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World War II - a tragic story for Poland and the World

18 Jun 2009 /  #241
If you want to deny history that is your problem.

Says the man who claims that Ukraine invaded Poland in cahoots with the USSR when in reality the exact opposite happened!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Jun 2009 /  #242
But noooo....it's all only the Poles doing!

Who charged the Turkish forces? Poles.
Who broke the Turkish forces? Poles.
Who pursued the Turkish forces into their camp? Poles.

Oh i'm sorry there was a force of 2000 German reitars and dragoons who took part in the charge alongside 18.000 Poles, so yes it was Poles who saved the day since without Poles all those German forces could only stand there and look good.

Out of 31.000 cavalry 23.000 was Polish, Poland deployed more than 80% of all heavy cavalry, Poland deployed 100% of light skirmishers in the form of Tatars and Lisowczycy, Only Poland had lance armed cavalry capable of countering Sipahi charge.

And finally it was Poland that performed a four miles broad long heavy cavalry charge that massacred the elite turkish forces and routed the turkish army so any and all efforts of German forces were meaningless because without Poland German alliance was well and trully f*cked.

Also before you go "all Poles" the battle lasted for 12 hours. 11.40min of artillery duels and a 20 minute charge of Polish cavalry so yeah it was all Poland.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
18 Jun 2009 /  #243
I doubt sources and figures, i really dont care but im thinking many chinese whispers a foot my dear Watson..
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #244
Who charged the Turkish forces? Poles.
Who broke the Turkish forces? Poles.
Who pursued the Turkish forces into their camp? Poles.

Look at the numbers again:

It was an alliance of 84.450 men.
Included 37.000 from the commonwealth (also Lithuanians not even only Poles).
Makes *gets calculator* a majority of 47.450 non-polish troops (mainly Germans) who chased the Turks around and away.
Yes of course, Poles were also innit but they for sure didn't "save" Europe on their own!
All your heavy cavalry alone couldn't had done anything on their own...time for you to admit that the Europeans together saved Europe.
Polish/German alliance for the good this time...what's so wrong about it?
(And we might have to do it again)

I don't get you....
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Jun 2009 /  #245
Polish pussies.

Nathan your country won three battles against us, out of a total of some 30+, you lost every single war against Poland and the only reason you exist in the form you do today is because of Russias protection so if we're pussies what does that make you:))))

It was an alliance of 84.450 men.

BBs version of history now?:) Just like with the "German built Gdańsk?

First of all there was no Lithuanian units in the Commonwealth force simply because they didnt make it in time.

Sobieski zabrał z Krakowa ok. 27 tys. wojsk koronnych, w tym 25 chorągwi husarii, i 29 lipca, nie czekając na spóźniających się Litwinów, pomaszerował śpiesznie na odsiecz Wiedniowi. Trasa marszu prowadziła przez Śląsk, Morawy i Czechy.

Sobieski takes 27.000 Crown forces = Polish, Lithuanians acknowledge this as a Polish war too btw, the relief of Vienna is a minor point in their history for that reason.

The total of forces under vienna was 67.000 men, if you count the total forces available to the alliance it might be 80k but not under Vienna and the cavalry charge was delivered almost exclusively by Polish forces, there was German cavalry there but it was around 2000 out of a total of over 20.000 charging.

So yeah we're back to the "all Poles", turns out it was all Poles after all:)

And if you want further proof then how come after 11 hours of artillery duels it took us only 20 minutes to route the entire Turkish army? What part did the Reich had in it? Cheering us?:)))
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #246
What part did the Reich had in it?

Do you have complexes?

Well...yes, the same case as in Danzig. You deny german/non-polish achievements - I then remind you of facts. It's essentially the same game!


Right now I have the most respect for the brave citizen defenders of Vienna...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Jun 2009 /  #247
It was an alliance of 84.450 men.

BBs version of history now?:) Just like with the "German built Gdańsk?

First of all there was no Lithuanian units in the Commonwealth force simply because they didnt make it in time.

Sobieski zabrał z Krakowa ok. 27 tys. wojsk koronnych, w tym 25 chorągwi husarii, i 29 lipca, nie czekając na spóźniających się Litwinów, pomaszerował śpiesznie na odsiecz Wiedniowi. Trasa marszu prowadziła przez Śląsk, Morawy i Czechy.

Sobieski takes 27.000 Crown forces = Polish, Lithuanians acknowledge this as a Polish war too btw, the relief of Vienna is a minor point in their history for that reason.

The total of forces under vienna was 67.000 men, if you count the total forces available to the alliance it might be 80k but not under Vienna and the cavalry charge was delivered almost exclusively by Polish forces, there was German cavalry there but it was around 2000 out of a total of over 20.000 charging.

So yeah we're back to the "all Poles", turns out it was all Poles after all:)

And if you want further proof then how come after 11 hours of artillery duels it took us only 20 minutes to route the entire Turkish army? What part did the Reich had in it? Cheering us?:)))

Yes of course, Poles were also innit but they for sure didn't "save" Europe on their own!

Yes they did, the German contributions amount to about 1500-2000 heavy cavalry and 11 hours of fruitless artillery exchange, our contribution lasted about 20 minutes, in other words we didnt need the mass of infantry which didnt take part in the battle anyway, we didnt need German artillery even since it was our artillery that mauled the Sipahi.

The only Austrian achievement is succesfull defence of Vienna but then again Vienna was the largest fortress of its time so they just performed up to expectations.

Right now I have the most respect for the brave citizen defenders of Vienna...

Lovely, defending the greatest fortress in Europe:)) Personally i still think we should let Turks have their way with you, even your behaviour shows that saving Germans was a pretty serious fok up.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #248
So yeah we're back to the "all Poles", turns out it was all Poles after all:)

God Sokrates, even the blank numbers speak against your claim...
Do you have an idea how ridiculous you make yourself (and Poland) look right now???

But okay...suit yourself.
But next time you (or another Pole) blames "the Europeans" for being "ungrateful backstabbers" or ignoring "the saviors of Europe" you better remember that they have another view of this history and might see it differently than the Poles!

(...and that wouldn't be a first!)

Lovely, defending the greatest fortress in Europe:)) Personally i still think we should let Turks have their way with you, even your behaviour shows that saving Germans was a pretty serious fok up.

They would had done without you in the end with their thousands of soldiers and the brave viennese defenders, thank you! :)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Jun 2009 /  #249
God Sokrates, even the blank numbers speak against your claim...
Do you have an idea how ridiculous you make yourself (and Poland) look right now???

Ok so who won the battle of Vienna? Your army which shot the cannons? Citizens of Vienna who sat behind the walls or Polish cavalry which massacred over 10.000 Turks?:)))

you better remember that they have another view of this history and might see it differently than the Poles!

Which is why i think Germans are ungratefull twats and ultimately our enemies, you people never could show gratitude for what we did for you, we invited you into our lands, we gave you priveliges, we saved your arses and in return got arrogance, genocide and double dealings.

Ultimately it doesnt matter that you're polite about it all, you're still German with all its pleasant connotations.

They would had done without you in the end with their thousands of soldiers and the brave viennese defenders, thank you! :)

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #250
Ok so who won the battle of Vienna?

It was a joint effort of brave polish, austrian and german troops and citizens.
What's so hard about it for you to admit?


Fighting and resisting...the usual stuff ya know.
(It wasn't Germans or Austrians running around in turkish clothing out of adoration for the Ottoman Empire)

Ultimately it doesnt matter that you're polite about it all, you're still German with all its pleasant connotations.

Oh god I hope so!!!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 Jun 2009 /  #251
What's so hard about it for you to admit?

Maybe because we did almost all the fighting on the actual battlefield? Or maybe because you didnt have enough forces on your own which is why Austrians begged (and that is the word, they didnt request it, they begged for it) Polish help.

Its like French would claim they won the Normandy landings because they were there when its Americans and Brits who did the fighting, i simply refuse to diminish the credit of our soldiers.

If its a German victory its German, if its a joint victory its joint, this one was Polish, we did all the fighting and all the winning, that you were physically there doesnt change that or the fact that Germans of that day didnt think they could do it on their own which is why they called us.

(It wasn't Germans or Austrians running around in turkish clothing out of adoration for the Ottoman Empire)

Adoration or not we still kicked their arse.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #252
Maybe because we did almost all the fighting on the actual battlefield?

And as the Viennese starved and still defended the town what do you think the other troops did? Twiddling their thumbs?

What's next? Poles won the BoB for the English?
Without Poles the invasion of the Normandy would never had been successfull? POLAND WON WWII (with some other useless allies)

That's no serious discussion anymore Sokrates! :)

this one was Polish,

It was a joint effort Sokrates...if you want it or not! :)

Commonwealth 37,000
Austria 18,400
Bavaria 10,500
Swabia and Franconia 9,500
Saxony 9,000

18 Jun 2009 /  #253
What's so hard about it for you to admit?

There are certain lies which Poles tell and will always tell. Examples include Copernicus was 100% Polish, Poles were not invited to the London victory parade of 1945, Poland didn't stab her Ukrainian allies in the back and Poles saved Europe.

The sad thing is that they genuinely believe their lies are actually the truth.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #254
The sad thing is that they genuinely believe their lies are actually the truth.

And then they are miffed if every other country doesn't dutifully acknowledges and respects their "achievements" accordingly, feel slighted and offended, complain about an anti-polish conspiracy to hold poor, plucky Poland down purposely for sinister reasons and throw tantrums...

Like this:

Which is why i think Germans are ungratefull twats and ultimately our enemies, you people never could show gratitude for what we did for you, we invited you into our lands, we gave you priveliges, we saved your arses and in return got arrogance, genocide and double dealings.

What a good example of such delusion!

But hopefully now with exposure to a more balanced view of european history Poles will come around in another generation or two...they are not so isolated anymore!
rock  - | 428  
18 Jun 2009 /  #255
As you see, Turks are the major actor in Europe history.

While you can not write your history without Turks, most of you you still think Turkey is not in Europe.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #256
most of you you still think Turkey is not in Europe.

Well...Poles once did wear your clothes! :):):)
freebird  3 | 532  
18 Jun 2009 /  #257
most of you you still think Turkey is not in Europe

technically really not that much of it
rock  - | 428  
18 Jun 2009 /  #258
One example for poor Germans.

He was born in Gand, on 24th February 1500. When his father died in 1506, his aunt made him Holland King’s regent. After Ferdinand II’s death, he took the administration of Aragon and Kastilya because of his mother’s mental disease. After Sultan Suleyman the Lawgiver ascended the throne in 1520, the Ottoman campaigns in Europe gained speed. King of Hungary and Bohemia lost the Mohac War, in 1526 and Sharlken’s brother Ferdinand became the ruler of the remaining land. In 1527, Sharlken plundered Rome with the German soldiers. He signed an agreement with the Pope and went to Bologna. Pope gave him “Holy Rome-German Emperor” title, in February 1530. Austria lost power because of Sultan Suleyman the Lawgiver’s Vienna Siege, in 1529. Sharlken’s brother Ferdinand was struggling with the Ottoman forces and he lost his authority on the German Princes. Sultan Suleyman forced Sharlken for a war in front of Vienna, in 1532. Sarlken refused it. He campaigned to France. But, he failed. Hence, he gave Spain and Holland to his son Philip. He left Austria to his brother Ferdinand. He went to Spain, in September 1556. Then he isolated himself in Yuste Monastery and died there.

Sarlken wanted to establish a Catholic Empire united under his sovereignty. He fought with the Ottomans and the Protestants on this target. But he failed to unite the kingdoms with different economical, religious and cultural structures.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #259
When his father died in 1506, his aunt made him Holland King’s regent.

Yeah these Dutch...I can only warn you....:)
rock  - | 428  
18 Jun 2009 /  #260
BB, don't miss the main point.

Austria lost power because of Sultan Suleyman the Lawgiver’s Vienna Siege, in 1529. Sharlken’s brother Ferdinand was struggling with the Ottoman forces and he lost his authority on the German Princes. Sultan Suleyman forced Sharlken for a war in front of Vienna, in 1532. Sarlken refused it
rock  - | 428  
18 Jun 2009 /  #262
German army escaped from Turkish army. Maybe because you don't like to wear Turkish clothes :)

Meanwhile, in 1683, as usual, Europeans gathered in order to beat Turks as they can not make war one-to-one with us. But, I have to say that we lost mainly because of Poles.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #263
Maybe because you don't like to wear Turkish clothes :)

We hate it!!! :(

Meanwhile, in 1683, as usual, Europeans gathered in order to beat Turks as they can not make war one-to-one with us.

Nun ja...at this time there was no "Europe" but lots of little, squabbling statelets - compared to the mighty, unified Ottoman Empire.

It is still astounding that the Europeans agreed to stay united so long to fight you!

You see? Turks bring out the best in Europeans! :)
Even now most Europeans are united in wanting to keep you out....should tell you a thing or two!

But, I have to say that we lost mainly because of Poles.

Brownnosing again?
Just a tip: to gain something it's the german arse you need to lick. The Poles won't get you anywhere...:)
rock  - | 428  
18 Jun 2009 /  #264
We hate it!!! :(

You are full of hatred you sons of Hitler :(
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #265
Did Hitler hate turkish clothing??? :):):)
We know now he admired the turkish way of genocide a minority!
freebird  3 | 532  
18 Jun 2009 /  #266
You are full of hatred you sons of Hitler :(

you kind of sound Polish
rock  - | 428  
18 Jun 2009 /  #267
Bratwurst Boy

We lost because of Sobieski' army in 1683. This is what happened.

For German arse, it is obvious what has to be done.

You Germans only boast, but always lose.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
18 Jun 2009 /  #268
You Germans only boast, but always lose.

Now you definitely sound like a sour Pole!

Can we please keep on topic. And with less of the little digs.
freebird  3 | 532  
18 Jun 2009 /  #269
And with less of the little digs

do you seriously believe he'll let it go? lol
He's just another little frustrated underachiever locked in his mom's closet screaming for help and trying to get out of it.

The above Mod comment was not directed at just one person.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
19 Jun 2009 /  #270
Polish pussies.
Nathan your country won three battles against us, out of a total of some 30+, you lost every single war against Poland and the only reason you exist in the form you do today is because of Russias protection so if we're pussies what does that make you :))))

Pus*y-f*ckers, I guess.

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