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Roman Dmowski- Polish Adolf Hitler?

Borrka  37 | 592  
12 Apr 2009 /  #181
he fighted for something what is now today most common in all modern, western states, the detachment from state and church!

True but he used it as a tool against Polish and Bavarian anti-Prussian irredenta at the same time.
Life of politicians, even from the cream of the cream category is never black and white.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Apr 2009 /  #182
Life of politicians, even from the cream of the cream category is never black and white.

*bows to Borrka, the wise one!*
freebird  3 | 532  
12 Apr 2009 /  #183
Roman Dmowski- Polish Adolf Hitler?

well, you might hate what I got to tell you but to be honest, most of the countries in the World need someone like Adolf to bring some discipline back. Just look at our kids, they're practically raising parents and do whatever they want to do. Many things that are currently happening (recession) probably would never happen if we had a strong personality as a head of our country. The only problem I see in all that is how to control this guy (whoever it might be) because what we don't want is cruelty, hatred etc...

Happy Easter!!!
MarcinK  - | 36  
12 Apr 2009 /  #184
my knowledge comes from wiki

In the university professors always stressed never to cite wikipedia, those that did usually got a D or an F on their papers. The professors problem with wikipedia, 'un-reliable' they said, only good for summations, summaries, and general information.

and polish-youth mainly

Youth=Dumb, people who listen to youth=dumber.

Well...that's the impression I got from reading about him on the net.

Another wise piece of advice from those idea stealing professors, 'consider the source'.

Happy Easter!
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
12 Apr 2009 /  #185
We don't need no more idiots like Adolph Hitler. That's a fallacy to think that way. Civilization will continue regardless so why let idiots take over and make things worse? I am on a quest to stomp out worldwide fascism and I implore you to join me. No more Hitlers!
MarcinK  - | 36  
12 Apr 2009 /  #186
To be very honest with all of you, without Dmowski and his delegation at Versaille, things would've turned out very differently for Poland, and I don't mean for the better, and I have to agree, one of the few great Poles of the 20th century. He only appears antisemitic because he loved his country.

No more Hitlers!

Add to the list, Mao, Pol-Pot, Joesph Dzhugashvilli, Yagoda, etc.

There's nothing wrong with being an untermenschen, Chrystus Zmartwychwstal!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Apr 2009 /  #187
summations, summaries, and general information.

Well...that's more than Marcin-the idiot-K has...I rest my case!

Oh...and nobody stops you from learning more...you can find alot of source material at the bottom of most wiki articles when you want to study further...

To be very honest with all of you, without Dmowski and his delegation at Versaille, things would've turned out very differently for Poland, and I don't mean for the better,

Now that is a smart thing to say!

Oh and please please try to stop your brethren from continually whining about WWII...such a happy follow up of this Treaty..!
(I can show you the wiki page)

He only appears antisemitic because he loved his country.

Yeah...the same with Hitler...

one of the few great Poles of the 20th century

Another "great" Pole the world never heard of...that's another reason I need wiki. Not much material out there about this guy...
freebird  3 | 532  
12 Apr 2009 /  #188
HB baby, do me a favor and read my post again. I didn't say we need AH, I said we need a president with a strong personality to bring some discipline back but at the same time avoid hatred and cruelty.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
12 Apr 2009 /  #189
I didn't say we need AH, I said we need a president with a strong personality to bring some discipline back but at the same time avoid hatred and cruelty.

We don't want a President who acts like a jerk.
Everybody would hate him and we'd be back to Bush one. (instead of square)

At least Obama has a kind, approachable public image. I like that.
freebird  3 | 532  
12 Apr 2009 /  #190
At least Obama has a kind, approachable public image.

yeah but this is really all he's got, lol.
Salomon  2 | 436  
12 Apr 2009 /  #191
Bismarck and Poles in land occupied by Prussia...


The immediate background for this long speech was the brutal expulsions from Prussian territory of Poles and Polish Jews carried out in 1885. Many of these people had been resident in Prussia for years but had not become citizens, no easy matter in Germany. Polish deputies in the Reichstag formally questioned the government on these policies. Bismarck responded by denying the competence of the Reichstag in Prussian state matters. Shortly thereafter a majority of the lower house of the Prussian parliament moved a declaration for the protection of German interests in the eastern provinces.

Succesfuly Poland got back what Germans had stolen before ...
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
12 Apr 2009 /  #192
yeah but this is really all he's got, lol.

I think he will do a lot of good things for America. I have faith in him.
freebird  3 | 532  
12 Apr 2009 /  #193

are you Jewish Salomon? Just a question.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
12 Apr 2009 /  #194
Succesfuly Poland got back what Germans had stolen before ...

Well..it changed hands more often then you or I have fingers on the hand...and now that the borders are open!

are you Jewish Salomon? Just a question.

With this name??? I would think so....
freebird  3 | 532  
12 Apr 2009 /  #195
I think he will do a lot of good things for America. I have faith in him.

All we can have is hope but then again hope is a mother of fools. OK even a fool has to have a mother (most of times anyway).
Salomon  2 | 436  
12 Apr 2009 /  #196
Well..it changed hands more often then you or I have fingers on the hand...

When it comes out that Poles were right we can hear ... "it changed hands more often then you or I have fingers on the hand". LOL

and now that the borders are open!

Are you looking for a job ? :)

are you Jewish Salomon? Just a question.

No I am not but I am semitophile. :)
freebird  3 | 532  
12 Apr 2009 /  #197
When it comes out that Poles were right and Germans used expulsions first ... "it changed hands more often then you or I have fingers on the hand". LOL

c'mon Salomon, some areas in nowadays Poland did change hands many times and you know it. As far as expulsions, both sides did it and now it's time to quit with this hatred crap, don't you think?

Happy Easter!!!
MarcinK  - | 36  
12 Apr 2009 /  #198
Well...that's more than Marcin-the idiot-K has...I rest my case!

Don't be to concerned with what I have, after all, you have Wikipedia.

Now that is a smart thing to say!

Yeah, I know what happened afterward, the Germans started a war, and at the cost of millions of innocent lives Dzughasvilli gave us Sląsk back, Gdansk, Kolobrzeg, Szczecin etc.

Oh and please please try to stop your brethren from continually whining about WWII

I don't know any Pole who whines about World War II, the conclusion was pretty straight forward, ya'll lost. Most of the whining I do hear comes from Germans, very sore losers.

Yeah...the same with Hitler...

Yeah, but his love didn't lead to mass murder.

Not much material out there about this guy...

Because most if not all of that 'not much material' is written in Polish, and outside of a Polish audience, honestly who cares, besides well, you of course.

Happy Easter!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Apr 2009 /  #199
Well..it changed hands more often then you or I have fingers on the hand...and now that the borders are open!

Now that the borders are open we're buying out your eastern one, today Littleburg, tomorrow Berlin?:)

Who know maybe our grandkids will have a beer together, in a polish pub, polish beer, in Berlin?:)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
13 Apr 2009 /  #200
Don't be to concerned with what I have, after all, you have Wikipedia.

yes! :)

Yeah, I know what happened afterward, the Germans started a war,

You had a choice, but took the wrong one...letting left hanging out to dry by your "friends"...again...

I don't know any Pole who whines about World War II,

You do it all the time "massmurder..bwaaaa"..."you startet it..bwaaaaa"..."we will never forget...bwaaaa"..."and never forgive...scream"..."you owe us"...


Most of the whining I do hear comes from Germans, very sore losers.

Sore losers? What would we know of it? It wasn't Germany who was being walked over in 4 weeks....

honestly who cares, besides well, you of course.

Sorry, I just wondered that for such an "accomplished" people the best known things are the jokes about you...I just wanted to see if there is more....bad me! :(

Yeah, but his love didn't lead to mass murder.

...because Poland would have been to weak. The will was there but not the means.
It was just enough to grab some bites out of the Czechoslovakia as the possibility arose!

You know....the mouse what tried to roar! :)
(But you are good with roaring..that I can admit...with that you are the best!)

Who know maybe our grandkids will have a beer together, in a polish pub, polish beer, in Berlin?:)

Or a german beer in a german pub in polish Breslau? :)

Poles are as agressive as Germans, but they can't take it up with the Germans/or the Russians/or anybody else alone so they got ****** over so often.

You paid a steep price for the eastern territories but now the developments points to mixed territories with a mixed population again, as it always was, Germans go eastwards, Poles go westwards.....peacefully.

The war is over, the iron curtain gone, things are moving again!

Aren't you to getting bored with always warming up the old stories all the time?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Apr 2009 /  #201
Poles are as agressive as Germans, but they can't take it up with the Germans/or the Russians/or anybody else alone so they got ****** over so often.

Grunwald and two polish installed Tzars say you're wrong, i'd say that Poles can take it up with any of their neigbhours regardless of the opposing sides resources or size, its the diplomacy net that screwed us, we've always been fighting powerfull alliances without powerfull allies.

Aren't you to getting bored with always warming up the old stories all the time?

I dont, i've been to Germany and as impressed as i'm with it Poland is far faaaar more dynamic, peacefully we're going to outbuy and outwork you in a few decades and the fun part is that its mainly with your money that its happening, oddly enough that might end up in an interesting new power.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
13 Apr 2009 /  #202

Actually it strenghtens the point...you weren't alone. There were as much as Lithuanians and others fighting as Poles...


39,000 men

Kingdom of Poland[1]
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Polish-Lithuanian vassals, allies and mercenaries:[2]
Principality of Moldavia[3]
Tartars[1] Bohemians[2], Moravians[2] Rus[4]


27,000 men
Teutonic Order

You are good with alliances, there is nothing wrong with that!
But you shouldn't forget about your comrades in arms (as with the battle of Vienna and who made it possible that you could fight at Monte Cassino etc.etc.etc.)

peacefully we're going to outbuy and outwork you

Still fighting Germany??? Give it a rest Pole...

And better never forget, without all the support going westwards your direction from us and the other EU contributors you would be more like the Ukraine today (and probably tomorrow too)!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Apr 2009 /  #203
Actually it strenghtens the point...you weren't alone. There were as much as Lithuanians at this battle as Poles...

Nope, there were fewer Lithuanians, they didnt have any heavy cavalry or infantry, on your side there were French, Hungarians and Poles, actually its still argued how much of your cavalry was Polish but a LOT:)

Also in most other wars and conflicts there were no allies, when we conquer...colonized Germany in deep middle ages or took the provinces by force during silesian uprisings.

But you shouldn't forget about your comrades in arms (as with the battle of Vienna and who made it possible that you could fight at Monte Cassino etc.etc.etc.)

Cassino was a french-british victory, Polish taking of the monastery was a huge achievement but the battle was won, Vienna on the other hand was virtually an all Polish victory since the allies sat behind the walls while our cavalry mangled the Turks.

Still fighting Germany??? Give it a rest Pole...

No i'm not i'm just pointing out that you've poured loads of money into an incredibly dynamic and industrious nation who has no love for Germany while Germany is letting itself slip at the same time, as preposterous as it may seem you've created a little monster, its still small, young and corrupt but take a look at where Poland was 10 years ago and where it is now.

Also my great great something was Prussian, very Prussian, he has pics with a spiky helmet and huge moustache to prove it:))
The hill is large enough for only one king and you've just built us stairs to the top and now you're paying us to get increasingly large hammers to smack you off the summit, there's a reason why Poland and Germany are going at each others throats, similar ambitions and potentials do not go well when over a border.

And better never forget, without all the support going westwards your direction from us and the other EU contributors you would be more like the Ukraine today!

And we're gratefull for them i'm sure:)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
13 Apr 2009 /  #204
Sorry Socrates, all that sounds like another one of those wild polish fantasies which will fail...face it...you are brave warriors but incredible bad politicians and diplomats...I wouldn't bet on your vision of the future.

But till then...to a german beer in polish Breslau, okay?

Also my great great something was Prussian, very Prussian, he has pics with a spiky helmet and huge moustache to prove it:))

Heh...I want this helmet back (at least for ceremonial events)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Apr 2009 /  #205
Is it? If we were that bad how did we manage to stay afloat the power boat so very long? Its not wishfull thinking, you take an ambitious people, take away their power, screw them for centuries and you end up with a tightly coiled spring waiting to go boing (WW2 as a result of lost WW1 *hint*)

We did not build an effing huge kingdom in the smack middle of Europe by luck and what made us then did not magically go away.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
13 Apr 2009 /  #206
We did not build an effing huge kingdom in the smack middle of Europe by luck and what made us then did not magically go away.

Do you share the EU-idea at all?
Does it always have to be one at the top above each others?

Think about it Sokrates...in few years our economies will be so deeply interwoven with each other that there won't be a clearly discernable GERMANY or POLAND anymore....[i](besides during football matches!

Poles and Germans will live left and right from the border...it won't matter anymore.

The EU was founded for exactly that, to break the vicious circle of revenge and ressentiments. To make it impossible for countries to have a go at each other because they would hurt themselves too!

It works great with the west, why do you want that to fail with the east?

The time of nationstates/kingdoms is gone...why do you want that back again?

I can just warn of that...before the oldies let the east destroy what they build for so long they will either kick you out or found another, new club...think if you would prefer that!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Apr 2009 /  #207
Do you share the EU-idea at all?

Yes but i do not believe the present day EU will succede, i believe we're facing another european upheaval after which it will be reconstructed into something different.

Does it always have to be one at the top above each others?

I would be fully content with Germany leading if lead doesnt mean domination, i'm just aware that old ambitions did not vanish, they're wearing suits and gloves but they're still here.

Think about it Sokrates...in few years our economies will be so deeply interwoven with each other that there won't be a clearly discernable GERMANY or POLAND anymore....(besides during football matches).

Give it a few decades yes.

The time of nationstates/kingdoms is gone...why do you want that back again?

I dont, i'm enjoying my beer, i'm enjoying having awesome dental care, i'm enjoying all things that do not include being shot, starving or cold, i'm just seeing national ideas still very much here and economy being unable to satiate them.

I dont believe in a German-Polish war, i do believe however in a Russian/China/US/Europe war, social unrest, conflicts between countries and EU crumbling, you're thinking linear, that a process started will just go on, i'm seeing EU as reaching a corner.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
13 Apr 2009 /  #208
Yes but i do not believe the present day EU will succede, i believe we're facing another european upheaval after which it will be reconstructed into something different.

That will be the fault of the enlargement to the East. To much, to fast!
Making the EU now often unable to find a consent...

I would be fully content with Germany leading if lead doesnt mean domination, i'm just aware that old ambitions did not vanish, they're wearing suits and gloves but they're still here.

I will give it another generation to die out peacefully (if it's not rekindled all the time and used for cheap politics...as it happened in Poland recently).

I dont believe in a German-Polish war, i do believe however in a Russian/China/US/Europe war, social unrest, conflicts between countries and EU crumbling, you're thinking linear, that a process started will just go on, i'm seeing EU as reaching a corner.

I think I agree with that...seeing tensions with China...I don't know how our relationship with the US and Russia will develop.
But what would you advise? How should the EU react, develop, change?

A crumbling EU would mean all the bad things would be back again, inclusive war.
It's also about us...if we let it happen...
berni23  7 | 377  
13 Apr 2009 /  #209
I am really wondering why you come here and spread your propaganda.
What's your connection with Poland?
Any relatives, friends or interest?
Or do you just enjoy trolling around, because you have no life?

Imagine Poles coming to a German Forum and rubbing **** like that in.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
13 Apr 2009 /  #210
That will be the fault of the enlargement to the East. To much, to fast!
Making the EU now often unable to find a consent...

Not really, the problem with EU is that its filled with particular interests, German, French, Polish, you name it everyone's tugging in his own direction.

I will give it another generation to die out peacefully (if it's not rekindled all the time and used for cheap politics...as it happened in Poland recently).

You're going to call me esoteric but i'd say that our relations are shaped by our collective potential and consciousness, nations are made up of living creatures, ie nations are living collectives, they have their sympathies, their loves and ambitions, they live and die like people.

An example is Hungary-Poland friendship, we dont have anything in common and yet two countries currently not even having a border develop such a deep friendship, it will take a lot more than telling kids "they're people like us" to change it.

I think I agree with that...seeing tensions with China...I don't know how our relationship with the US and Russia will develop.
But what would you advise? How should the EU react, develop, change?

EU cannot and will not work in any way or form because of particular interests and because of US not wanting an European superstate for obvious reasons, EU itself can do nothing but collapse, the concept was sound the execution flawed from the beginning, there's no reaction at this point, no treaty, no military action that could save EU.

A crumbling EU would mean all the bad things would be back again, inclusive war.
It's also about us...if we let it happen...

Thats exactly why i'm knocking at Polish-German conflict, Russian-everyone conflict and such, we're reaching a complete redefinition of power in Europe.

Imagine Poles coming to a German Forum and rubbing **** like that in:

Foreigners coming to chat with Poles is a good thing, especially Germans.

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