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Poland before WWII or Poland now what would you choose?

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
6 Jun 2009 /  #31
Danzig became Polish by force

Who originally founded Gdansk?

Give the land and the towns back and we can talk about compensation

First you'll have to negotiate the eastern Polish areas swallowed by Russia. How easily we forget (conveniently?) that the big powers negotiated away the territories after the war and Poland had no say in the matter.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
6 Jun 2009 /  #32
Who originally founded Gdansk?


In the 1st century AD, a new culture appeared in the area, called Willenberg-Kultur or now Wielbark culture. This culture is widely identified as the Gothiscandza (or Coast of the Goths) that was mentioned by Jordanes in the 6th century.

Goths, one of the germanic tribes roaming what is now Poland as the Slavs wandered in these lands later than the germanic tribes...
In these lands Germans lived for millennia ...well...till the ethnic cleansing by the Poles that is...
Salomon  2 | 436  
6 Jun 2009 /  #33
This blood is in Polish blood... not in Germans who invaded Poland in later times :)

You renovated them and had the good instinct to rebuild the original german architecture...now they are pearls again...we thank you for that! :)

Oh we can talk about that..after you give the land and the towns back I'm sure we will find a compromise! :)

If you won ... Poles would be on other side of Ural ... those with Gothic blood as well...
You came to Poland to murder ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost

In 1941 it was decided to destroy the Polish nation completely and the German leadership decided that in 10 to 20 years the Polish state under German occupation was to be fully cleared of any ethnic Poles and settled by German colonists

You destroyed most of Polish cities...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
6 Jun 2009 /  #34
In my opinion German price for what they have done is to small.

Brooding in your corner again??? To bad, better move on you are wasting your life!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
6 Jun 2009 /  #35
Goths, one of the germanic tribes roaming what is now Poland

Interesting that some Goths spoke a language that had little to do with German. Interesting that they moved often enough to be considered nomads. Slavic tribes went further west than Gdansk but the point here is not who may have crossed an area but who founded it. The Polish port of Gdansk was founded in 997 by a non Goth named Mieszko.

That settles it for me. Of course if Germans want to consider themselves Goths than that's up to them.
Salomon  2 | 436  
6 Jun 2009 /  #36
Brooding in your corner again??? To bad, better move on you are wasting your life!

... if German won ... Poles would share histroy with exterminated Polabian Slavs (current eastern Germany) ... maybe there would be 50 000 Polish miniority around Warszawa.

As to Goths ... they have been looking for this blood in Poland..

Ironside  50 | 13054  
6 Jun 2009 /  #37
Oh and without the treaty which gave you a country and new unfair borders all these towns would still stand in old glory!

What? Are you claiming that Polish-German border after WWI was unfair ?

what do you mean by that, Gdansk was build by the Poles?

It's mean that major part of the old town was build when Gdansk was a part of Polish Kingdom !
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
6 Jun 2009 /  #38
That settles it for me.

How nice for you!
Well...you better pack your bags and give Chicago and everything else back to the indians and move elsewhere.
Germans lived in Danzig far longer than Europeans in America!

Take a look at the famous people again...not many Poles there...not much polish anywhere!
What did they do all the time as Danzig was "polish"??? Farting around and scratching their hairy a*sses??
But at least it's "settled" for you...

... if German won ...

Move on!

What? Are you claiming that Polish-German border after WWI was unfair ?

Of course it was!
The border drawing in Versailles was unfair for Millions of People...
Salomon  2 | 436  
6 Jun 2009 /  #39
Move on!

Oh yes ... Poles should move on ... and Germans should cry !!! Pure German way of thinking.

So I am telling you. Gdańsk has been build by Poles after 1945. City was destroyed by Germans and Soviets... in 90%. It has nothing to do with Germans. What is more Germans murdered more Poles there durring WWII that they had in their false statistics before WWII.

What is more this city has been founded by Mieszko... first ruler of Poland.

Forget about this city ... oh in case of change in your demographics ... you can buy house there build in anny style you like ... but don't murder or expele Poles as it was in middle ages or WWII.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
6 Jun 2009 /  #40
you better pack your bags and give Chicago and everything else back to the indians and move elsewhere.

Chicago's original settler was Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable, a man of Haitian and French ancestry.

Germans lived in Danzig far longer than Europeans in America!

Non-sequitur, but I'll comment anyway. Since a Pole founded Gdansk in 997 it stands to reason that Poles lived in Gdansk "far longer than" Germans who came to live there later.

As to German or Polish surnames, many Poles don't have Polish sounding names. Additionally, those with German last names were Polish on their mother's side. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
6 Jun 2009 /  #41
So I am telling you.

Move on! You are so yesterday...:)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
6 Jun 2009 /  #42
What was the original name of the fortress, later city founded in the late 10th century?


I think we have a winner.

Who founded it?

a) Uri Geller
b}Sigmund Freud
c)Wesley Snipes
d)Ziggy Stardust
e)Mieszko I

Another winner.
Ironside  50 | 13054  
6 Jun 2009 /  #43
The border drawing in Versailles was unfair for Millions of People...

well, that's not an answer, we can agree that for people which found themselves in the foreign country but border has to be somewhere.

So ?
Salomon  2 | 436  
6 Jun 2009 /  #44
Move on! You are so yesterday...:)

I am not yestarday ...

It is German propaganda to claim majors of Gdańsk form middle ages ... pomeranians, speaking pomeranian dialect ... and durring WWII or middle ages they were murdered or expeled as Poles (and they considered themsleves as such)...

Gdańsk is Polish ... you can visit this city and watch how Poles rebuild it after 1945. There was no German architects involved in this construction. It has nothing to do with Germany. What is more this city was destroyed by Germans and Soviets durring WWII ... Germans expeled more Poles from this city (and documeted it ) than they had in their censuses before WWII.

It seems that Gdańsk is one of the most Polish cities.

BTW ... Goths were here long before surnames in Poland ... so this people had Polish surnames... when Germans came ...

Nathan  18 | 1349  
6 Jun 2009 /  #45
Who originally founded Gdansk?

So why do you bark about L'viv? L'viv was founded by Ukrainian king Danylo Halyckyj and invaded by Poland 100 years later in 1340. And with Gdansk you feel like saying "who was the owner originally" - hypocrisy, isn't it?

west than Gdansk but the point here is not who may have crossed an area but who founded it

Exactly right, Zimmy. :) Remember your words and don't change them later.

The Polish port of Gdansk was founded in 997 by a non Goth named Mieszko.

Interesting that some Goths spoke a language that had little to do with German

What language has to do with it? You started to pray in Polish only in 1960s, were you Latinian before that?

First you'll have to negotiate the eastern Polish areas swallowed by Russia.

What did Russians take from you - Kaliningrad? I thought it was Prussians as well - Koningsberg? If you mean again your fantasy about Ukrainian lands, read above.
Ironside  50 | 13054  
6 Jun 2009 /  #46
hypocrisy, isn't it?

Can you prove he was Ukrainian ?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 Jun 2009 /  #47
The border drawing in Versailles was unfair for Millions of People...

It was perfectly fair, we just needed to expel Germans then not after WW2.
Salomon  2 | 436  
7 Jun 2009 /  #48
Oh well ... Lwów or Wilno are another cases which only show how much Polands opinion counted after WWII.

but it is much different story ...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
7 Jun 2009 /  #49
hypocrisy, isn't it?

All hypocrits...

It was perfectly fair, we just needed to expel Germans then not after WW2.

Yeah...no wonder Germans lack compassion with the plight of the Poles...

Oh well Lwów or Wilno are another cases which only show how much Polands opinion counted after WWII.

Isn't it always "another case" with the Poles? LOL

So ?

As I said...
Without the new borders for the newly build countries like Poland there hadn't been a war...

But that's the past...there aren't anymore borders today too! :)
Any German who wants to can now live again in the finely restaured old german towns of new Poland, thank you! :)

*listens to Lukasz whining and complaining* :)
Salomon  2 | 436  
7 Jun 2009 /  #50
Isn't it always "another case" with the Poles? LOL

It is you who moan on wrong forum. So you should cry in conversations with deciders. Americans, Brits and Russians.

Any German who wants to can now live again in the finely restaured old german towns of new Poland, thank you! :)

You can buy house in Poland ... if you have enough money ... :-)

BTW. Poland was raped, robbed and sold during WWII. That is subject for another discussion.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 Jun 2009 /  #51
Yeah...no wonder Germans lack compassion with the plight of the Poles...

I dont really care for your compassion, if you start a war for pure ambition you need to be punished accordingly, taking the lands you have in turn taken from their rightfull owners generations before was the right thing to do.

Post WW2 the right thing to do would be to sterilize your grandparents and all Germans so that your nation never got another chance and it was seriously considered along with making you a sheep shagging nation, you got away light with what you've done so dont whine.
Salomon  2 | 436  
7 Jun 2009 /  #52
Making final conclusion. Poland was on loosers side after WWII. Poland lost 2 major cities with Polish majority before WWII. Milions of Polish people didn't receved compenations. Poland received some cities which belonged to Poland in the past and for which Poland had supported historical claims but ... they were ruined and destroyed. Now Polish former "allies" who sold Poland clean their hands and Poland has to struggle with Bratwurst like revisionists from Germany ...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 Jun 2009 /  #53
Without the new borders for the newly build countries like Poland there hadn't been a war...

Bloody hypocrite, the war started because your dysfunctional people who lived in their primitive militaristic society couldnt take defeat, Poland or no Poland you savages needed a victory to move on, you'd invade Russia and France with or without Poland but hey you enjoy rewriting history dont you?

YOUR PEOPLE are responsible for EVERYTHING you lost, NOT POLAND, NOT VERSAILLES, if you did not start your petty wars and elect nutters like hitler or bismarck but no, Germany cant work without a major war and then you come here and whine about how poor Nazi descendants suffer because we did not reward them for gassing milions.

Good job calling us hypocrites.
Salomon  2 | 436  
7 Jun 2009 /  #54
Poland or no Poland you savages needed a victory to move on

Well German plans are well known

Best seller from Germany: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mein_Kampf

Mein Kampf

It was bestseller in Germany, now Germans can try to talk about maniac whose plans weren't well known...

They were well known... German wanted to murder half of europe... and they voted for it in elections. They votes "Lets kill people from neigbourhood countries"

It is my sign for Bratwurs:

Any German who wants to can now live again in the finely restaured old german towns of new Poland, thank you! :)


Since Poland joined the Schengen Agreement, the population of Löcknitz is growing, as rates and costs of land acquisition are lower than in Poland. Many commuters from Szczecin are living in Löcknitz

OP freebird  3 | 532  
7 Jun 2009 /  #55
This wikipedia link haven't been written by Poles

But also not by the Germans. Are you trying to say that history is only true if it's written by Polish people? Please tell me it's not what you really meant to say. C'mon man, lol.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
7 Jun 2009 /  #56
Can you prove he was Ukrainian ?

Can you prove Mickiewicz was Polish or Napoleon was French? What about Mieszko or Plato? ;)

Bloody hypocrite

Calm down, Sokrates, I know that and I agree with you. ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 Jun 2009 /  #57
You're just bitter because your grandfather plowed the fields of my grandfather Nathan, dont worry we'll take over soon enough:)
Nathan  18 | 1349  
7 Jun 2009 /  #58
My grand-grandfather had 30 ha of field, he had many workers, which respected him a lot. My grandfather ended up with a little field (where I helped out a bit as well), because the rest was taken by communists. As of working for your granfather, well, my grandpa never was in Poland, so...

About taking over - what's keeping you? Come on. Or you out of horses? ;)) Not a big deal - we will fight with no tanks, ok? ;)) We are not as unpredictable as Germans. ;))
sjam  2 | 541  
7 Jun 2009 /  #59
Milions of Polish people didn't receved compenations.

The Berlin (Potsdam) Conference, July 17-August 2, 1945

2. The U. S. S. R. undertakes to settle the reparation claims of Poland from its own share of reparations.

I don't understand

Maybe when you contact the Kremlin they will help your understanding as to where Poland's share of the $10 billion reparations went to. You might even find that the Soviet Union actually paid out for Poland's post-war reconstruction, because if the money didn't come from the SU where did it come from? From Poland's gold reserves that were repatriated from Canada after the war? I don't think so.
Salomon  2 | 436  
7 Jun 2009 /  #60
III. REPARATIONS FROM GERMANY.2. The U. S. S. R. undertakes to settle the reparation claims of Poland from its own share of reparations.

Well ... Why Germans payed for Soviet Union ? Poland haven't receved single dollar from Soviets. It is German problem that they payed money for wrong country. It is good that thy haven't payed Polish comenasations for North Korea. LOL

What is more Soviet Union invaded Poland with Nazi Germany in 1939. I don't know why they received this money ...

Archives - 2005-2009 / History / Poland before WWII or Poland now what would you choose?Archived