currently bidding at $ 70 . retrofit into one of your tanks and you can steal that guy with the ferrari's girlfriend after you run over it. And by the way, tank transmission sold seperately and are available for $ 70
8 Aug 2008
News / 7 Poles in a Fiat Uno? [38]

In the US the mexicans do this to save money. Thhis is how inbreeding happens No joke!
8 Aug 2008
News / 7 Poles in a Fiat Uno? [38]

Nuts and I thought our sleeping arangements were crowded because of the servants lining in the same house when I was a kid . Clearly Poland needs some carpenters. Add on to the flat , Go up if you have to My G....
14 Aug 2008
Life / Great "Baby Boom" in Poland [20]

rychlik I think you are on to something here . We could form a baby making club.
14 Aug 2008
Life / Great "Baby Boom" in Poland [20]

Will grandads be allowed? ;-)

Real cute... Shelley I will be making babies until I am 120 yrs young. If I could only find a women with enough stamina.

My bumper stickers reads " Searching for Lost Signal"
8 Sep 2008
News / Has there ever been gold found in Poland? [21]

Yes, of course,

Finally someone on the forum with use full information . Thank you very much!. It sounds like a fun place as well as a nice one.
8 Sep 2008
News / Venezuela is voted happiest place to live ,Poland? [33]

I offer these questions for who have visited Poland only as compared to other places one may have visited.
1. Are polish people rude?
2. Do Polish smile often?
3. Are Polish people less compasionate?
4. Are polish people forgiving?
5. Are Polish people too serious?
6. Do you feel honesty and trust when meeting them?
9 Sep 2008
News / Venezuela is voted happiest place to live ,Poland? [33]

I do find cultural differences and misunderstandings and they should be discussed more

Exactly my point and I do appreciate you diving in to this. I read so much on PF sometimes towards the negative. It makes one wonder why visit the place at all. Of course the only way to solve the question is to visit first hand and vist a broad range of people over over time One would have to back pack Poland to know. I put this example to you. In the US, If you are riding your bike in the country, there is a high possibility of some idiot throwing something at you from their car, what is the possibility of this happening in Poland High or low. In the US farm country , people are warm to inviting you in there home. Are Polish farmers similiar for the most part?
9 Sep 2008
News / Venezuela is voted happiest place to live ,Poland? [33]

It would be a good start to see what is real and what is perceived

My plan has been discovered.

I've cycled quite extensively in the countryside

Now we are talking possibilities?

what kind of stuff do they throw? beer cans of bottles

They do it for fun and I have professional cycle friends that have been annoyed by this. One was injured by a fishing pole once. I very much would like to cycle in a country that would not do such a thing. Remeber many americans also cary guns so stopping them at the gas station could be risky.
9 Sep 2008
News / Venezuela is voted happiest place to live ,Poland? [33]

I recommend Krakow and south to the mountains and forrest. I can be much more discriptive, if you like?

Thank you and I will put something together for next year. Maybe some PF mebers would like to make a group of it?
I would like to add the following to this thread. When one goes out in their wonderful country on a bike tour and it becomes unpleasant. This person is going t o have questions on the nex trip they plan in a completely foreign country as Poland. In college a few years ago I was biking a several hundred mile trip in Texas with my african girlfriend. Nothing was thrown at us and as a whole it was a good time. She was beautiful and looked good on the bike yet there were still occasional words from vehicles that made us a bit uncomfotable. I realize this kind of situation could happen in any country and one has to look at the whole of it. I do wish to travel where there is less of it. I like stopping at farms and discussing things with them. In the US this is easy and most are friendly as a whole very inviting no matter what the race of the person is or that they are a foreigner. I do not wish to feel like an intruder. In the city it may be totally different, but when on the road where not many people are arround it is imperitive to feel comfortable with one's surroundings.
9 Sep 2008
News / Venezuela is voted happiest place to live ,Poland? [33]

Please avoid conflict on this thread. Just for once ignore and hold tongue please GRZ. Miranda is right too many times and this time It would be nice to prove her wrong.

IMO many people here work hard to give Poland bad name

Why would anyone want to give their own home country a bad name? This worries me that there are many like this . Hopefully not! The truth should prevail . That i s most important to all.
9 Sep 2008
News / Venezuela is voted happiest place to live ,Poland? [33]

I read that on MSN. It does seem the class of society one lives in determines certain degrees of hapiness. Very hard to measure such things. One has to look at the whole culture. CHavez Has made himself quite popular with the people. But not all I am sure And some have gotten extremely wealthy. Depends on who your friends are. Back to topic on a new direction of a cyclist thread.
9 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

Who would like to give their opinion on the most favorite places to cycle or bike?
9 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

Could I pick up a bike in the area somewhere?
11 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

cushions on some of the trees

Are the cussions some of the foreigners who did not make it? This sounds like a nice place. This Chelm And no bottle throwers is good.
16 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

You are so fortunate to travel to such a place . Maybe I will see you there next year. I am planning on taking my overweight son and getting him in better shape.
19 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

How old is your son

He is 14 and I feed him good healthy foods as I have always stayed awy from the refined sugars. His problem is motivation. He has always been rather strong built just that now he is 40 lbs overweight He just does not care to do much with himself other that n sit and watch TV . There is much more to this and that is the fact that my rich ex wife is suing for custody and bought him a corvette so he can have it in two years and move to Texas with her and really get fat and lazy and be a real jerk too. I have a bike trainer, but he is not using it right now I need to get a cattle prod.
19 Sep 2008
News / New Polish Euro Coins [65]

It should just have words on it like " Spend Wisely"
22 Sep 2008
News / New Polish Euro Coins [65]

Tic Tock another second off the clock another corupt policy changes hands left all for the good in what is left in some people to only slow it down , but never stop it.
22 Sep 2008
Travel / BIKING in POLAND [75]

RAKKY sounds like you have some experience here. I am down to TV only at home with it password protected. HE seems to have some interest in girls secretly He likes golf and tennis . A soon as he gets his back in shape and gets the brace off. I am going to have to get him going again. He has a cracked vertabrae from a trampoline accident and is recovering.