just look at the right bottom corner:
Poland war propaganda poster - can anyone explain this picture?
I think you are looking for a job in the propaganda machine McCoy? :)
i am the propaganda machine sean ;)
27 Oct 2008 / #154
I think you are looking for a job in the propaganda machine McCoy? :)
that would mean that he needs to reincarnate backwards:).
Ich musssen nach Hause gehen. ( I think I qualify to be his assistant)
Seriously McCoy: Du bist crazy:)
he needs to reincarnate backwards
I can't even begin to imagine what that means, ha ha ha
But he is holding a gun to my head, so I had better just smile and nod
27 Oct 2008 / #156
I can't even begin to imagine what that means, ha ha ha
yah, a matter of progress vs. regress
( I think I qualify to be his assistant)
Seriously McCoy: Du bist crazy:)
Seriously McCoy: Du bist crazy:)
naturlich. das ist was ich mussen habe resonalble assistanten frau miranda.
27 Oct 2008 / #158
mussen habe resonalble assistanten frau miranda.
Mit Vergnügen:)
Should I give out an award for the first one to bring me an anti-polish hate propaganda
Most powerful Nazi anti-Polish symbol. No explanation needed I hope.
"we bring Poland death." Painted on German Ju-52 transport-plane fuselage during the 1939 invasion of Poland.
The slavic-german conflict took forms of extreme cruelty.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
27 Oct 2008 / #161
Most powerful Nazi anti-Polish symbol. No explanation needed I hope.
Well, that got many others too....plus poster!
Most powerful Nazi anti-Polish symbol. No explanation needed I hope.
Yield, right of way, Please?
Is it really anti=Polish?
Well, that got many others too....plus poster!
what others BB?
What’s this plus poster s**t BB? Did you run out of the arguments already?
So it dose. It pretty much reflects German attitude and ideology based on a pseudoscience to all at that point of history, nothing to be proud of there BB.
Well, that got many others too
So it dose. It pretty much reflects German attitude and ideology based on a pseudoscience to all at that point of history, nothing to be proud of there BB.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
27 Oct 2008 / #164
What’s this plus poster s**t BB? Did you run out of the arguments already?
What argument??? I'm looking for anti-polish propaganda posters (by the Nazis)? We can't find any...
So it dose. It pretty much reflects German attitude and ideology based on a pseudoscience to all at that point of history, nothing to be proud of there BB.
What??? Did you read the thread actually?
27 Oct 2008 / #165
really, why? I don't understand what you mean there?
Well, if it was something that the a large portion of Poles were feeling at the time, and it was placed in the editorial section of a Polish newspaper/circular as a commentary, it wouldn't necessarily be propaganda, just an editorial opinion / reflection of the popular belief of the day.
Historically, as in today or in a hundred years time, looking back at it, would it be reporting history or propaganda? Just a question, I am just a little hazy on the boundaries.
Kind of like the difference between Archaeology and grave robbing. BB has found no propaganda against the Polish by the Nazis, no body else has found much either.
It is curious.
Kind of like the difference between Archaeology and grave robbing. BB has found no propaganda against the Polish by the Nazis, no body else has found much either.
It is curious.
German propaganda against Poles:
Militargeographische Beschreibung von Polen(1.Juli 1939):''Die Polen:Sanguinisch,temperamentvoll,leidenschaftlich,sehr gastfreundlich,aber sehr leichtsinnig und unbestandig.Das polnische Volk hat ein hochgespanntes Nationalgefuhl und Geltungs bedurfnis,das gegenuber dem Deutschtum nicht frei von Minderwertigskeitsgefuhlen ist.''
We see here again the common description for Poles as having inferiority complex and being idiotic.
''Die Volksbildung der Polen steht nicht hoch...Das gilt auch fur das gesamte Kulturniveau.''
The stereotype about inferior culture of Poles and inferior education.That their civilization is unimportant.
Description of Generalstabchef Franz Hadler about polish soldiers:''Der polnische Soldat ist wohl der dummste in Europa...''
The polish soldier is the most stupid in Europe.
Hitler am 24.Oktober 1939:''Es muss auch der letzten Kuhmagd in Deutschland klar gemacht werden,dass das Polentum gleichwertig ist mit Untermenschentum.''
It has to become clear to everyone in Germany that the polish nation is subhuman.(Untermensch,meaning belonging to a lower race).
Militargeographische Beschreibung von Polen(1.Juli 1939):''Die Polen:Sanguinisch,temperamentvoll,leidenschaftlich,sehr gastfreundlich,aber sehr leichtsinnig und unbestandig.Das polnische Volk hat ein hochgespanntes Nationalgefuhl und Geltungs bedurfnis,das gegenuber dem Deutschtum nicht frei von Minderwertigskeitsgefuhlen ist.''
We see here again the common description for Poles as having inferiority complex and being idiotic.
''Die Volksbildung der Polen steht nicht hoch...Das gilt auch fur das gesamte Kulturniveau.''
The stereotype about inferior culture of Poles and inferior education.That their civilization is unimportant.
Description of Generalstabchef Franz Hadler about polish soldiers:''Der polnische Soldat ist wohl der dummste in Europa...''
The polish soldier is the most stupid in Europe.
Hitler am 24.Oktober 1939:''Es muss auch der letzten Kuhmagd in Deutschland klar gemacht werden,dass das Polentum gleichwertig ist mit Untermenschentum.''
It has to become clear to everyone in Germany that the polish nation is subhuman.(Untermensch,meaning belonging to a lower race).
Not a poster but a cartoon from September 10th 1939
Published in the satirical journal Kladderadatsch
Published in the satirical journal Kladderadatsch
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
28 Oct 2008 / #169
German propaganda against Poles:
....still no official propaganda poster!
(rather personal opinions)
There was an exhibition of 250 Wehrmacht propaganda posters against Poland in Dom Spotkan z Historia in Warsaw in September.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
28 Oct 2008 / #171
Hmm..could be...but why aren't there any of them to find on the 'net?
German propaganda against Poles
It shows the Poles as aggressors and ...
Feldzug in Polen (The Campaign in Poland) is a 69 minute documentary/Nazi propaganda film depicting the 1939 invasion of Poland and directed by Fritz Hippler. It shows the Poles as aggressors and ethnic Germans living in Poland as an oppressed minority. It also highlights the unheroic tactics the Poles used in the war and their senseless defense of a besieged Warsaw. The film was often screened by German minorities overseas to clarify the German point of view. (more...)
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
28 Oct 2008 / #173
Well...I wouldn't count that as propaganda as most concerned Germans surely felt that way!
Theres no needs for propaganda posters refering to Poland as why would the Nazis need the German people to harden their resolve against an easily beatable enemy? The timescales were too small.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
28 Oct 2008 / #175
And what about the year long occupation?
Or more importantly the build up to the war (you know..to get the people in the right mood).
Or more importantly the build up to the war (you know..to get the people in the right mood).
And what about the year long occupation?
I suspect the propaganda ministry had bigger fish to fry. Poland was done and dusted pretty quickly.
Or more importantly the build up to the war (you know..to get the people in the right mood).
Since when have the Germans needed to get in the mood for a bit of invading?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
28 Oct 2008 / #177
Since when have the Germans needed to get in the mood for a bit of invading?
Huh??? A Britisher is asking this? Arf!
We are peaceniks compared to you!
Since when have the Germans needed to get in the mood for a bit of invading?
hahaha, good one mate
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
28 Oct 2008 / #179
Wanna compare?
Boy if you wouldn't had meddled with Iraq or the ME in your high time we
wouldn't even have today's wars there...Brits better shut up! The biggest
warmongers, invaders and exploiters of all people over centuries!
Another good outcome of WWII, the Brits getting broke and losing all their
Boy if you wouldn't had meddled with Iraq or the ME in your high time we
wouldn't even have today's wars there...Brits better shut up! The biggest
warmongers, invaders and exploiters of all people over centuries!
Another good outcome of WWII, the Brits getting broke and losing all their
A Britisher is asking this? Arf!
Look BB. We Brits have never, ever invaded any other country. We merely used to send out large cultural delegations to those far flung places.