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Roman Dmowski- Polish Adolf Hitler?

OP Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Mar 2009 /  #31

Why havn't you answered my question, Warsaw?
ragtime27  1 | 146  
14 Mar 2009 /  #32
Saying things like their children should be murdered for where they live isn't hatred

you keep using this in every thread you go......tell me

Would you apply the same logic and comon sense to the palestinian babies?

it is not a comment,it's a QUESTION......please answer it.
Randal  1 | 577  
14 Mar 2009 /  #33
I've said before that no babies on either side should be targetted. This is where the Nazis and I disagree.
Piorun  - | 655  
14 Mar 2009 /  #34
Israel did what they had to do and likely they didn’t go far enough. They have shown remarkable restraint over the years.

I have not seen a bigger hypocrite then you. Let's brake this statement of yours down shall we? “Israel did what they had to do” Killing civilians in your opinion including women and children is OK as long as it's the Israelis that are doing the killing, “ likely they didn’t go far enough” This tells me you have no problem with the killing of children despite your claim here, how many more would be acceptable by you, or is there no limit? “ They have shown remarkable restraint over the years” I have no Idea how you perceive this and frankly I don't care but just look up the statistics on every conflict there was since 1973 and see how many children have died on either side of the conflict. The disproportion is on an unimaginable scale but you don't know that, you don't read about that in american press. Still ignorance is no excuse. I agree with you on this one though the first part that is.

I've said before that no babies on either side should be targeted. This is where the Nazis and I disagree.

Have you really said that now? There's definitely a difference between the Nazis and people like Yourself. You may not wear the brown shirt of SA men but be skilfully disguised in civilian cloths so the Zionist like yourself will bland well and be hard to spot by the rest of the society. Yes you're no Nazi but the vigour and fervour you display while defending Israeli position clearly places you in the Zionist camp. So I ask you what's the difference?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
14 Mar 2009 /  #35
Sure. Saying things like their children should be murdered for where they live isn't hatred. Why, that's just discussing things openly. Lol... Maybe you better have a talk with your fellow Nazi Sokcrates.

When did I ever make such a statement?...Please let us see this...I have never advocated murder of anyone for any reason...What is this insanity you attribute to me?
Randal  1 | 577  
14 Mar 2009 /  #36
Just simmer down, Joe bin Laden. It was your fellow Nazi Sokcrates who said that specifically. That's why I added this:

Maybe you better have a talk with your fellow Nazi Sokcrates.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
14 Mar 2009 /  #37
You are throwing "Nazi" around quite freely Randal...

I didn't know we have so many members of the NSDAP here on PF!
Randal  1 | 577  
14 Mar 2009 /  #38
I didn't know what else to call them and Nazi seemed to fit well enough.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
14 Mar 2009 /  #39
But as a German I have to say it's not quite the correct term.
But then...today there are the "Soup Nazi", the "Spell Nazi", even the "Jew Nazi"...who today cares anymore..
Randal  1 | 577  
14 Mar 2009 /  #40
But as a German I have to say it's not quite the correct term.

K98_man (you remember him, don’t you Filios? Lol…) pointed out a while back that Nazi wasn’t the proper term for these guys but “Jew-haters” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Since they sympathize with Hitler, Amadinajhad and bin Laden over Israel, maybe they need their own word to describe their brand of whackjobness?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Mar 2009 /  #41
Ahmedinejad believes in fairness for the Palestinians, what's so wrong with that?
Randal  1 | 577  
15 Mar 2009 /  #42
He also wants to kill every last Jew and wipe Israel from the map.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2009 /  #43
Yawn.....absolute nonsense. Please post me ANY link where he said that. Go on Randal, show me the proof.

I'll happily show you some proof that he gets on with Jews and defends their rights.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Mar 2009 /  #44
He also wants to kill every last Jew and wipe Israel from the map.

Please don't force me to defend Achmadinejad but do you know about the jewish minority living in Iran?


Although Iran and Israel are bitter enemies, few know that Iran is home to the largest number of Jews anywhere in the Middle East outside Israel.

About 25,000 Jews live in Iran and most are determined to remain no matter what the pressures - as proud of their Iranian culture as of their Jewish roots.

If he really wanted to kill every Jew he would had started with his own already, don't you think?

"Whatever they say abroad is lies - we are comfortable in Iran - if you're not political and don't bother them then they won't bother you"

Hersel Gabriel

Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2009 /  #45
Precisely BB, he has respect for Jews living there. I also know that he allows alcohol to be consumed in places of prohibition, provided the police don't see him (the Jew) doing it.

It just comes through education, Randal. You have clearly just picked up on media nonsense which was twisted. I knew you were gonna say it, it's so predictable. National media could frame anyone with some aplomb :(
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Mar 2009 /  #46
Another interesting article:

What Iran's Jews Say

Published: February 22, 2009


Accepting, I inquired how he felt about the chants of "Death to Israel" - "Marg bar Esraeel" - that punctuate life in Iran.

"Let them say 'Death to Israel,' " he said. "I've been in this store 43 years and never had a problem. I've visited my relatives in Israel, but when I see something like the attack on Gaza, I demonstrate, too, as an Iranian...

Still a mystery hovers over Iran's Jews. It's important to decide what's more significant: the annihilationist anti-Israel ranting, the Holocaust denial and other Iranian provocations - or the fact of a Jewish community living, working and worshipping in relative tranquillity.

Randal  1 | 577  
15 Mar 2009 /  #47
It's hardly a settled matter, Seanus.


Besides, parsing words aside, is there really any question how he feels about Israel?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2009 /  #48
Now, Randal. Do you think that Hitler would have stood for that?
Randal  1 | 577  
15 Mar 2009 /  #49
Now Seanus, do you really feel that the views of the hate-filled nutjobs here who I call Nazis are really all that different than those of Hitler, Ahmadinajhad or bin Laden? Really?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2009 /  #50
Let me tell you something. I'm 99% certain that Ahmedinejad was paid to say that but that the Ayatollah represented the official line.

Look at the international response that it generated from the very source you cited. America wanted that, just to maintain the tension. Please look behind the scenes more often Randal.

listen to the very opening
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Mar 2009 /  #51
I really would refrain from comparing Achmadinejad with Hitler...

From the NYT article:

...Perhaps I have a bias toward facts over words, but I say the reality of Iranian civility toward Jews tells us more about Iran — its sophistication and culture — than all the inflammatory rhetoric...

That may be because I’m a Jew and have seldom been treated with such consistent warmth as in Iran.

And no Nutsie I know of has ever killed a Jew!
Maybe calming down with the rethoric would be a good thing...
Randal  1 | 577  
15 Mar 2009 /  #52
America wanted that, just to maintain the tension. Please look behind the scenes more often Randal.

Suuure, blame it on America. Bush perhaps.

Please stop excusing the vilest creatures on earth.


Nutsies! Lol...

Maybe calming down with the rethoric would be a good thing...

Sure, when they do.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2009 /  #53
What did Bush say 1.37 into the video I posted, Randal? Go on, tell me. (The above one)

Better still, tell me what that buffoon said at 0.35.

youtube.com/watch?v=yEkrB7RabvQ&feature=related, try this. This is from a REAL Iranian who can translate.

I like what he said about Iranian help for Israel in the past.

SUPERB. I couldn't agree more with what he said in this interview. I actually like this man, Ahmedinejad. I'd like to meet him through a translator as he is very perceptive and sees all the hateful activity of high-level people in the US. He's super smart.
ragtime27  1 | 146  
15 Mar 2009 /  #54
He also wants to kill every last Jew

If the Iranian president want to kill every single Jew,what stops him to kill his own 20.000 Iranian Jews?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2009 /  #55
Exactly, Randal took off when the going got tough.
ragtime27  1 | 146  
15 Mar 2009 /  #56
Typical Randal.

He doesn't get the idea of poeple fighting for their homeland,is it too much to ask?

Hamas is willing to make long truce and even recognise Isarel,but they wont do it now purely to use as bargain tool to get their demands.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
15 Mar 2009 /  #57
ust simmer down, Joe bin Laden..

And if you put me in Osama's company, please get his name right: It's Osama Ben Laden...And let us look at some vile creatures:


Ashkenazi AKtion Figures
Randal  1 | 577  
15 Mar 2009 /  #58
Seanus, I already schooled you on what Ahmadinajhad said about Israel. And plenty of folks fear what Iran plans to do with their bomb. Beyond that I think I more than made my point that the Nutzis here indeed align more with him and Hitler and bin Laden than they do with normal thinking folks. No one needs to believe your conspiracy theories or watch your clips to know this.

It’s Osama bin Laden, Joe. At least know the names of your allies, sheesh.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2009 /  #59
Well, when you go labelling people so viciously as you have done, you need proof. I don't need my legal education to tell you that.

I am yet to see ONE link, one piece of PROOF that he said that.

You know, labelling needs to stop. Based on what I see on 9/11, the official version is the conspiracy theory.

Multiple warnings were arrogantly ignored. Gauge the reaction of the people, they would rather have been told.

Have you seen Ahmedinejad, Randal? Just listen to him for once, rather than branding him. He's articulate and insightful.
Randal  1 | 577  
15 Mar 2009 /  #60
I don't need any proof. I go by what I see written on the screen before me, just like everyone else.

official version is the conspiracy theory

This is too funny!

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