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Territories of eastern Germany should rightfully belong to Poland?

rock  - | 428  
24 May 2009 /  #151

As far as I remember from your previous posts you have prejudices about Turks. I believe most of the Europeans have similar thoughts.

According to me main reasons are ;

1- Turkish people are muslim. Europeans think that Europe is christain.
2- History : In Ottoman times we were a super power in Europe and was a threat for Europe. We invaded all the Balkans, Hungary, some parts of Slovakia and Ukraine and sieged Vienna two times. Turks ruled Balkans for 500 years. Balkans become main land for Turks like Anatolia. All the christain countires allied lots of times in order to remove Turks from Europe. Millions of people from both sides killed.

Europe and Turkey is like thesis anti-thesis.
3- There are 3.000.000 Turks living in Europe. 2.000.000 of them are living in Germany ( 500.000 of them are Kurds). Most of them came to Europe 40 years ago as workers. They were all uneducated villagers and never left their village before. It was even diffucult for them to adopt if they move to a city in Turkey.

They were not accepted good in Europe and as a reaction they try to protect their rural culture. Hatred in Germans brought hatred in Turks.

Europeans think all the Turks are like the ones living in Europe now. I think most of them are not ahead of Turks living in the villages of Turkey. This means this is not their fault.

Personelly, I don't want Turkey enter EU. Because I believe we don't need this EU.
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
24 May 2009 /  #152
Territories of eastern Germany should rightfully belong to Poland?

absolutely. Its necesery... its the matter of human rights, democracy, susteinable peace in Europe...

but if just communists, EU and anti-Serbian propaganda didn`t make Poles to feel better,... if just Poland isn`t prepared for euthanasia, for silence, for oblivion
shopgirl  6 | 928  
24 May 2009 /  #153
Its necesery... its the matter of human rights, democracy, susteinable peace in Europe...

Vrana, how do you suppose this issue would even begin to be raised in today's political climate? There is no way that this idea would fly....
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
25 May 2009 /  #154
some would say that rebbelion of Lusatians and other awaken western Slavs that were/are forcible germanized, represent serious option that needs to be taken in consideration. But, i believe in peacefull dissolution of Germany, at least in its eastern regions

Rebbelion of Lusatians, an option?


Kayah & Bregovic - Jeśli Bóg Istnieje

its not Serbs who started
shopgirl  6 | 928  
25 May 2009 /  #155
some would say that rebbelion of Lusatians and other awaken western Slavs that were/are forcible germanized, represent serious option that needs to be taken in consideration. But, i believe in peacefull dissolution of Germany, at least in its eastern regions

Instead of that idea, how about finding ways to get the Sorbs on the radar of German and Polish officials in order to bring in financial support?

That way the culture could be saved. Maybe Balkan Serbs could also provide assistance.

My guess is that the governments of these countries (Germany, Poland and Serbia) have bigger fish to fry on their political agendas than supporting a minority. US Native tribes have a similiar issue.

PS. Vrana, can't you find a nicer avatar to look at? Please? :)
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
25 May 2009 /  #156
PS. Vrana, can't you find a nicer avatar to look at? Please? :)

well, i`m in the mood... for you beautiful rose, i would insert some other avatar,... for good night ;)

This goes from a Serbian of Vrana clan to you and for all the Polish roses who might read this >>>

Kayah "Bylam Roza" Goran Bregovic

Don`t worry white roses of Poland, Serbians would endure everything. Racowie would do it. :)
shopgirl  6 | 928  
25 May 2009 /  #157
well, i`m in the mood... for you beautiful rose, i would insert some other avatar,... for good night ;)

That is much easier on the eyes than that stern looking character!
Thanks! And Good Night!
southern  73 | 7059  
25 May 2009 /  #158
Europeans think that Europe is christain.

I think the same.
Arien  2 | 710  
25 May 2009 /  #159
I think so too, but I do support humanism.

Which means I try my best to respect someone else whatever his or her vieuws may be, and that I prefer to think outside the box when it comes to a variety of matters, and learn as much as I can from people around me.

It's not white, it's black, it's usually grey. Like my grandfather used to say; ''Only fascists know everything with full certainty.''


So ofcourse I'm going to say something that some of you might find incredibly stupid again, (But I feel like saying it, so heck, why not?) which would be that this whole damn planet rightfully belongs to any human being who was born on it.


But we do have our laws, interests and societies to take care of, so it's not like I'm promoting total anarchy or mass-immigration all of a sudden!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
25 May 2009 /  #160
Never thought about that! Humanism = The über beeing! All animals are under humans!
One little error with humanism found! YES!
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
25 May 2009 /  #161
i just think to myself... Germany is problematic state, its obvious

Now, what are chances that USA, EU and NATO punish Germany as they decided to punish Serbia for example

Germany even seams more qualify then Serbia to be punished. Let`s analize few `comparable` parameters:

1. In case of Serbia, there was/is Albanian minority that creates problems to state and in example of Germany, we have situation that state innitiate problem to minority- Lusatian Sorbs. In fact, Germans destroyed early medieval and medieval society of Lusatians and simple anexted Lusatian land to the newely created German state. On the other side, since their arrival in Serbian realm Albanians destroying cultural heritage of native Serbians. Both- Germans and Albanians are hostile invaders on Slavic lands, on lands of Lusatian and Balkan Serbs. Practicaly, native Lusatians are forced to be minority on their own land and now same happening to native Balkan Serbs who are now minority on Kosovo. Well, Kosovo is as itself, holly land for Balkan Serbs, their significant cultural center.

2. Then, Lusatian Sorbs are native population on land where they live, while Albanians represent later arrived population which was populated by conquerors (Ottoman Turks) over Serbian lands during Middle age and even later. So, native Christian Serbs were forced to abanden their lands and Muslim Albanians were populated by Turks. More later, during WWI, Austro-Hungarian occupator supported sufferings of Serbs and Albanians again expanded on the account on Serbians. Then, during WWII, Italian occupator again weakened Slaveno-Serbian ethnic element while Albanians were rewarded.

what else crossing my mind... What if Russia decide to punish Germany, `same way` as USA/EU/NATO/Germany punished Serbia? If Russia decide so, probably nothing can stop Russia.... well, almost nothing? ... i mean, let`s be realistic, if Russia decided to end German hegemonism, German joke (wanted to say- yoke) is history, oblivion

But, in case that Russia move in action of spreading democracy in Germany, if tries to dissolute German state, increase level of human rights of Lusatian Sorbs... there is among else moral dilemmas for Polish state...

What should Poland do if Russia decide to punish Germany? Should Poland join to Russia to also punish Germany or should Poland maybe defend Germany, considering its obligations to NATO?

What, for example, if Lusatian Sorbs sent call to their Polish (same as to Russian) brethren asking for help and protection from violance of German state? Should Poland abadon NATO pact and risk war with Germany, war with complete NATO? Then, what about EU? ETC....?

This program is important because it demonstrates that the nature of Naziism was known publicly as early as 1920. From Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton. Official English translation by E. Dugdale, reprinted from Kurt G. W. Ludecke, I Knew Hitler (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1937).


Program of the National Socialist German Workers Party


1. We demand the union of all Germans to form a Great Germany on the basis of the right of the self-determination enjoyed by nations.

2. We demand equality of rights for the German People in its dealings with other nations, and abolition of the Peace Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the nourishment of our people and for settling our superfluous population.


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