He did after all order the deaths of more soviet citizins than adolf ever did.....
yeah, he was so great.. least the pope didnt kill his own countrymen..
why you admire him so much? what great things did the nimwit do for you?
I bet if it was one of your great grandparents or grand parents whom he killed
you would be singing a different tune. we all know we cant change the past. we
should move on from the past,, but we also need to come to our sense's with
the past and by that I say, realize the differences and not say stupid things just
because this man ran your country for a while. they already did damage to the
countrys reputations, why would you want to stick up for a man who clearly
was a coward..
just like certain presidents of the states and other countries.. Im not going to
raise them up on a pedistal when I know they have done wrong.. thats giving all
of what I believe in away in the name of lies.. and I wont fall into that catagory..
I feel so sorry that you did..
this post was meant for constatinek