Guest 3 Mar 2006 / #2Try this (text-search the page for Bogn and Mart - there may be a couple of occasions during the year)tinyurl/oj3cm
Guest 30 Mar 2006 / #3that is really strange, my name is Marta Bogna, i'm italian, and i've thought bogna was just a surname....which is the tranlatoin for this nae in english?
OP derek 5 Apr 2006 / #5first name of my girlfriend is Bogna martabogna roughly translated means "gift from god"derek
Guest 5 Apr 2006 / #6and it is pronounced bog-nahMy comment was in reply to the post by our italian guest. I think her surname is pronounced differently - at least the 'gn' bit is read differently.
Guest 22 Apr 2006 / #7Bogna is a first name, not surname. I known that becouse I live in Poland whole my life :)About that translation what is mean "gift from god" I never herd :PFemale name Bogna is conveted from polish male name- Bogdan.It`s all I know about that name.
cboothe 30 Jul 2006 / #9Merged: Names Day in Poland - how to find out?How do I find out this Names day thing?
Kono 30 Jul 2006 / #10Here it is: are the names of the months in Polish (styczen - January, luty - February etc..):styczeń luty marzec kwiecień maj czerwiec lipiec sierpień wrzesień październik listopad grudzieńYou should be able to figure out the rest :).
OrientFan 1 | 5 13 Dec 2006 / #13Merged: Monika Name Day?Could someone please tell me the name day of a friend of mine called Monika? She was born on 25.08Thanks.
OrientFan 1 | 5 13 Dec 2006 / #15Thanks Krysia, I know her name day means a lot to her. Fortunately I have the same name day as her father so it's easy for her to remember!
krysia 23 | 3058 13 Dec 2006 / #16You Welcome.Usually a names day is observed to the one closest to a birthday, since her birthday is August 25, so it would be August 27.
cubic 2 | 63 9 Aug 2007 / #17Sorry to revive such an old thread, but it nicely sets the context for my question...krysia says that usually the name day observed is the one closest to a birthday (or, I've heard, the first one following a birthday.) Why would someone choose to celebrate a different name day? For example, why would someone called Monika, born in April, celebrate her name day on August 27?Thanks.
hello 22 | 890 9 Aug 2007 / #18Check this reply:
cubic 2 | 63 9 Aug 2007 / #19Thanks, hello. That's what I'd heard -- but then the name day of a Monika (born in April) should be May 4th. Why would she choose August 27th instead?
hello 22 | 890 9 Aug 2007 / #20The reason could be that she was given the name after a saint (in this case Saint Monika). Then the "default" name day date that should be the first date after the birth date is "overridden"; thus, the name day is when the particular saint's day is.
monique 8 Sep 2007 / #22my name is Monika and the only name day I have is on May 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beginner - | 3 22 Dec 2007 / #26Merged: **Polish name days- when are the main ones for these names?**Hi! I've noticed some names have several name days, but which ones are the main, celebrated ones? For:AleksandraMartaElzbietaMihauAndrzejKrzysztofThank you!
_Sofi_ 22 Dec 2007 / #27[I could be VERY wrong - but didn't somebody say once that it was the date closest to the person's birthday which is normally celebrated? If I'm wrong, ignore me!]
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599 22 Dec 2007 / #28Yes this is how I (now) understand it. The first name day after your birthday.
Beginner - | 3 22 Dec 2007 / #29This sucks:) I was gonna surprise someone by remembering their name days, but I don't know some of these people's birthdays..Hence, I won't know their name day. Oh well, never mind!Thanks though:)
PolskaDoll 27 | 1599 22 Dec 2007 / #30You can use the search engine here to find out more about name days though, then when you find out that someone's birthday, you can surprise them after it by knowing their name day :)