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Poland before WWII or Poland now what would you choose?

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Jun 2009 /  #331
To finally solve the Gdańsk issue and maybe it will make freebird shut the fuk up.


Excerpts for our non-Polish speakers "In approximately 975 A.D from the initiative of Mieszko I a city with a harbor was built on the river Motlava, its name written down in "The life of Saint Wojciech" was Gyddanyz".

Thats the first account of the city being there.

"Archeologia Polski Wczesnośredniowiecznej" by Andrzej Buko with pictures and sites (also by German teams freebird so up your ass) proving conclusively that Gdańsk is inhabited almost exlusively by Poles for more than four centuries.

Even more amusing is the fact that the oldest houses predating the establishment of Gdańsk are also from the Polish tribe of "Polanie" which would indicate that the region was inhabited by Poles as early as 8th century, it would also explain how it was able for a city to pop up in what was then hostile teritory.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
16 Jun 2009 /  #332
"Archeologia Polski Wczesnośredniowiecznej" by Andrzej Buko with pictures and sites (also by German teams freebird so up your ass) proving conclusively that Gdańsk is inhabited almost exlusively by Poles for more than four centuries.

You didn't do much with it during your polish times, didn't you....:)
Danzig is famous for their successful german sons and daughters, had their big time because of the german founded Hanse (as did many other towns along the Baltic), is admired for german architecture...

Just don't let it rot as the Russians did with the pearl Königsberg once was too under german rule, promised?

there's some genetically conditioned element in Germans as such.

Maybe there is such a thing, who knows! :)
But on the other hand Germans also have a genetical element to be energetic, to invent, to make and to build...the traces are still all there!
OP freebird  3 | 532  
16 Jun 2009 /  #333
How can you love history if you dont know it?:)

you better say, I don't know the history you know (you learned your history in Poland, I didn't) and I might agree with that but if you're trying to ridicule me, you ain't gonna get anywhere with that crap and just make yourself look, let's say, not very smart to keep it nice with you.

You're claiming that Germans have rights to historically Polish or Czech regions?:)))))))

because according to what I've learned and experienced about it those territories belong to Germany.
Just show me Polish word on any coin from Free City of Danzig, you can't.
Why there's almost no Polish names in Danzig's history?
Why so many houses in Danzig have German writings on it even tho
they were beautifuly restored by Polish restorers?
It's so many why, why, why aso.

Sokrates, you haven't refuted what I put to you. Namely that Bolesław Chrobry didn't win the territory in AD 997. He fought for it but the Prussians were just too strong and they didn't relinquish control.

yep, a very important historical fact

Poles didnt conquer Prussia because they were unwilling to commit genocide.

yep, the warm hearted Poles :-) Just like they (with their friends the Soviets) never raped and killed German women on the way to Berlin.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
16 Jun 2009 /  #334
Just show me Polish word on any coin from Free City of Danzig, you can't.

If you are going to use this logic, you know, you better be prepared for the US to give a lot of land back to Mexico or at least quit complaining about illegal immigration because the Mexicans use this same argument which is why they think they have a right to move here.
OP freebird  3 | 532  
16 Jun 2009 /  #335
US to give a lot of land back to Mexico

you already said it PlasticPole and I answered it too

or at least quit complaining about illegal immigration because the Mexicans

show where I complained about illegal Mexaicans on this forum, just for the hell of it :-)

Oh the teritory at the time was in reality Prussian, the city of Gdańsk however was Polish,

be honest, you don't believe it yourself :-)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
16 Jun 2009 /  #336
show where I complained about illegal Mexaicans on this forum, just for the hell of it :-)

If you are going to give places to people based on this line of reasoning US would lose a lot of land.

In fact, just about everyone on earth would lose their land and we wouldn't have anyplace to live then, would we. We would all be screwed. This is just BS you cannot use this line of reasoning to decide what is happening today. You got to forget all this because it's irrelevant.

We need to stop obsessing on what was yesterday and focus on what is today :))))))

What's done is done!!!
OP freebird  3 | 532  
16 Jun 2009 /  #337
If you are going to give places to people based on this line of reasoning US would lose a lot of land.

PP what are you talking about? Scroll up and see what I wrote about Danzig etc. Did I say that Poles supposed to give it back to the Germans? Did I PP? All I asked for is you guys to admit that these territories weren't Polish before 1945, that's it.

We need to stop obsessing

this is not about obsession, it's about history PP
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
16 Jun 2009 /  #338
We need to stop obsessing on what was yesterday and focus on what is today :))))))

how about tomorrow:)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
16 Jun 2009 /  #339
Did I PP? All I asked for is you guys to admit that these territories weren't Polish befor 1945

what about the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth?
OP freebird  3 | 532  
16 Jun 2009 /  #340
how about tomorrow:)


what about the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth?

what about it pp?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
16 Jun 2009 /  #341

I am all for progress:), but those who like to wash their dirty laundry in the past, using stale stale water and what not will be wearing smelly cloth;)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
16 Jun 2009 /  #342
what about it pp?

Gdańsk was part of the commonwealth at one time. It rebelled in 1575 so why do you think it is exclusively Prussian?
OP freebird  3 | 532  
16 Jun 2009 /  #343
I know history of Danzig and I know that it had a Polish period for about 300 years but people still spoke German (population was mainly German) in that time so I don't think that this will make any change in what I said before.

As far as Lithuania and Poland, I suggest you ask Lithuanians how they feel about it but those few Lithuanians I've met didn't like Poles very much. I guess they must have their reasons.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
16 Jun 2009 /  #344
I'm sure there's a few exceptions where they got along but generally there's strife between ethnic groups who are all competing for the same resources so this phenomena is hardly unusual.

When Stefan sweared in all of existing rights of Prussia Royale and Prussia Ducale,[9] and was recognized as a rightful ruler,[10] one city—Danzig—refused to do it and was still respecting Maximillian as King of Poland.[11]

Danzig refused to recognize Bathory's authority, and the tensions grew as rioters looted and burned down an abbey in Oliwa.[7]

Ironside  50 | 13054  
16 Jun 2009 /  #345
And then?

And then???? if I ever get to the point - and then ....? - I'll answer then))))))

But the new areas gained from the Germans had better infrastructure and more industry.

Industry taken to Russia and infrastructure destroyed by war and most towns in ruin!!

you mean like the rights for Germans to claim Danzig, Ostpreussen,

Germans lost all the right during the WWII!

I will tell you something freebird I know more about history then you ever will!
I don't know what you are trying to prove here ?
How many times do I have to repeat myself ?
But Gdansk regardless long history of having majority of leading citizen Germanic (although there were population of Scots and Poles and others as Kingdom was multi ethnic) became German in the years after 1793.

I we talking not about technicality here but about historical rights and according to that Poland had rights to Gdansk!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
17 Jun 2009 /  #346
Germans lost all the right during the WWII!

But most was taken already after WWI...
WWII was started to get it all back! What now?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
17 Jun 2009 /  #347
What now?

Now everything stays the same.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Jun 2009 /  #348
You didn't do much with it during your polish times, didn't you....:)

By the time Teutons conquered Gdańsk it was the richest harbor on the Baltic, during the time of Commonwealth it grew to a point where it became so rich it rebelled, so yeah i'd say most of Gdańsk development was our job, Germans came and took over an already developed city.

But heyyyy we're still holding on to "Germany built everything and is uber" theory of yours right?:)

Danzig is famous for their successful german sons and daughters,

Riiiiiight, for the past 300 years? Or waiit do you mean "German" Kopernik who's father wad Polish, who fought Germans for the Polish king and who's works are influenced by his stay in Krakóws university?:))))

We've built Gdańsk, we've developed it, you came relatively late and took it over, selling Gdańsk as a German success is a blatant chauvinistic lie.

Just show me Polish word on any coin from Free City of Danzig, you can't.

Thats because the commonwealth used latin on its coins which you would know if you knew anything about Polish history and wasnt an opinionated moron, Polish coins were inscribed in Latin, you just learned something you little redneck.

POLISH szeląg with fron Gdańsk in 1457, with Polish kings coat of arms and "Casimir Rex Polonus" Casimir king of Poland.

Anything else you want to learn or do you prefer to stay in your little barn and continue to spam idiocy?

I know history of Danzig and I know that it had a Polish period for about 300 years but people still spoke German

Again you're a moron, i'm not even going to bother quiting wikipedia since you ignore the sources, Tuetonic Knights conquer the city in 14th century, that means that the city was purely Polish for more then 450 years, it then retains a Polish majority well into 16th century, the primary language of upper classes of Danzing was latin since if you knew anything about history rather than humiliate yourself time and again you'd know Polish upper classes spoke latin, Polish documents and coins were in Latin and so on.

So yes there's Polish coins, Polish books, Polish coats of arms and i can keep posting them if only you wouldnt ignore all those on account of being so merry stupid, i can live with BB being chauvinist, no one is perfect but idiocy just pisses me off.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
17 Jun 2009 /  #349
By the time Teutons conquered Gdańsk it was the richest harbor on the Baltic

Oh pleeeeaaaaase....
Danzig got rich because of being a member of the Hanse (not a polish invention either).

I know I know in your eyes Poles sh'ites gold but reality is very much different. No need to get your balls everytime in a twist when a non-pole tells some facts.

Poles never did much with the riches they got. It was Germans who get things done! :)

We've built Gdańsk, we've developed it, you came relatively late and took it over, selling Gdańsk as a German success is a blatant chauvinistic lie.

Your talk is gross and cheap Sokrates.
Why are the main sight seeing attractions in Danzig german? Why had Danzig their big times under german rule? Wanna compare the lists of famous german and famous polish Danziger Sokrates???

You have now polish signs up but again you fail to make an imprint!

....Destroyed in World War II, it was rebuilt in 1957. The original German inscription has recently been restored:Es müsse wohl gehen denen, die dich lieben. Es müsse Friede sein inwendig in deinen Mauern und Glück in deinen Palästen

The city has many fine buildings from the time of the Hanseatic League. Most tourist attractions are located along or near Ulica Długa (Long Street) and Długi Targ (Long Market), a pedestrian thoroughfare surrounded by buildings reconstructed in historical (primarily 17th century) style and flanked at both ends by elaborate city gates.
This part of the city is sometimes referred to as the Royal Road as the former path of processions for visiting kings.

Without the Germans your Gdansk would have sh*it to show off!
Lech Walesa isn't going to cut it...:):):)

PS: Yes Danzig is Gdansk now but to show off tourists the old, famous, beautiful Danzig and to say it's all polish is just a lie and everybody who has just an inkling of history knows that, period!


...Since 1485 the works were carried over by Hans Brandt, who supervised the erection of the main nave core. The works were finally finished after 1496 under Heinrich Haetzl, who supervised the construction of the vaulting....

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
17 Jun 2009 /  #350
and to say it's all polish is just a lie

It's not all Polish but it belongs to Poland now and they get to keep it :D

Like many cities it is a mixture of different cultures.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
17 Jun 2009 /  #351
In case you didn't get the point, THAT isn't the problem.
Chauvinistic Poles denying any german history and achievements in these territories and towns are the problem!
You can bombard them with facts till they get blue they still will only repeat the same bull because the reality is hard to handle.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
17 Jun 2009 /  #352
Chauvinistic Poles denying any german history and achievements in these territories and towns are the problem!

I don't deny there is a German influence, but there is a Polish one too, as well as a latin one since Poland was latinized at one point. You guys gotta share and take credit, both.
Ironside  50 | 13054  
17 Jun 2009 /  #354
WWII was started to get it all back! What now?

But most was taken already after WWI...

OH! It was come back of Poland after partition and those land were Polish - we can argue about this and that but if you question right of Poland to exist - you can be quiet !

If you let it be.......

WWII was started to get it all back! What now?

And if it would have been only that nobody would deny your rights to the lost territories but the way you were treating people in the taken lands - you lost all rights and you should be happy that German state exist at all (greatfull to Fate or God).

that is that BB!

Without the Germans your Gdansk would have sh*it to show off!

They were Germans bread and born as a loyal subjects of Polish King and part of Kingdom of Poland, so no point dwell about it BB!

Anyway in other thread you argue about Jews living in Germany that they achievements are due to Germans working hard and providing them with opportunity to become successful!

It the same way Germans from Gdansk were so successful because of opportunities given by Polish Kingdom and protection provided by King of Poland !!!

I know I know in your eyes Poles sh'ites gold but reality is very much different. No need to get your balls everytime in a twist when a non-pole tells some facts.

Exactly BB, but its you who is behaving that way, now! hows your balls?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
17 Jun 2009 /  #355
They were Germans bread and born as a loyal subjects of Polish King and part of Kingdom of Poland, so no point dwell about it BB!

Well..what about the Poles bred and born as subjects of Prussia or Austria? Why don't you call them just Germans or Austrians???

you lost all rights and you should be happy that German state exist at all (greatfull to Fate or God).

Oh puleeeze...we never needed a country to be successful. Germans had great achievements as it was splittered too.

It the same way Germans from Gdansk were so successful because of opportunities given by Polish Kingdom and protection provided by King of Poland !!!

It would have a merit if the Poles on their own WITHOUT their Germans would had achieved the same, showing they don't need the german achievements...but that isn't so, isn't it...

Germans always were hard worker on the lands and building cities...you still profit from it even today!
Germans industrialized Silesia, Germans build the Hanse which made cities like Danzig rich...

but the way you were treating people in the taken lands - you lost all rights

Well...that ends the disputes with the Ukraine about Lwow then. They will be glad to hear that...
Ogorki  - | 114  
17 Jun 2009 /  #356
I think Ironside and Sokrates should look at Przemysl on your map.

Lviv and Przemysl belonged to Lithuania from 1200. Lithuania and Poland united through marriage peacfully so Poland gained Lwow and Przemysl peacfully - and not by force.

Have you finished renovating Lviv yet?!! I want to visit.

OP freebird  3 | 532  
17 Jun 2009 /  #357
I will tell you something freebird I know more about history then you ever will!

nope, not at all

I don't know what you are trying to prove here ?

the truth


thank you ironside

although there were population of Scots and Poles and others as Kingdom was multi ethnic)

agree but as a minority

became German in the years after 1793

from the beginning on Danzig was German with 300 years of Polish
influence in between

but about historical rights and according to that Poland had rights to Gdansk!

definitely not

most of Gdańsk development was our job


Germans came and took over an already developed city.

Germans had it from the beginning on, you had only your 300 years period, that's it

We've built Gdańsk, we've developed it, you came relatively late and took it over, selling Gdańsk as a German success is a blatant chauvinistic lie.

no one lies better than you guys. You're known in the entire World for twisting historical facts


look in the mirror, moron is what you see or you can't stand to look at your lying a** anymore

you just learned something you little redneck

you wish you've learned just a little bit of what I know you dumb pollack (you got this crap started, you get it back the way you deserve it).

There are Poles and "pollacks", you definitely belong to the second category.

Anything else you want to learn or do you prefer to stay in your little barn and continue to spam idiocy?

I told you, you had your 300 years in Danzig you dummy
After and before this time there wasn't even one coin with Polish king
on it

you ignore the sources

I ignore your sources because they ain't right. I can present at least one website against every one of yours but what is it gonna change, nothing because you're brainwashed by your ex system even if it's maybe only due to your parents who still sympathize with communism at home.

Danzig got rich because of being a member of the Hanse (not a polish invention either).

that's it

It was Germans who get things done! :)

and still do in Europe. Lost both WWI and WWII and being #4 richest country in the World. What does it tell you, you "wise sokrates" What have you achieved in that time? Yes you're achieving now a little but only with the cash floating from western Europe.

Wanna compare the lists of famous german and famous polish Danziger Sokrates???

please don't BB, he already looks like a elementary school student who's been put by his parents in the closet and now is screeming, please let me out. Too much freedom too quick. Now he doesn't know what to do with it and just keeps running his mouth because he can, because he's free and not because he really has something to say, idiot.

It's not all Polish but it belongs to Poland now and they get to keep it :D

no problem withy this statement
SRK85  - | 72  
17 Jun 2009 /  #358
Why is everyone ******** at eachother the modern day borders were drawn up by Stalin not the Polish people. Although I believe Poland always had the right to the Danzig/Gdansk corridor.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
17 Jun 2009 /  #359
Oh the teritory at the time was in reality Prussian, the city of Gdańsk however was Polish, a Polish city built in Prussian teritory, as to how it was possible?

Wow, there seems to be nothing impossible for Poles. I even begin to suspect Pompei and Rome as well were built by Poles within Roman empire, while the Romans were living in palm trees watching as your anscestors were raising the cities ;)

Lviv and Przemysl belonged to Lithuania from 1200. ... so Poland gained Lwow and Przemysl peacfully - and not by force.
Have you finished renovating Lviv yet?!! I want to visit.

"In 1340, when the last of the Halychyna Princes - Yuriy the Second - died of poisoning, the Polish king Kazimierz IIIattacked and robbed parts of the principality. Forced to leave due to fierce resistance by local citizens, he managed to capture a large part of modern Ukraine including Lviv only in 1387."

It was just a minor mistake in 150 years on Polish part and as always it was a peaceful conquest. ;) Actually some Polish chronicles testify seeing God in the sky showing them the Promised Land in Ukrainian territories: "Burneth these barbaric people, o Greateth Polandeth, you will rejoiceth, O my belovedeth peaceful nationth" (A.D. 1340 by Rysiek the Monk, monastery of St. John the Pervert).

You can bombard them with facts till they get blue they still will only repeat the same bull because the reality is hard to handle.

I think that even in the tombs many of them will turn over to disturb a dog's peaceful pissing on their graves in the morning silence.

They just can't handle the truth.
OP freebird  3 | 532  
17 Jun 2009 /  #360
the modern day borders were drawn up by Stalin not the Polish people

I don't have any problem with Poland or Polish-German border now, it's about history of both countries and admitting certain historical facts.

I believe Poland always had the right to the Danzig/Gdansk corridor.

This is what you've learned about it, it's fine with me as long as you accept the fact that there are other people who have completely different opinion about it.

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