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Great "Baby Boom" in Poland

6 Feb 2007 /  #1
Sociologists in Poland claim that there is no such phenomenon as “baby boom” right now. According to them, our society is ageing fast and young people have more and more hesitations to start a family. However, what strikes me whenever I am in a park or at the shopping malls is the fact that there is such a huge number of pregnant women and women with small children. What is even more interesting is that the women are either in their late twenties or much older.

I think that there are numerous reasons why we can talk about baby boom in Poland.

Firstly, the boom generation who were born in the seventies has already reached reproduction age, so naturally the number of children being born seems to be impressive.

Secondly, right now despite terrifying unemployment rates in Poland, there is a huge group of people being in their early 30’s being extremely successful in the sphere of professional life. Most of them already have everything that makes life easier, i.e. houses, cars, etc. They usually work about 12 h a day in various companies and at certain point because of physical and psychological exhaustion, they want to make their lives more meaningful and harmonious and decide to settle down.

Moreover, the media popularize the “pregnancy trend”. All women magazines are full of advice concerning pregnancy, taking of care of yourselves before and after having a baby, yoga for pregnant women, etc. They present beautiful photo sessions with famous television and cinema stars and attempt to convince their readers that pregnancy does no longer stand for unattractiveness. On the contrary, now even you can be sexier because if you only have money you can dress in designer boutiques and using special diet and some people cannot even notice that you are pregnant.

Another group of women who feel the special pressure to get pregnant soon are the employees of the fast-pace environment places like advertising, PR or media agencies. In such work places when everything has to be done by yesterday, people are often treated as machines. Therefore, after some years of such labor, they are willing to move from the noisy and fast urban environment to the pastoral countryside in order to enjoy harmony and simplicity of rustic life. After years of crazy emotional stress and physical effort invested into a career, it seems for them that life in the country may be a perfect environment to have and raise their kids.

Next, there are also more depressing causes of “baby boom” in Poland, which may be noticed. Due to high unemployment rates, young Polish people spent even years looking for some reasonable job. Therefore, in the middle of job quest, they often decided to have a child. It seems reasonable for them to raise the kids until they reach their kindergarten age and then start working for real without a fear of not being employed due to family planning.

Last but not least important argument in favor of baby boom in Poland is the special policy of the new government. The idea of special “child benefit” called “becikowe”, approximately up to 1000 PLN for each woman who decides to get pregnant. It may not seem extremely attractive at first glance but taking into consideration tough economic conditions of some of the Polish families, in some circumstances it may be considered a tempting offer. Moreover, the ruling political parties spread the notion of pro-family policy based on catholic values which have a lot of followers.

Therefore, believe it or not but as a keen observer of social life, I certainly see the upward trend related to the interest in establishing family and having children.

"Jedyna", February 6, 2007
29 Mar 2007 /  #2
A new world-war around the corner?
ArturSzastak 3 | 593  
29 Mar 2007 /  #3
Sociologists in Poland claim that there is no such phenomenon as “baby boom” right now. According to them, our society is ageing fast and young people have more and more hesitations to start a family. However, what strikes me whenever I am in a park or at the shopping malls is the fact that there is such a huge number of pregnant women and women with small children. What is even more interesting is that the women are either in their late twenties or much older.
I think that there are numerous reasons why we can talk about baby boom in Poland.

As of now, Poland has the smallest amount of births per family in the UE. (Around 1.23)

France has about 2.2 per family, which is considered to be the bare minimum to keep the population of France from falling :)

I expect there to be a huge baby boom in Poland in the next 5-10 years :)

The EU will help and make jobs, people will have money for families, and lots of Polish fmailies tend to have more than a few kids. Hell my mother's the only one in BOTH our Artur and her Sperka family to only have 2 kids. The rest all have at least 4 :)
hairball 20 | 313  
21 Jul 2008 /  #4
“baby boom”

I think it's true! I live in a small mountain city of 25k and just walking the 2km frome my home to the bus station on any week day and I see up to 10 ladies carrying babies and proud daddies pushing pushchairs.
rychlik 41 | 372  
6 Aug 2008 /  #5
This is great news!! Now I need to find a cute Polish girl to have babies with :)
7 Aug 2008 /  #6
However, what strikes me whenever I am in a park or at the shopping malls is the fact that there is such a huge number of pregnant women and women with small children.

Well it doesn't strike me much lol It's like saying I was surprised when I went to the pub and there were a lot of drunk people. Location, location, location :)

This is great news!! Now I need to find a cute Polish girl to have babies with :)

Make sure you get some practise first :)
rychlik 41 | 372  
7 Aug 2008 /  #7
I have enough practise. Don't worry about me.
outintheyard 27 | 517  
14 Aug 2008 /  #8
rychlik I think you are on to something here . We could form a baby making club.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
14 Aug 2008 /  #9
We could form a baby making club.

Will grandads be allowed? ;-)
14 Aug 2008 /  #10
he, he........LOL
14 Aug 2008 /  #11
Will grandads be allowed? ;-)

That reminds me of something I saw today when I was out driving. You know like they have those stickers on the back of a car which read ' Baby on board' ? Well, this sticker said 'Grandchild on board' never seen that before !

Wonder if this calls for a new thread about stickers on car... do they have stickers on car in Poland too ?

ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
14 Aug 2008 /  #12
Wonder if this calls for a new thread about stickers on car... do they have stickers on car in Poland too ?

I like the one that reads my other car is a Jag :)
Wroclaw Boy  
14 Aug 2008 /  #13
do they have stickers on car in Poland too ?

I dont think they do, ive certainly never noticed them. They should do though, somthing like if you can read this message your too close you Kurwa.
outintheyard 27 | 517  
14 Aug 2008 /  #14
Will grandads be allowed? ;-)

Real cute... Shelley I will be making babies until I am 120 yrs young. If I could only find a women with enough stamina.

My bumper stickers reads " Searching for Lost Signal"
14 Aug 2008 /  #15
I like the one that reads my other car is a Jag :)

Yeah but round here it's mostly old blokes who drive jags <g>

I'd say if it reads my other car is a Ferrari/Porsche :)

Still you know what they say about boys and their cars don't you ?



just kidding !
14 Aug 2008 /  #16
Great "Baby Boom" in Poland

don't count on me..
Wroclaw Boy  
14 Aug 2008 /  #17
I'd say if it reads my other car is a Ferrari/Porsche :)

Or a mercedes, Jags are shite

Baby boom in Poland hell yeh, theres loads of kids running around and pregnant women.
14 Aug 2008 /  #18
They should do though, somthing like if you can read this message your too close you Kurwa.

Lol :)

Or a mercedes,

True ! There's a lot of younger <well off blokes> who are driving some pretty up market Mercs atm.....I'm not too up on Mercedes cars but they do look good I have to admit !

Wroclaw Boy  
14 Aug 2008 /  #19
I'm not too up on Mercedes cars but they do look good I have to admit !

Now youve done it Wroclaw Boy and his new Merc.

outintheyard 27 | 517  
15 Aug 2008 /  #20
Wroclaw Boy and his new Merc

NICE! What model?

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